cover of episode Bye Week Baseball, Eagles ‘Constipated Offense’ and Defending Kickers with Pat McAfee | Ep 105

Bye Week Baseball, Eagles ‘Constipated Offense’ and Defending Kickers with Pat McAfee | Ep 105

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New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
参与Triple Click播客,讨论RPG游戏党员设定。
Pat McAfee
Travis 对自己主持新游戏节目感到既兴奋又紧张,他解释了游戏规则和名人嘉宾的作用。他还分享了他对电影《牛仔裤的夏天》的看法,并表示他和 Jason 对这部电影的评价存在分歧。 Jason 对 Travis 的游戏节目主持工作表示支持,并对电影《牛仔裤的夏天》发表了自己的评论,与 Travis 的观点有所不同。

Deep Dive

Travis discusses his debut as a game show host and the challenges of being on camera, including his experience with the new show 'Are You Smarter than a Celebrity?'.
  • Travis' new game show debuts on October 16th on Prime Video.
  • The show features celebrities assisting contestants in answering questions.
  • Travis shares his nervousness and excitement about hosting the show.

Shownotes Transcript


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I ve been thinking about this, said for years, I ve think think we've been talking. You can lame that night thinking, I need to get this .

show you .

this is why the game you get you are to bring the fans out for talk and shit you think you can feel.

Know what? I don't know if my hips got me in IT, we might have to find the.

Welcome back to new ice, ladies and gentlemen, a one dry show produced by waves, sports and entertainment and brought to you by. Find your power with we are here home some travel's Kelsey is my big brother Jason kells's e coming off the by week clever and heights high school alarm and bear cat alone the bar cats get back on a winning track given after uc f this weekend set out to the .

bar cases but they should used .

to describe on youtube wonder pleasure, whatever you get your podcast fall the shown on all social media at new light show of ones and Jason, you're now going to tell .

the people what we get coming up well up for all the weekends and against the we're joined by a very special guest. Wow, who's definitely going to destroy me for my take.

Getting rid of kickers?

Absolutely ridiculous. But it's the one and only the answer himself. Mcafee a, we got we've been waiting for this one for a long time. love. I mean, party, most legended media person out there right now.

So good. Just ridiculous .

ly talented.

I cannot wait to talk to him about this last one, this one in new gene organ. Over this past weekend, he got everybody to start chain a singing along to shout, and, oh my fucking gosh, was IT amazing. I literally started singing along as I was watched in the video.

Got goose bombers like, man that had to be fucked and rock in. He makes your fun. Men is so watch.

no matter what .

does had fun exactly .

before I get crushed by probably most legendary kicker to play the game at this point, feel little bit of that are ready. Are you smarter than a celebrity premiere? That's right, travis, brand new show.

Are you smarter than a celebrity? They abused today, october sixteenth, on prime video, oh, shit is today, is today. Fuck well tomorrow. But today i'm terrified.

terrified what people going to say. IT is A, I had so much fucked and fun doing. Are you? Are you smarter?

Yeah, you tell me about this.

There's a lot of good, so much fun.

man, so the thing I didn't, I thought so the celebrities aren't the contest, and right?

No, the contestants .

on the show, ryan h. Patric mico .

buyer, there are not .

the contestants. They are the ones that are assisting the contestants with the answers. right?

Like to see old are you smarter than a fifth?

Great where they're are that answer whether their their own .

there are a few twist to this game and um I do a great job of describing IT in the episode just got a yeah you turn that thing on you. You'll get caught up to all the rules and regulators that we get going on with the celebrities. And how the celebrities is can help you out.

Maza did actually send us a couple clips from the show. Oh, there's one where you learn what a bb. L is. I don't know .

if I know what. Yes.

so let's track out this clip, my man, fit.

If I lose my glue, i'll just go get one of those.

You know, you're playing for one hundred thousand dollars.

Go, if you win that money, what are you going to do with that?

You really want to know. Of course, I do 鼓掌。

And no.

Hi 我 B B O K .

and drag .

a wag。 I I didn't .

hear say that was can you tell the audience what A B B L is? B you know A B B L is a bigger .

bh bigger, but it's A B.

B wh the B B L.


是一个 let I I know where to go if I lose my glutes。 Coach reads, started seeing, seeing these glues get a little sagging. I'll just go get a bb l and these these things up.

Did I go? What you got to do? Do some ideals si a little bit is some squats in, get them boots you see, he said, i'm .

trying to drag a wagon yeah.

yeah, i'm looking lie. I'm not a fair of the BBS, not a fair of the BBS the lizard .

man IT .

looks OK IT looks so crave for like a couple of a years maybe. But then that thing that start saying and IT looks like you got a dip on the book ety it's not a good look .

IT doesn't happen like that all the time.

Yes, IT does, but not a fan of the BBA. I M going .

to do some clue bridges the words.

you can build the wagg in nature. You don't need the synthetics unless you got Kelsey jeans but then .

you're got a big fuck and like stiff aspect there. Yeah, you got a big hard.

But when you're not clinch IT still got some. I don't know. I'm not yeah, i'm not a fan of him.


This doesn't have the right shape. He just looks bad when your hamstrings don't match. When the hamstrings don't match, s IT doesn't look good. I'm just been like it's not a you can't just add the s and then get go ham's .

that right?

Small cap, small hamstring in a wagon. We get into this. You got bad circulation where all your fat deposit you just accumulate in your eyes. This seems like this is an unhealthy thing.

Well, where you go, kids outside of learning what a bb l was. There was a fun show. And I never, never in a million years, thought I was ever going to ever be an actual host of a game show.

I always thought I was gonna fun, like, maybe go on one of the game shows. yeah. And then somebody asked me, do you want to host IT? And like, I mean, I guess I used to like mimic all the game show hosts a kid like just fucked in around. And I love, I love the game shows for sure.

We used to watch the game show tworog .

the time me shows.

I still well, then you might .

like this when Jason, I actually I was asked how how well my family would do uh, on the show and I and I was like, man, you know what? I think you and bigger to be pretty solid.

Dad would be good. Dad knows a lot of useful knowledge. She's must spend a lot of time in front of the computer.

not really go in anywhere with them. He remembers stories very well. I'm not I blank on and i'll confused with something in our beat.

If you let bigger be a celebrity and buffo wings while he's playing, he might not miss a question. He might get every single one of them.

If you give.

he's got a deal .

with him to in Y T. You get on that. Yeah, you get.

Slope, why why could be. What's the churchill said that.

who knows?

Well said, like my wednesday are going to be very full.

Yeah, play a, play a. And let me know how good you do.

What time? What time is this premiere to have?

No idea what time of its streams. I'm pretty sure what .

I know it's streams, but usually there's like it's a debut, doesn't have a time as is just a day.


So I can watch IT immediately so IT doesn't interfere with the greek reat night.

There you go, you go. Not sick. I can see .

me on the T. V.

Please tell tell me how well you do because I was actually, I was kind of like cuisine myself, going through the questions in the back, just making sure I would read him once, just so that I, because i'm a terrible reader. So I would make sure I would get all the pronunciations don't like corrected in the background. But yeah, I would love to see how well you do.

sure. We do IT just, can we get the video from prime? And then i'll just do IT I answer him, bomb, bomb c ibs. Do IT life. Yeah.

I just tell me nice. yes. Makes you guys to check their thing out on amazon. Believe IT was on prime our new wind plastic inclusive this thursday.

And in more new news, our next one plus inclusive will be and like I available thursday, we both watched the sister hood of the traveling pants. We did yeah, happened IT was an electric movie. I say, what have any glue to the screen the whole time? Our first meeting of the new heights film club.

And we're going to give you guys our review, make sure you tune in to find out whether Jason was right to judge the movie or its title or if he was that actually like pleasantly surprised by the movie. Who knows you want to want to miss this and make sure that if you want to be a part of the film club with a sign up for wunder plus, you'll get an early access of episodes without interactions. And we're still giving you three, three months of one plus. One plus offer is only available for limited time, so get on IT with a wandering back camps. Less new heights offers to redeem.

I don't think I did match the title.

I mean, you did.

The pants really are a big part of the movie to me.

What the pants are like, the bringing them into a lot of their like.

well, we don't want to get too much of this review.

We're going to save IT. Yes, I actually had something to do with the movie, had nothing to do with they tied all the girls together. Jason.

yeah, you're the child. Childhood and friendship entire.

not enough. We need pants. Will talk about IT in the one you plus.

So I shouldn't be that should be the like they on't even the actor like they were genes. I couldn't like the whole movies. Premise is like these girls are amazed because of the first fair jagging they tried on. And there's some index to .

you're giving IT a wage, you're giving a review .

sister hood of the travellin jagging. So I should have been .

called yeah .

out of the house moving on. We both got out of the house this best week and we're going to talk about IT uh out of the house is brought to you by the powerful backing of american express I til gated at the link and then went up to east relevant red new jersey were at tag with buffalo bills and new jersey jets fans new york difference um draft you had by this week and um there's a small chance that we also saw you out of the house yeah no you .

saw me at the the guards and gangs game and we .

saw you before. That too is courtesy of this picture right here. We saw you go on out to eat and look like maybe you guys are in new york city. You.

it's what we do. Do you like to go out? And yes, yeah.

I mean, who does IT my? Wouldn't p, what in the world was a shirt that we got to show this? I.

I have no idea. I think it's just art, I think is just people. And then there's a horse. I don't know .

what's on the need. That horse.

i'm not sure didn't I didn't really look at this shirt like that when I got that. I just like the color in the patterns and stuff. IT looks like a hand. It's a finger, like a pointing finger like that.

It's kind of cropped funny, but that on this picture kind of appears like a horse cut.

Be crazy if I was where the horse all, that's crazy. That's why I always got a really, you know.

you kind of .

make sure you know what you're wearing. Kids are you just everybody can just assume now.

of course, well, we do know what you're worry because british gq did a whole breakdown on the shirt.

A nice day. York city.

the american foobar player wore a navy boling shirt with a camp color design and a boxy fit released as part of jako latest laa laine. Um it's a signature move from the french label, uh, floy fun and more viBrant. They're size and minimalist. Paris, so fancy saying to button down with horses and people fucking .

in on IT people fucking in. I mean, what you got out of that?

Look at these two people right here.

ridiculous. That woman is right. That other.

no IT. You can you to see that guy's legs?

They are still. They're sitting .

next to each other. No, no.

no. He's underneath your making. There's nothing saying that that there having sex but .

what are her tits out forth or not having sex?

SHE could just be wearing a very tight shirt that shows .

her her tits. She's got a bb l on the .

backside of that I mean.

what's happening in the strings .

right here? Your ridiculous. The fact that that actually fired up is absolutely ridiculous.

sure. We also saw you at the guardian jack's game while you new new york. You also caught guardian jane's A L C S game.

A H game. Baby, play off baseball.

What is this about playing up baseball? And so election.

I think it's just the the intensity, you know, you play all those was at one hundred and eighty two games, do you know for these moments. And then every single pitch matters. Every single pitch matters.

A few got away from our our first relief there, unfortunately, and and share enough we would just went able to to bounce back from the janki is power man. I'll tell you what, man, when stanton and solo, when they get to hold one man, 我不是 ball flies off the bad men。 IT is impressive. That is impressive ship. My guy judge is he's right there.

I'm having a huge game and I mean, the whole time i'm just i'm scream and i'm in hostile territory because is the bronx bombers and I met the yankee stadium in the playoffs and over here chain for the guards because i'm a clever and kid and I want to see clive and win a fucking world series and yeah IT was mixed feelings because I was there trying to have some fun with today and everybody all all our friends E I and Chelsea came uh left co and im came. Oh nice we had a unbelievable crew uh with us and hang and with us and um you know he was a IT was fun IT was fun even though the guards could not pull that off um IT was still an exciting, exciting game. And that was cool to see janki stadium because I i've always wanted to see that thing in person in a playoff game in a hostile environment. And IT didn't disappointment. The yankees, the fans, the players, everybody many was awesome.

There is some about playoff baseball that and I love regular baseball. Anytime you go on the ball park, you get a hot dog going to bear you having some fun. So yeah, but playoff baseball are almost the history of IT.

You get swept up in like the moment. It's one of the most iconic, I will say I don't think it's good to play of hockey. I don't know that anything could be to play of hockey now, but player space was pretty and good.

I feel like, I feel like IT IT does because you can get the play, you know, the player stories a little bit more. And not to say that hockey doesn't do a great job of that, but you just don't see, you know, hockey players wanted to put themselves out there if for everybody gets to know him just says what IT is just not kind of the culture of the of the league.

I don't think yeah, I think that's part of fair. I think yeah, I do think that part of the culture, part of its you're just not as popular for support as as baseball. Yes, there were you know helmets itself.

So you seem a think of the open face mass. Most of them yeah, I think you're right. I think a lot of IT does come down to the hockey culture.

I just feel like i'm more investing single player like if if the yankees play the dragons, you know a little new york versus the old brooklin doug's you right?

It's a sport that ruled by the by the the star power. It's a star power driven league.

You put a guy like SOHO tony yeah in new york and and you like, I want to see how he reacts to, you know, a hostile environment like that. I think that's exciting for me to see. As a as a player, every single time I see him up with bad, i'm going to be glued into every single pitch. It's hard to find that in any other sport, you know, let alone in the playoffs.

I think it's also, we just group up in the nineties with the indians, and we just loved baseball so much because they were so good. How many world series or play of games that we go to? I don't only one world's game do IT.

I only went to the I R.

I went to the all star.

You went to the world series. I remember going to just take the rapid a downtown and go into games for like a five dollar, a ten dollar ticket. Uh, or if a friend had an extra take for me, we would all just jump on the rapid and go down town.

A mom and dad didn't have many tickets bought. We usually were .

had season tickets that they would .

split up with a couple of other people. So go with Brandon. We did go to the one playoff game together because the story about how we fell a sleep in, like the fourth ending, or something like that, we were like fast asleep, because is a light game no way out.

Text, mm, right now? No, I just, there's no way I ever have fell asleep at a at a tribe game.

Mom tells the story. Don't think we were kids. We were like very Young. We maybe maybe .

if we went to the game and I really didn't know what was going on, but every game that I went. I I was the biggest like fee for sports ever. If I ever went to a ball game or uh like a basketball game or anything like that, like I was so glued.

Nobody nobody is attacking your fair lazy.

If you think that I was sleep during one .

of these game, IT doesn't matter how do bag .

mom and dad took buy the the twenty dollar ruster book so that I could actually keep score of the game, which means i'm watching every single .

pitch nobody is at all and i'm telling you, you I think .

just saying that you fellas I was paying mother just been back.

Hopefully if the heritage e didn't ruin phone, I think that you the thing is like my kids, blue is like crack to them. They will be glued to blue, but they're still children. And eventually the rains are going to shut IT down and there's going to fall asleep.

I don't know what tell I never felt .

sleep IT game i'll text ed to that .

was be A A shell to my show, to my guys that I actually know on the yanks rizo big judge, um if I missing somebody, i'm initiate. But those guys are half fame, just people, man, just like there is some of my favorite guys to be around when I do get a chance to hang out with him. Saw saturday night live two years ago, I believe with them, and was just cool. Cnc, nm, chase IT, chase the ring, even though I want my god to find a way to get, come on, come home. And this is a tough place to play.

The brother I text that the travel I ever falsely, but indeed give me said, no, I did.

He dad, he's like us. That's where we get our sleeping from. He could fall a sleep in a fuck and rock counts.

not Better. Had some clever and sports. So we are going into you into the guards game. And I saw a Browns game.

yeah was tailgating about IT who knew Jason? Tailgating IT was the second weekend and row. You've got to do some tailgating out there in a filly. Well, tailgating general, I guess filly, there's the first time in like two weeks you actually hit two different tailgates. Let's start with the eagle s game first.

How was your second time tailgating at the link? You know, a little bit more genuine this time, knowing you didn't have all the, did I guess you say cameras following you? never.

Cm was following. Yeah, this, the first one was more like a preplanned. Al, this one was kind of like, just show up and like china experienced. But I turned IT to kyo. Yeah.

IT was a blast.

man. IT was the cause. yeah. Bb, shut you a jersey. No, I especially the throw backs do that. I got my guy. We're going to talk about the the bills of jett game in a second.

I got a great jersey from that one, but uh, IT was awesome rock and hair car Michael used harold used to be, uh, the director of player development. That was his role, the eagles when I first got here, so got to spend a lot of time with them. He was instrumental in helping a lot of Young players in the worker is out, get an activated new people to the city.

Uh, just an awesome personalities. So I was really cool to great jersey. IT was awesome. Okay, I mean, let's get to hold up a baby. See this picture right here, you like.

I I think those of the words I also went to somebody get engaged in front of me that was not planned, at least on my b af. That came out of nowhere.

Oh, SHE. Bran dockers .

got married. Bran doctors proposed to this one lovely lady.

and where there any fill IT off your delicate that you got into? Like, alligator.

Yeah, allegation was not on the menu this week, but there were two sticks. Everybody's got sausage. One of the guys said this.

Jt, chicken set up on this shark. L like, tail. I I was probably girl specifically for taga.

I had had never seen IT, though he was dope. Just sit on the ground. Let me tell the chicken. Pretend I had .

my first time I had a jerk beef.

jerk beef. I've ever heard a jar beef. Who's doing? Jr, beef.

I never mind. I don't even know if he was that he was a jerk posted IT was a jerk posted with beef in IT.

I mean, you can do jerk anything probably. He's just the jerk seasoning. Yeah, I just never had anyone ever had jerk chicken, maybe.

And lastly, there was an insane video going around, if you chucking a bear, yes, the focus wasn't as much on you as I was on the camera, man, next year. And this is why you shouldn't go on top of trailers, kids.

I will say this woman was up there already and um SHE offered to go up there and I like, yeah, i'm not going to turn down the opportunity trail. I never been on top of the trailer. Almost felt like, you know, I remind to be if I fall like I was in tremors, I felt like I was like one of the guys in tremor ors up on the bus. Remember that scene, the the warm things that were the .

world of the desert?

Yeah, they would get up on top of vehicles and steps that they weren't touch in the ground then, which are pop in the tires. Yeah, I don't know. I got saying flash back the moment I get up there.

My guy, I don't know how he got up there. This latter was like, I was nervous going at myself like, very old. I did not look like he was at, heard very well.

And somehow this guy climbed up there with the camera. I mean, IT was oppressive. That is up there to begin with.

Yeah, didn't know there was a skylight there. Stepped, broke right through the window in the, in the roof. Luckily he's good.

He's okay. Camera fell out. I thought he was done down, done, done.

So he ran down their fast .

picked IT up start record and work perfectly fun. I don't know out .

what that's how doubled those things are.

I don't think they are. But somehow that thing must fell just right. IT was insane.

That's like a tend to awfully droit.

那 这个 charge does not a peace of equipment。 That camera I I assume I think is expensive.

Where you like shooting the dock with a ear camera was a year guy.

They're helping with another thing we're doing with sb n, that I think we were waiting to canto unleashed that.


They were there shoot with that they were really with nfl films, shooter with, but they the camera dropped kind of, I thought I was gone for sure. hope. Luckily I knew he was alright with the way he got up. And then um he just kept up and kept gordon. He is a chopper.

This is you show people good things happen when you .

show you get good content. Well, now i'm two for two .

now that you tell .

me done most lucky is OK well, doesn't surgery and now this I my I mean, I don't know, maybe i'm cursed.

Yeah, if you see Jason hugging.

don't move. yeah. So this was awesome, is a fun time, fun event being out there with the eagles fans.

A little weird seeing Brown's fans. And I was ribon them, but obviously be being from clear. And I still love the Browns in particular. This is one tent dudes, and there from sainty niches, really happy to be there. So the school scene.

Brown is in attendance, fell dangers. This is a big game.

IT was a big game. Week six, it's not divisional, but both of the teams needed the wind. Bad like clive on is in a bad spirit now. And I mean, honest, we have been real honest, their bad football team, I mean, was, I came watching that game thinking clean's worse than anything else like that office just cannot get to figure out right now.

I think he was a rough go around for both teams because we heard some syrian ani chance. But we'll get to that later, lisa, like a little bit of monday night football countdown, little money. I countdown with the spin.

H, and you use to the bills jets game in the meddle. Ds, and you were reunited with your people. Build mafia.

You started, yeah, you started things off once again, drinking out of a bowling ball. Got that, went back. And you like that when so much, except this time we actually know what was in IT.

He has get the pits around, offers me a shot out of one ball. I'm not going to turn out bit around.

And why blue gator because i'm not supposed .

to drink when i'm on monday I countdown. It's one of the cavy ts of working for sp n. They don't like you to be seen drinking alcohol or even drinking alcohol before they put you on live television. That's fair. Unless you're pmc me, then you get a 我 有 吐 了。

when you're the greatest, you get different yeah, you treated differently.

That is that is well, but so what i'm wearing that there is a hat from the water buffo club, seven one six. And they have a grand pool. ba.

What the a grand pool? Ba, and that's .

what the fed fluent for instone of IT is, and they annointed me that which is basically, i'm king of the tail gate for the day. I'm king of bill motive, which felt a little we're getting while I wore this jersey in honor of a legendary different alignment who recently unfortunately passed away this week. Abdul salam, that's right.

The last member of the new york's ec exchange, not in the ring honor for the new york jets, but notice the soldier of peace. But yeah, we we having a lot of fun out there in the T O, K. Bills mafia IT. Doesn't matter where there. There have fun, fellow midwesterners, obviously there's a kinship .

buffalo's .

really well, I consider anybody that is. There's no way you're right, if you're on the lake, you all those cities just good people, they think the same. They all just want to have fun and a great time. We get out there with the buffalo bills mafia. The jets fans .

are awesome to and a jets, the bills as more .

of a production like they have a lot more going on. There's like people that travel and obviously awake in for them. So those fans have like there they're like ritual als that they are going to with everything yeah well as like the jets fans was like, oh yeah, you should be a firefight. I not just got tailgate to the games like that was, you know, glad of that. No kind of appreciate you .

to .

this is one of the I like, this is pretty cool.

You just using .

IT to get nickname yeah .

this is me. You're going to .

be a heart before you know if people .

are going to be giving you everything, that's good shit right there and then you had a water of change. After you tailgating, you actually put on a fuck in suit about IT. I think the suit nice.

I think that one, there's a reason why people warn suits for a long time. So get up there with the tie. This one obviously fit color scheme wise with the game, but mairan Clark was in the jets suit colors. This one, I had this color already, my closet electric blue.

And I, man, I don't .

know when i'm ever gonna AR this like very blue, blue. Like, I don't know when that's going to happen as, like, you know what, I think this might be the .

perfect week if if you're jets, I could see, I could see you playing for the bills.

I would have fit in really well. Yeah, I mean, ray, for that, anybody the beard to fit in well with the beard, the bills, right?

Yeah, man, you fucked and snapping up to josh on would have been fucked in dangerous .

snap and rain fits patrol .

who fits magic irani bills?

Bills is the sound that appreciates your office line to much like clavel's, much like philadephia the bills like my man, eric wood, he's been up there. He's like, calls, the games or bills radios, stuff like that. Still, it's the town that definite appreciates the big guys of front sods.

It's an office of line having town I get. Where do you get buffalo wing?

So terisa was the one given out the grand po ba tire. And there was another woman, I don't remember her name, but he had the buffalo wing necklace, is for me, which is my kind of jury.

If i've got a few, those things do not one, once, twice. And that doesn't for all. The house brought you by the powerful backing of american express .

a right .

now let's talk about our next sponsor, mint mobile. And IT. Looks like we actually have a message here from our garran reals himself.


Should we play a Jason? yeah.

please. Brandon, on, get on. IT. This is a little ryan supremo mobile.

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And apparently i'm a great company because juja w and teja, what might be the palatine guys after seeing these outputs they posted? Did you see A J, J tweet? These outputs are are outrageous.


He average twenty seven point five miles per hour.

His clothes bigger. Me is an entire human.

So what are the watts made of? And teach, T, J, B.

T, J, B.

T, J was seven, so he was eight, and I, T, J got seven.

Well, eighth place out of fifty four thousand people and five hundred and fifty three output on a twenty and ride yeah, I i'll say that that's electric. And of course, jj, what is still mad? There were seven people who finished ed, that of the ridiculous.

just said one of those seven people with tj who came in seven place, which is even more. This happened in season. T.

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Yes, I had to buy this week, so we have no updates for for cheese, foobar, the eagles, did they play and IT was they win? The ego got a dub eagles twenty. Brown sixteen. And I will talk about earlier Jason e was their tail game before the game. Um initial thoughts though on the actual game I say always .

good when you win. So good take wates on the game. Defense played a lot Better. No turn covers for the office in general.

Still, though I came away from the game again, we kind of mentioned the earlier thinking more about clive and probably is a struggling team right now. Then I didn't thinking that the eagles really controlled the game. So I don't think he was like an impressive performance by other team.

But that being said, wind's, when baby, i'm taking that all day, day, day, improved in some areas that devens played so much Better. And I think offensively, there was sporadic, felt a little bit disconnected, but at times good. And then obviously, what have you got A J Brownback and healthy. It's not a bad thing.

Don't forget skinny but men. You had both A J and skinny batman um back in the office. But you can still haven't scored in the first courter yet through five games, zero points in the first quarter of every single game they played so far.

I think they were drive towards in the first quarter and almost happened. But I think yeah, IT hasn't been good start to games. And as you know, a lot of starts to games come down to like what you have planned coming in and what you think you're going to see.

And I think the eagles I don't want to speak for this this year because I don't know as much whether it's happened this year, but jAiling has always been a guy has been schemed, different tly because is a different quarterback c right? And we tend to run different place in different offence of uh structures and a lot of other teams do. So I don't know if it's like they're not getting quite what they expect.

I like some of this is bad execution, like i've definitely seen drops and slow stars from the players. So I think a lot of IT is just accountability on both sides, right? Players have to be accountable to getting off to a fassa start and being locked in to start the game.

And then I think also offensively, you know, getting the stuff that you feel like you maybe you're more of your britain, but does that make sense? Like sometimes I think the the early plays end up being game playing. Specific plays maybe start with place that are more just generic part of your office. Maybe I don't kind of grasping straws. IT feels like .

the eagles are starting get a little frustrated with IT, at least the eagles players lane johnsson he is with the all time quote where a constipated offence that's what IT bleeping feels like.

Yeah IT a constipated office.

I mean, that shit in their men yeah shin, they just .

now that x legs go on.

Yes, you I know it's .

a great definition and you go for go figure lane just can pull that out of his as the conspired offence a great line. And that's what IT means. Exactly what IT feels like.

IT just feels kind of disconnected. Auto sm feels like it's like they have the players. They make spot plays here and there.

But IT doesn't feel like that full on slot of place to go off one another that you're typically saying, yeah, it's more like guys make plays like A J going up there and catching a fly, fly ball, which I know there are any fifty, fifty balls of A J Brown. Obviously the wrong game struggle little bit, which caliban's got some horses in front. They got good players, so shut out to them for showing up.

And my mind, gym shorts for downtime, a game plan they had to place there were there. They did. They just watching IT back. They had some counters. They had some things drawing up where it's to take, man, if that just happens, that things creed there's an early run where like six one runs into landa dickson and like land and decoration makes the tack right and as like he's on the single safety like that at least a ten yard you he breaks one tao explosive and who knows how big .

IT is place to be had .

some of IT comes under executing some of IT just feels like I think that they're trying to figure things out right now because they have struggled a little bit in recent weeks, especially missing A J and divantages, that I think will continue to get Better. Obviously having those guys out there this we helped another week of figure themselves out, hopefully keep going and starts to find some rythm and is a little bit less constipated yeah more be sive.

Well, a Brown finish with reset for one hundred and sixteen yards and a touchdown. Ja, connected to first the game two and two year arter um he also called a lecture game ceiling reception in a forty years past with two minutes left to play IT sounds like a cliver might one cover zero and they just said, fuck were put IT up. What do you think of this a this playbook here late in the game. And then I also did why IT h notices pink shoes are back.

I was not watching and why but super, I did.

IT was not cover zero, just straight up. Cover one with the safety up. And our man hole hole is what we call a double L D.

Picking crosses and just making the counter back through over top, which he did. You did beautifully great pitching kitch um by guys, two guys. I know how to do IT the best in the league.

This is A J Brown is going to come down with these catches like nine times. He's a base. He's small batman. I do think back to the the slow starts and maybe game playing specific plays, IT felt like a good way to booked that sometimes as a utilizing tempo.

And I think that they do is sometimes, but I feels like jail when they go into these two minute situations. He goes more to like automatic mode. I wouldn't be opposed that maybe mixing some tempo early in the game like here and there to you know Spark symm enum.

And I think that it's worked in the past with him in particular. And I think as an offence, I always like when you're going going to temple, you have to call more generic stuff that goes off of one another. It's okay.

We know we like this, was this, know, I like this, was this. And a kind of, know, because of the temple nature of IT, you can do all these crazy things. Now, I like the keller's brought more motions and more interesting things.

We still need to do that. But maybe sometimes early on, just like getting rythm, sometimes utilizing that helps. So maybe they do that. I don't know yeah that the coaches is coaches so .

yeah coaches is no best and no key figure that out syrian knows what he's doing over there. The monte Smith also had a big death, finished with three cats of sixty four yards. Is good to see the dynamic duo in the wide receiver, a group over there starting to get back on track.

But nixy yanni big things coming out of this game that we ve got to talk about, syriana appears to be tripping back at the eagles and i'm not sure if he was necessarily chopping back or you know how to like you was a confrontation or he was just, you know, trying to get fired up with them. We don't know what was actually said, at least I don't think so. The fans who nick jian ni was yelling at after the eagles win posted his side of the story context on redit nice.

He's already guy. I began to yell in quotes um if you start running back, gets you five on the on first down, you give IT to him again. Run, run the ball, run the ball and I had some more to say where you get the point yeah sounds like eagles fans coaching in the and that's what they do. The coach know what they think they should do I mean, it's it's fans the nick irian .

I run the ball stuff you nick turned around obviously everybody saw this gesture from the calm down and said something that effect we will don't worry. I'm on IT but actually they didn't see that. So nico, around beforehand, just your tune to calm down, said something to the effect that we will don't worry about IT fast forty.

And the game came over to us and said, I know you. We want IT 着急。 Admittedly, pair phrasing, I had indulged quite a bit.

The point is I was I was not unwarranted in, nor did I see his aggressive I don't know there's always first to verify if this fan was indeed the fan that nick was yelling IT. This is a red post, which is far from a verified source. But IT is intriguing because I think that would need you to believe that this maybe not be as big of a deal.

Everybody saying IT is and IT probably isn't. Regardless, I think nicking his press or or announced you, we thrive off the crowd and cheer force. And the the the team had been trying to get him back to being the like, emotional leader that he is.

And obviously he coming on monday, I was trying to bring the energy, enthusiasm, all that, i'm sorry, disappointed in the way I directed IT at the end of the game. Managers should be all in on coaching, motivating, celebrating our guys. So he knows that.

And it's a loose, loose Operation when you start going back and forward. Fans, it's tough. It's never going to be seen right? And only empowers people to talk bore trash because they know they're getting to you. And we talked about this with joy bos, joy boat, the link fish on, fish on, we got of like you can't do IT, it's just not gonna.

But if people i've seen this because the citizen monday night, like people I all you defendant what defending them, I think this is he shouldn't be doing this like, I don't think that right, but at the same time I will defender min, like he needs to be emotional. He needs to be passionate. That's when he is a Better coach and he knows that and the team knows that.

And I think that directing you in the right way is what we want to see. And I think that for the majority, the game that we saw, you saw neck fired up. The team needed that.

They needed to win this game. He knows what's on the line and it's getting the sense of urgency is highlight now filled out you. So yeah, not good to be directing IT in this way.

Nick knows that that's clear. Hopefully continue to bring the passion and the energy in more productive ways that won't have a bunch of people on T, V, shout about stuff you that be great. Well.

I feel like you you just gave us your front of thoughts. So yeah, that's IT you.

I think that I was still an underperformance by the eagles. They still got a lot to work on. But the good thing is week four, where we are. Good thing is we six, right?

Week seven, week seven games six.

week seven cut him.

This is flying by all. And eagles are going to take the subway over the new york or a new jersey, I should say.

where the giants, we giants.

but looking .

at bed and good.

So maybe a fun game. We did have one voice of reason, maybe an unlikely voice of reason for our guy. Dumpy eagles are literally a wide open two years second, one arki catch away from being formed one while missing AJ Brown for three weeks and the loan loss being when A J Brown middle lane johnsson .

we're all out reason .

take duty and dump good fucking to .

level headed philly fanatic tet to around your belley .

button take out there you don't always get that .

of there was die hard sometimes .

there was die hard sometimes .

just a week, six week up. Not the best week for football last week. Great week for foobar. So the offer is reamed grate around the league this week. Get back to a little bit of slapping.

Ss, the big news break um that we have following the week is the about the atoms is now a jet jets coming off with their lost monday night football to the bills short lived amount of agony just jack, um I mean jumping for joy. Uh this is this should explain the office. I see Wilson. It's going to add another dynamic .

every time, any time any office, or any time any halloween. Courtier g gets this kind of receiver or gets his like legendary receiver that he has been always on the same page with, gets him back yet. No, that this office is going to be a lot. D Better just is what IT is.

Yeah, absolutely. The office look invigorator to with taught downing calling .

place yesterday. I just felt like they were more in the .

back to the friend. And I got to IT running ball, coach, running ball.

It's a good point.

Other news, cowboys home losing right now in three. They've lost three and all. They didn't lose a single regular season home game last year. I don't think it's gratingly lost three this .

season after what was lost this week either. Man, IT was likely Jerry .

Jones birthday. Happy birthday jar almost got a fifty burger from the .

detroit lions. We are. They were fucking around. I'm not going to. They were throwing, hooking lateral the office of line men. They were throwing office of line man out outside the numbers like like they were .

doing the screen. Yes, oh yes, dance skipper eligible .

IT IT was interesting, but I I don't think anybody can really point a finger on what exactly is wrong with the cowboys. IT just doesn't look like they're playing very well together.

Yeah no, they've struggled to stop the run all year around. And I just think the games of the difference is really struggled has been like the ravens detroit shocker, build those .

teams really good .

about here, right? Actually, you've gotten I felt like they were getting Better. And you know detroit is so good at IT, they've been asserting their will all season long. And then gear golf, it's IT behind you. I mean, it's it's bent Johnson, the guys that they haven't detroit. It's an impressive, impressive unit on their offensive uh, side of the ball in defense about obviously we saw in hutson to go down with a very graphic injury almost like an ema style hopefull. He's our it'll get back eventually .

when he get tatho for the game of flip all man and obviously he sucks for him in his family man and nobody likes to see an injury, let alone one like that. And hopefully he gets, he gets write back to full strength as fast as possible, known how amazing with a player is, but shout to the hush and should hopefully there .

can you back to full in Michael parsons. They need some of their guys back. It'll be soon to see the shakes out. Its washington been doing a help a job I know they lost this week um to the um i've mean the monster that's over there and bolt more, but they're been trained to good wide over right now.

The end of these other results from across the league, great texas, forty one patriots, choy one texas, come on on, texas started they up. They've been win the games. It's honestly reminds me a little bit of you guys where they just find a way to get that done at the end games. A.

C, J, shoud and company, yeah, especially with a drag, may get ad for debut. Yeah, packers, cardinals, packagers run away with that one. The most interesting game to me though, was that raven commanders game. I really wanted to see how the Young guy handle the pressure of of going up against ravens defense, because they they fly around, they are smart, their well coached, they just, they always have a nc for forget around the football. And them didn't make IT easy on the Young y man.

He played IT right? I thought I actually j and played well. The thing they really think they're been great at run in the ball all season long the ravens took that away and IT made IT like, hey, you're gonna to beat us and he still play well.

He had him in term cn and they're built the head of a connection. Mcconnell, a couple of catches around my house. This due, just catch his ball.

IT was believable. Like, pull out one of those every fucking game. Now, well, the box put up a fifty burger on the since. Man, yes, they did bucks office. Man, that's another one when they'll run in the fuck and football good lot IT is going to make Bakers day so much easier if you can just get some good play action and really get everybody to to declare what they're doing here and get I got mike Evans in a fuck and one on one situation and that's .

a you could look at their office quietly. I mean, besides maybe the denver game, I think quietly their office has been killing .

people's bloss via.

yeah, they are making place. They are looking real good because we are going to they jumped out to like a three score. These almost then the the states came back and took the lead. And then all the sun, I was like to run a way show for the box. Very weird.

yeah. Well, stealers thirty two. Riter thirteen. And the stealers said, now it's not good enough just in feels we're going to go ahead and go with a russia elson, I don't understand. I thought the stealers were playing pretend with Justin fields, but I guess they they got something else didn't in their backpacks thing and their russels going to give them more offence.

They're got to done verse the raters that's all .

the matters right yeah yeah there are win in football games yeah not any any other more interesting um games .

I guess bears over Jackson bill in london caliber, liam's second consecutive week where you can see the Young fellow starting to build some chemistry. He's looking Better a joe flaco wins another one for the colts eighteen hours getting back to, you know, maybe a little bit of what they have been. Ox have struggled a little bit ever since the lions game there.

There are another one dealing with injuries.

Yeah the lions play so physical there's some crazy that I know what IT is off the time ahead of my teams after they play the lions that they're like one percent and ages weight down yeah .

because how physical that game is .

a nee up finding k ams, before we get to our guests, pat mac phy, let's answer a couple of your no dumb questions because there no such thing. Is the questions just just ask people.

D, no, the question .

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on premium wireless yes.

deb. thirteen. M now that the nh season has started, which hockey players pastor present do you think could play in the nfl and at what position? Ergen, indra, complain the l yeah, pretty confident about that. Think you think is the title, do I? So he came to the golf out and we have for being failure this year.

He's massive man sive like he could have put on .

way easily and played the line. He definitely could play tight.

And yeah, i'm thinking he is a titan.

I think that that's .

probably the most accurate. What was the number eight? Come on. okay.

A who else fregate yager with this freak mullets would have been awesome to watch other on a football field .

that would have been awesome to see. I don't know what position is playing, but I um you think loja IO could have found his way as a wide .

receiver or something? I don't know. Maybe I mean, he's five.

I and storms, I don't .

know TV stuff, maybe safety, maybe safety. He he used to come in and asked your arms so anybody like he's just one of them type of guys. So mentality wise, yes, metal wise, absolutely could bring the file physical. Can I have to see that?

What about some of the bruises from the league? What's his name playing for the fuck and leaves who who he play for last year?

I always know charle charle.

the six eleven define there from the, I mean, what position would you play?

I don't be at the end, got the rich, got some like week to he puts some wait on place often to tackle. They go, I mean department, keep the guy in front a got that skill.

You think a guy like me, David, is the fastest thing on fuck and ice in a play receiver running back. He he waves like a running back when he's on the ice.

he's got the elusiveness.

but it's got the vision for running back.

It's just hard to gage skating is. So I think, guys, it's skate incredibly well. Then you see him run on a field and it's just not the same not that they're on athletes, ted.

It's like it's a different it's an entirely different muscle groups that you're activate and ice skate and then you are when you're actually running. But the elusiveness there, the quickening is the twitch. Is there maybe past .

or present with waye risky finding .

his way on and a fell .

fall ball fill, I wins.

I I mean, he's in the, we talk about this later parent greatness is greatness. So probably would find and figured IT out. But he he never struck me like having speed or like.

you never seen him race. You have you seen this? They did like cross over.

Like who? What was that was him? And like three other professional athletes.

I think you're right. And they did .

a hundred meter dash and .

he can .

smoke everybody all in, you know what is roll?

And we go.

we go into a Brandon. Who is that? who? Who else is out there?

I forget, I don't.

You know the sugar ray linnet.

Sugar ray was one of them yet.

Oh play .

yeah i'm not is impressed with you on board loosen but beden payday. That's some dude .

he's not just beating them. He's crushing him. He's baking role and I know you don't use the two sport athlete a pretty sure about the expose yeah ah you know .

what I must say could have done IT do.

I'm right there. I mean.

the form is not great.

let's be honest. He runs like, fucking is that show rates switching lanes .

and sugar free switch lanes? He's like trying to keep some wind. He's trying to drift the heart to have drift action. I win. Second.

I will say that would run.

And like some decades, I mean.

this pioneer, see, what would you mean that's a who who used to run like that fucking in. Chris Collins was used to run like that.

They run like, you ever seen josh Allen around his forty? I love josh with the straight arms. You ever seen that? Yeah.

he definitely has the straight on ship. He, when they told him the arms at the band.

they the arms, yes, no matter what IT looks like them is baller big g is .

roland IT turns that IT looks .

pretty good and and feel field and that does IT for no dom questions. No time questions is brought to you by mid mobile. This stand trip is time to a bring on our guess. Dude.

shall I do the honnor i'm so far upon for this?

I know we were waiting for this one.

I don't even know if i'm going to ask a question. I'm just going to fuck and just sit here and just fucking listen. My god, just I can go.

I D, I, anybody Better .

listening to him? I, I, I don't turn the TV on for anybody else but him. And in scope. Pl, S, V P, and then you, when I have to do.

you don't listen to that.

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All right, now it's time to bring on our guess. Jason.

you want to do the honors from plum pennsylvany. He was a national put path in kitch champion by the time he was a soft more in high school. The seventh round pic, a list for genia, first, first two proposer.

You made the P, F, W, A all rookie team and was first team all american. Is the first scene anger all the way you've seen a MC reroof ia and of course, the host of the pet mai show? mr. water.

Is to be here. Thank you for all those kind things and for doing your research. I've lived an absurd life, and obviously this conversation is a piece of that. Youtube are running the world right now.

So for letting me be a part of new heights, which i've told you i've been a massive fair for since the beginning of new height, this is none or a dream. Thank you for the intro and thank you for time. Although, Jason, you were saying so terrible stuff about, you know, like position groups are here.

are here, are here. No fun.

这个 对我 就是 疯 铁, 我要。

不放 点 这个。

The kickers, you had a well thought. I'll take you said for years, i've think you .

said three years.

everything that we've been talking about are you doing .

you're the .

greatest all time, the greatest center of all the time, one of the tough of humans ever play football. And obviously your resume is what IT is on the football field. So you're like to say, whatever the help you want, if you want to hop into that whole train, you can as well. It's the people that have never played football that decided dunk on like kickers and ponders and stuff like that unlike you need to relax.

This is why you did the the colors game day you get you're starting to bring the fans .

out there for talk and shit. You think you can fuckyou take a fiel go know what? I don't know if my hips got me in IT, we might have to find this out.

Get your teams, okay.

get your untied. The teams, they all boots out. Just straight .

on you was, who is the square to? Is that lue groser used to do square to from the Brown? Is is that .

yeah what's the garbage? Picking fuel, go kicking, oh my 噶 yeah, it's the case. But my problem, my issue is one ever, people have never played football, barrie, kickers and punny.

And I act like it's an easy thing. That is not easy thing, like if you get out there and you play catch, you could probably play catch a little bit. Now you're probably good if you want to get out there and do maybe hit something.

And so you probably that you try to kick something most people going to suck at IT, which is why the college game day thing happened for kicking is easy, although it's getting expensive. Boys, last two weeks, these guys have made ticks and it's like two hundred and thousand box. These guys, jeez.

S, I mean, it's a real deal. They are start to practice. Yeah, I think i've trying to get hustle to, I think starting to us. There's a chance. But J, I think I think you should maybe be on the side of kickers because I think it's good for the sport.

I am, listen, I am when I was with corner. This is like in the middle of training camp and your and won on one situation, you to ask kick and then you look over the kickers are like fucking and playing a game. They're like kicking the ball like .

see how far they can kick in or around your shock. These guys are taking a 你 it's really from a place of jealousy。 It's a place of jealousy is what I did not put your face in love in more. Jason.

I think you .

maybe get a little lower with your pets that people .

thing exactly. So I could understand you're feeling about at all, but I think IT is it's good for the game like you know, on this boat cast. And I assume you hear a lot, travis, you and Taylor's relationship is pray for the sport I get is getting introduced to so many people and you are have been the perfect representation for our sport too.

I think personally, genuinely, I think that I think there is no other human that could do what you're doing right now and how you're doing. IT is awesome. And you need to know that all of us are incredibly fuck a proud of the way of representing all of .

us going to keep winning soon as soon as if if we lose a game. I mean, it's to look and rain down, baby, to keep IT and stand .

on tap here. But also, I at the guardians games here, come on, all people .

laugh around to .

look at the guards. Baby, we were right there, man, we were right there. You know, I think we just one hit away for just taken that fuck and stadium and storm the barks.

Bombers were good. They were out there making IT. IT was a hostile environment out there.

I was going to good time OK happy relationship is exposed. A lot of people with IT globally, worldwide. The gateway for a lot of people to footles can be the chicken positions, you know, like in europe, the kickers and but there's to be kickers and partners come out europe. I think over the next fifteen .

and twenty years there has .

to be right yeah yeah in australia and and everything so that it's group for the sport to have taking punning though I understand why centers and people that have like actual physical you know positions ramifications can feel that way, but I genuinely enjoy the fact that it's a sport for everybody.

Think I think mentality to to the specialist because you are out there thone. You're flocking late around. You are out there.

You are out there. Flock in. Take IT some heads off.

Come we ve got that clip from the hit of the brokers in twenty thirteen. You you got selected for a rug, a drug test after that, correct? The league saw that and they're can say, no, no. Now this camp all natural because what you .

yeah I was watching that say that I got to be on something going to test him immediately. There was a few of those days. You know like you do something good and you don't get drug tested the next day. If you're like a kicker and partner, it's almost like a slap in the face like, well, you didn't think he was that impressed.

So I just a sixty years go you think i'm not right vegetarian.

forty five years old hit and like a fifty eight other and they're not drug testing in the next day. It's like, okay, you know so I was like a badge ge of honor but yeah, i'll good Lucy, everyones hit somebody. I'll be sore though for like three, four days.

That's why would you guys I do not understand, I don't know how your guy's bodies hold up like trap right now. Still like you take those shots and your block and more out how your body is in sore forever. And James, whenever that tosh push happened, you are getting voted like an a .

cordian every single, every time, every single .

time what happened .

IT up like watch every keep excuse like, yeah, make up for fer, make him suffer.

I can never do that why you guys are so much suffer. But it's great sport, genuinely great sport.


It's also the fact that is for everybody. Hit the nail on the head. I would talk and shit. I deserve all this, and maybe I can. Can I stop by a game day set and see if I can make one .

of these or text? We do. You want to stop? Anytime you want to come, we will make.

Let me see you. The schedule looks like maybe not this weekend, maybe not this weekend.

but I think we should make some ebit promote that happening. A pressure like a game.

Yeah, yeah. I suck under pressure. I can't even snapped the .

all of the cartoons. C, you know how to go to? This was big, big grab ground. Casi, kick the ear for the are super ball, right? I forget who who he was.

And yeah, two years.

And all right, here's practicing .

and that's even worse. I'm not practical. There's a zero expectation that was windy.

IT was windy speaking speaking to the wind.

would you that monday night again, they miss how many they hit the upright three times a twice.

I think he was four misses, I think, call a total every so bad. Once, like Tyler, best miss their first one. Real bad left.

When joe bock actually mentioned IT, I think he was trying to hit like a little bit of a liner to kind. So he tried to hit a little fat, and then he ended a bit and two fat. So then you pull that thing.

IT looks nasty. But when is a problem? You know, when is always to be the worst problem?

When you go out on the field and you feel that win, what do you think? And is like i'm hoping and in my back when i'm out there like how does that work doesn't affect how you're doing IT.

Obviously bit i'm not really I like to see the ball fly. And there was guys in practice that learned to use, like, brain new balls, like we want practice to be hard so that in the game was easier. It's like, now I need to see these balls ying for pretty.

Yes, yes. I give me the juicy bowe, and I want to go down and I want to be feeling real good. But you wake up every day morning, and you open the the blinds or whatever, and then you try to find a flag on top of a building.

And if that sound of a bitch was that attention, you knew gonna, you know, to be a long day. And I was immediately bombed out in indian apps. We have a good done.

Yeah, we open the window in the roof. So IT sued to mean a little bit. I was very lucky for that. But yeah, takers and powders are trying to find out what the wind is immediately upon waking up. And it's certainly a mind in a mood .

changer about that.

You did both at west. We're going to get through the west for doing a career in just a little of did both in college. Which one was harder? Which one do you enjoy more kicking or pony?

So I enjoying punning a lot more. I strong like I know the world is going, you know is I could have been really good to kicking. I think I just if I just had a little bit Better mentality, exactly.

斑斑 也。


You make everything? Gw, yes, when taking fuel goals?

yeah. So a ponting was Better for me, because if you're stronger, you're gonna in ponting, because you have to hit the ball hard every single time. And once I learned the technique, I enjoy ponting a lot more than kicking.

Well, based on that clip, we just shows you absolutely decline on the sideline. Did you ever play another positioning because you don't have that, that form doesn't come out unless .

you've done that before. That aggress doesn't out unless you've one before you like.

That was not the first time you've hit like that.

boys. What's there? Are you from? We're from .

i'm .

from pathmark.

yes. Yeah.

football. These are football .

that grew up playing. Pick up football. You don't mean I was on the street in between the telephone polls or I was in somebody's backyard.

So I have been playing football my entire life. I played soccer though, so like, I played a lot of soccer. And also, you know, if from where i'm from, not a lot of people made in sports ever.

So I think when I was Young the'd like, decided in, deemed that I was going to make IT in soccer. So I think nobody really wanted to fucked IT up in anything, right? The socket is my full focus.

But I also played football in the neighborhood, in the, in plum, a lot, everybody. They played on the football team I was friends with. I was like six one tall, one ninety one, eighty two playing soccer.

So football was a natural thing. And then I did a pint passing kick. You talked about IT earlier, and when I won that, they asked me to come kick. I couldn't make IT the practice, so I was little need to show up .

on fridays before, again.

first time put on the bad. I'd know what I was doing that is, that is kind of how that all came together. But i've been playing in football for forever. You know, I got order to brother, his friends played football with so it's like, i'm from pittsburgh, so I know football. My families happiness levels rain off the pittsburgh steelers success rates like my dad that die hard of an nf felt an and it's like kind of hand me but I also should apply football more as a kid, I think personally.


IT worked out. I hear you.

When you get to run a fake punt, what does that feel like? Because when we run trick plays like the red zone, it's like one of the things weren't looking forward that we're going to run this play, who they help notions about to happen. But IT makes you kind of feel like a kid.

What's IT feel like to go out there? You know, you work on all we fight on, even like more rare. It's like how much like one a goal a year, maybe if that.

And I know you have .

the .

catastrophic .

one with my man.

Come on now.

Cold Anderson, well, what is he like to have a fake part call?

It's A A wall .

that .

was not how that .

was .

supposed to be actually, as you guys know, like every week they're some fake like feel goal or fake punt that is like a guarantee. Always have him up like every day. I M like if the situation calls for, you know, i'll do IT.

But what I ve found is like if IT teams good, Normally not can be run in a lot of fake puns. Like early in my career, I was explained to an idea for a throw. An idea for throw, I could spin IT. All right, let me, let me get out there. And I was told quickly, so you wanted to take pepe manning off.

This is so good. It's really well.

Just a trick, just a trick. Me, I come.

OK is right back to .

paid back to more.

We him off the field so you can threw up one. IT is all and like the situations of at all. And I was certainly very understanding that yeah I was we're excited, man. Anytime I got importantly do something help team like you know those fakes or onside kicks so we got I get to turn over. You know that's another possession.

That's a big deal.

So yeah stole the possession you so it's like if you feel like you contribute more, obviously you're limit more proud of IT, but those ones that don't work out bully so deep place deep. The question for you guys run so much trick shit, you guys get excited for that still.

Oh, I got pumper. I was supposed to have one actually, on the money night game, and they brought a nickel litz off the age, completely fucked up being a turn over. And when I say we completely fucked up, I completely fucked IT up because that in black off the edge sometimes, you know, is just the .

truck place can just .

get sniffed by a blitz or you know when they don't work makes you feel like an idiot for even trying IT. But um typically andy read trick plays are pretty on q and i've actually been a part of a trick play on a fugal twice in my career, once in approval and once against the the pizer sealers. And both successful was like .

a titan run or pass. My god .

doesn't calk IT. Uh he was the holder for for I think he was Carol cento s at the time put IT, put IT down and then flick to me, was kind of like a little shovel pass underneath. And I was out to get the other side.

I was A, A, A, A pick up, and I picked my .

fuck and feet and scored. But I at least got the first time.

Do you guys draw those up? What was that a mike up or something where andy read said he likes you guys to draw the place? And then us practice and do the old things.

We still do that some fun stuff on like thursday during the specialist period. Will me pad a bunch of the offer of minds will go over there and just over there and just start, you know, screwing around with some stuff, see what works, see what doesn't when we take IT the coaches that he's got fifty one percent as he always like to tell everybody. So it's like he'll decide whether a version of that comes into the .

to the game plan and you just got a pitch, you to pitch .

the shit out. A good idea, he is definite, is really how good of energy you bring to him for sure.

I'd pitched a few fake few goals a person. I knew that my presentation was a big bar of whether or not we are gonna this time. Some goals, some do not. Those things cutting room floor, those things are gone just fully, fully bananas is that's like one of the most, I mean, what historic fakes there are.

treasure? Yeah, nobody really knows. To this day was a silly filly or filly special? I can never remember, like all I knows, a nick ask for silly filly. It's known as fairly special. But he's just going to go up lane, lane. Was mike you to snap IT? And that was the easier shop in the war for me and just run a naked I was like, call this much you want dog is the easier play in the world.

I don't have to take any hits in the hand. super. If we tried to take that after .

you guys run IT and of course, it's me throwing the ball pet and sure enough, there's a fucking corner back over there and i'm like trying to play monkey in the with this fucking guy I could have just walked in the end zone is just have to made the day and here I am trying to like but I want the fucking and throw IT out of bounds .

like a assets smart play .

foot all try just special team at one point and we should .

admit j Jason. This is why is so foot up? Because Jason was the kicker and we're both. We're both still friendly.

friendly. Know, i'm jealous, jealous that I suck at. I was the worst long snapp er on the planet. I was a bad cold bec snapp er short snapp er.

I. Have some time. I know .

I did you.

so I got hurt. Long mt, yes, com scores touch down. That has to go snap the extra point .

because how about pandemonium on the sideline when the long snapp er gets h rent selling was our back of snapp er and he and right away just complete fear like we have not practiced and up at all, always the time.

always one perfect .

and one roll back, complete disaster.

I remember this game. IT was like cold and rainy and ship, though he wasn't a great weather day. You remember this, I am on the back of snapper know a great whatever the meat and no agree, no agreed are other titan and he's definitely he actually did IT in the precedent.

I will always never got banned up. Uh, James wine chester said to win chester um but yeah he definitely he's capable over two, both field goal and A I think personally, I think the feel go is shorter, but it's kind of harder because you've got to do IT. You ve got to do a lot.

It's almost like you've got to just burn one right over the like grass, like right over the edge of the grass. Where is point? You can you can just fire that thing back there.

And hopefully the punters. Athletic, I have one snap in a precessing game to dust n coquet on punt. And I I ain't anything to the right about six or seven yards and he went and that grabbed, came back to the left foot IT and booted IT. And yeah, he snagged, he .

snagged in. Cheese or we is not make me .

look good .

now a fed enough .

ship for this. Well now I haven't keep coming, but I don't want to get to the media career pack is um listen, you're an unbelievable partner, actually outstanding. I never thought something would be more impressive of a guy going into media, but what you're doing, man, and what you happen doing is just insane. You're by far the most talented .

guy i've believe is .

close over the place and you've done in your own way, which is even more remarkable. Did you know that this was something that you were going to get into like your whole career? When did you know you were going into media? And how did that?

Appreciate you saying that because literally since you guys have tried IT, you guys have had massive success. So for you to say all those things that you said about me, I just go ahead and you put that right back to youtube. Absolutely crushing IT. Congrats on that nine figure deal.

okay. So like I think that's a thing. Like I have a great group of dudes around me though like the dudes I have around me are so incredibly talented and we all kind of understand, you know what is needed to be done each day like we're in here full time.

We try to keep up with everything that's happening in the sports world. We have to know, kind of know what's worthy of chatting about what should be talked about also what's not being talked about that should should be talked about in when we talk about IT. Let's not take the easy way out and be negative, like let's do this in a way where maybe we could celebrate sports a little bit. That's kind of been since the beginning how we viewed for .

sure how .

you the guys .

I ever around me are incredibly talented. The work ethic is insane. But also it's cool that like people seemingly have been pretty like accepting of, like they were a lot of, of laughed and cracked jokes, as opposed to have and deter people down all the time in the sports world talk shit certainly, and we are dumb and we will get things wrong for sure. And I am i'm wide open for three hours every .

single with llama ari in a max rosy last week.

bingo. So we get into this shit like because we are just kind of out here every conversation trying to have a good time. But we all have the same mindset. We're all very appreciative of what we are doing. And we're all fans of sports.

You also like the more people that get in sports we're happy about, and we want to make sports like a good time like people think sports like, hey, it's a good time because there's a lot of shit to drive and everybody like this thing, like sports do this and they really do yeah and it's like that's what we trying to celebrate is as much possible, but we messed IT up. But it's the group of do is I have a army man it's it's a lot of fun. IT is a lot of .

fun every night. First, how did IT all like, what was the first conversation? Like, hey, we're going to start this show.

okay. So when I was playing, I got a chance to do the bob and tom show, which you guys believe and might know who bobin time show is so bobin um maybe not okay.

On 地方 there .

are an apple staple。 There are morning show. They were syndicated on like one hundred and seventy channels across the country.

Radio sixty hundred ten they had they owned IT too. So like the business they've had. So they did good business in this entire thing over an indian application was a comedy morning show. Basically every comedian and you've ver heard of has been through their during their talk because indian century located so from six to ten they're like nationally syndicated everywhere and then from ten to ten thirty is just like a local hour here in indian a negotiated some deal and IT was like a cold tuesday which was are off days jeff saturday was the guy that did there for like ten years with them jeff saturday leaves go to Green bay they asked jeff ff sary like who should take your spot here you know jeff ff sari says like you going to get the onder the ponder is the guy to do this .

whatever there will go shout out .

to jeff so then a couple of the other media people also told him and you should get the um pat or whatever and I think I even said my name wrong at the time so when botton time, so when bottom approached me and my dad was truck ever grown up so obviously he was on the road lot with radio so bob son, he knew a bobin on so I knew about oneself. I was a king growing up so on bob S, I approached me to join the show.

I was like, i'm not going to the one to ruin this fuck and show, you know, thirty years. I don't think on the right guy for your show like my, the ship that I am is just not, I don't think, is the right for your show and tom rs. Wald from bomb, tom said, uh, you would be the domestic on earth if you did not come on our show whatever I was like, okay, i'll come to show so I get in there first week, first thirty minutes.

I've never felt like more comfortable like I was just they were talking about news, they were talking about sports. And IT was like that three comedians in their bob cowan's like one of the quick, smart asses on earth. He's there and he was just like, I must felt a live in there for like thirty thirty minutes or whatever.

And then the next week, when they are alive from six to ten on the national audience, tom grez was okay. Next week, anytime you want to come in and come in so I want in, they're sixteen, was I? I'm governing here.

Six A M. So I did like four hours with them in the morning. And I was like, I fell in love with IT. Like, I really enjoyed the energy, the five, the way they set up to show the structure, the show.

And was at that time, I was like, this could be this could be something I kind of get into, you know, then well, i'm still punning. I had a stand up tour I did around the midwest. I did some other shows here in indian APP was had a podcast, had a merch store while loves playing.

So was like, I was kind of doing the next step while I was still pounding, and I was finding like fulfillment in all the stuff away from ponting after the offence failed. Good time with the charity stuff. I was doing a good the comedy stuff.

I was have a good time with the show and I was like, I need to fully focus on one of these because there's only thirty two jobs and if you got to have respect for that. But then also, this is so much more fun and I taken care everybody financially that I thought I had to take care of with my a film money. He was a got, i'm go, i'm a try to chase for film in here and then it's become all this and it's so stupid. I'm so lucky, so thankful and I have a blast i'm literally just trying to enjoy .

in all it's such a genuine way to get into your next career though like you do. And I can't stress this enough for the guys in the end of field that are looking for something outside of you have to do IT while you're still playing, use those off seasons and the little connections that you make throughout your career to be able to set yourself up and is so cool that you're you you started doing that, you found IT and then you just fuck IT took off.

Come on.

you fuck you took off. Did IT did IT actually make IT easier for you kind of hang IT up? Or like you could probably played as long .

you wanted to, right? Mean.

yeah, play. I played that soccer tournament .

last summer.

Yeah, I read my hip, lets fit, so I don't think I can.

You were fucked in ball in. No.

you were ball.

No, I said you were ballin on this in the seven. And what was a seven or seven?

What was that league? Yes, know. okay. yes. I saw .

the crosses. I saw. Yes, I fuck in elective.

I was a tear north CarOlina for, like, four weeks. We were done there that I did not know what I was signing up for. And then our team got like, good.

Our teams started like, bonding. Our teams started having changed. I was like, I fell in love with you.

But then, yeah, just rip my shit. I mean, I A paul blood in my life for like three much. That's what I felt old. You know, that's what I felt real, real old. But yeah, definitely. I think you know whenever guys retire and you know the stats, obviously you guys both about eighty percent phone in a bankrupcy after five years, professional and athletes and everything like that. And I always wondered why, like when the nfl pa would come in, they was talk to us about like save a money in the yuta and actually have a couple times.

Like how come there's no ideas like for everybody to make more money when I retire? Like why can we hear more? Like, hey, your story matters money like, hey, speaking is maybe something you should get into. Tell your story everybody, you'd makes any fl as a story.


everybody, like, no matter what story is that success story can pivot you into a new professional. Later, I was one of why I was never talked about. So I think, like, fool, be focusing to this.

And I retired very early in nearby, said in a lot of people's was not people said I was an eighty when I retired. Six million box on the table all that ya I ta so there was also like, didn't make IT easier to hang IT up after hearing that. Maybe not. But I also made me get through a mental point. I was like.

unfold and making IT. I'm going to prove .

all these mother fuckers wrong. Yeah.

could be right. Yeah, that that is not gona happen in the trial.


I think having a focus having something to focus on, enjoying what you're doing and still having like the locker room because I got the boys here is certainly .

you've talked about your boys all in. One of the things that has just been so fucking in awesome about the way you've done IT is you have not changed who you are, how you do IT. I still remember seeing you down on the probe.

O what was an arizona maybe or maybe just like you're the exact same fucking guy. No matter when you are, whether you're on TV off, like wherever you're at, you are pet magine. You've brought all your boys with you.

You've done at your own way. You've created your own path. He's a real one.

The way your brain works is fucking. I understand that, to be honest. I always the .

new stock could work.

The only thing that worked Better than you're league is a ponder as those no around you got up there clicking at all times rather, it's impressive. thanks. Appreciate to see where it's gotten new.

Now, E, S, P, N, college game day, I know man did, is this? Did you envision getting to this? Are you happy .

with where always a college game day, like, kind like, you always excited on a college game? I mean, you had a pretty good college experience over their west genia, no. Is IT .


We talk a little .

little about, we know some guys, we know real dogs that were over their west.

V I was my first alcoholic drink was Morganton a seven on seven tournament.

I think it's a lot of people of stories, a lot of people's stories down .

to the guest station. My dog. Twenty, twenty, orange.

yeah, yeah. So baby going.

there's my dog. Twenty, twenty used to be a real problem.


Because the color, I think I thought they were softer.

They are not. They no.

they were thrown on a honda. They were in what he talk about, college game day. I think just like everybody in the nfl, like we watched college game, be every saturday to keep up with, it's in every nfl building, you know.

And I think in college we watched IT every single saturday. So I think i've always been a college game day friend. No come from pitchfork there which is an n fell down, which is you know interesting. So whenever college game day becomes an opportunity, I was never a show like I thought to myself like I could beyond. no.

But then whenever your present with the opportunity be on like one of the top two institutions in history, sports media and it's football and it's restful, you different of a live audience yes, so and obviously I am so incredibly lucky to have a relationship with the ww. Two growing up on being the fair. And I was of restless and ww o.

So it's like football and wrestling and it's one the greatest shows in the history of shows. And you're like there's only so many spots, so massive honor to even be asked to do this. It's like art.

I'm going in IT. I'm going going in and i've been backed zed by college football here. This entire thing IT is electric, bro. I know you're from clive and under pitzer g these college towns, especially down there in the south, I mean, now in organ benin is right. These people in south are praying to the that is god like .

jeans tries .

is then IT is the team. It's crazy that would ve ve been an honor. dude. IT has been so much fun.

So I tried to have a bus everywhere I go because i've committed in like, that is a part of college ball, like all the pageant in the tradition and loyalty. So i'm lucky to do that. Me and I really am to say, did I know was going to go like this? No bra. I no idea. I know I was hoping just to be able to survive and play my guys and like, we just have fun, go to work together, do our thing, then like things just kind of happen.

I remember the day you door to door coming, get handed out some on the lobes. Man, you can. That's the real man. My.

they still happened. They do IT in a different way. That's much easier to tax. No cause. Yes, back. Max of a hundred thousand box is not the easiest way tracking and in a broadcast at two. So everybody .

have we saw backpack .

was are actually .

casing that money. What's the Better atmosphere? College football or n film? Are you guess it's different depending on which college which fell. But just in general.

you're going to part of all I know kings of city seems pretty in the error add, seems crazy, right? I was crazy. Dan recking .

take a chance and share to.

right? They do throughout the entire game. Oh, in home of the. When you are in a way place and you hear that you guys got to get a pump.

we're here, we're here. That the end. I just know the a wame or the home team hates .

that should that is one thing of jealous of soccer stadiums is those old school chances, call and react chance .

you don't have college but has a elect so that keeps .

the stadiums like .

throughout like you know there's a dead bird in the fell games maybe yeah it's like the college one. There's no dead period because there's like given take calls back and forth like what I do all that shit on game day. It's like that's what they are doing in the stadium and and .

I you are very lucky to learn that so like there was so fucking electric organ and that you had me off my coat sing with everybody is in the group chat. Every group chat on a part of light Brown pad bag if he's the best thing that and how is football body is saying IT you had everybody lived and ready to fuck in rock and roll for that original house state gate men.

everybody. I said, thank you for the kind reMarks. The thing about IT is i'm learning that from like walking around the town the day before I try to go like experience, like their food spot.

like what's food spots that they talk.

I so i'm trying to tell my own story, like when I go experiences and go see some spots, i'll go see the team facility. And I try to ask people at all, these places are like, hey, what's the ship? What what's know? What we what are we saying out here? And i'll get like an answer from somebody on the bit you say good and my okay, go, go, let go, go with.

Thank god. Because there has been one time he was for the W W. E. I do like commercial break. I do.

I kind of promote commercial breaks in these arenas, and I try to do the same thing. I try to get the local thing. I was misled.

I was misled. I was told, I was told that the crowd was gna go. They did not go. So the first time, the first time when that crowd responds to me in the morning for game day, and I hear back, and I think I was not like as good news, but you, gene showed up in a big way. Berkeley shows up in a big way, obviously a abandon those place. It's I am having a time, my lifetime and I learned so much about all these schools and everybody schools.

Yeah, you look like you and you look like, do you you played to a crowd grape. But I don't look like it's like being done in any like you just are genuinely loving to be there is fucked and .

awesome to see what part part college ball is like the fans.

that's the beauty that you're on sight that you get. Let's take advantage of you. I mean, you maximize rea IT is awesome to see what are .

you going in a first for instance thing? Don't pick your night.

I know .

what i'm doing.

No, no, that's awesome.

awesome. You, you're.

you have fun. I have fun. I'm learning and I do want to like that. I would love to talk to you when we even got more time about how you prepare. That's the one thing is a crazy is i've never watched this much.

Foobar, like when you play, you watch your own team and you you get really hyper focused on the players you're playing and like what you're doing for the game. Now it's like, do I gotta watch IT like all this stuff, like everybody, he's just watched all these games and it's target. And for you, you're doing all of this. Like IT is even more impressive.

Yeah, you you're in every fucking sport. I don't know how .

your mind does this do. I don't know on a different level.

so here's if if I see IT, Normally it's going to stay there, but I have to see IT though. So so like the night before college game day yeah, i'm running through everything. I'm running through every team.

I'm run through every player. I got tone digs, one of my guys, he writes up a fool like preview of what the we can will be like but I have to see that. You know. So once I see IT, though, it's in there there so I think of some time it's like for you acting, travis, what were you did you memorize? How do you memorize those .

lines and everything the lines are? You just got? You ve got IT. I was fortunate enough to have acting coach and you just keep shooting the lines over and over and over until you get comfortable with IT. And then you'll finally find out and feel out what the scene actually is. At least that's what my learning experience was for the lions and everything in acting.

And then you can kind of, rif.

how do you do? You crash IT. I think Jason, Jason didn't tell me I suck. So, 小黄 车 给 我们 也 没。 congratulations.

Do do I don't know how often you people to celebrate, write your face on your show. I. That's I me completely. That's awesome. Do I think about some of the shit you're doing right now like the pictures, you know my wife, massive fan of your lady so I I get updates on all the ship. Here's seven dinner with wolverine and dead poll.

You know .

it's like, do you ever get do you have like at this point you to understand right?

This point is you kate father was going on so it's just like a dream. You're just like, oh yeah, no. You you're not surprised by like the next thing comes in or comes in the life, the next person that walks into the door yeah, it's crazy.

It's insane. I don't even I don't know how to get to live this silas fucked in life, man. But I am i'm definitely fortunate .

for for sure you are going .

to wrap up this segment with, uh, we got ask, you don't have to answer, we prefer you answer. But this is up to you pet first question you, uh, we got to ask nixon IT brings up a story about you all the time, uh, drunk and swimming a canal. He brings IT up during the offices and portion where everybody's going away and he's talking about don't get don't be too crazy when you're away from the the facilities. Could you maybe share that story with all the nine two percent of our.

I hope, mix oni cushion? I was a honoring able lab, said that that's all legit.

I was certainly found rather intoxicated very early in the morning, shirts and wet, late knock over. He was a cold morning, and in the police report day piece together that I had probably been swim in the canal nearby. Takes those cops, they got me off the streets that morning when I was certainly intoxicated, publicly got one hundred and forty dollars fine for that, do some community service. And I still haven't got a clear that we don't know if I was in a canal by we, I mean, the police .

or me that was that nobody is proof .

we that we move along. I appreciate cocher only saying don't be that guy and be in that guy because you shall see how I felt in jail. I am not a good enough partner to be set in jail now. Now I. Was over. I was who .

who's the .

bigger legend in west gania? You are orange to that .

guy could be governor any time you .

wanted to be. It's truck, the truck driver. He's worked for ups now. Yeah, this time a face time.

And he will be you at work. And then he'll introduced ed me to a couple of the boys. I got a chance to chat with them.

I got a chance to see him a few weeks go. whatever. We went to Morgan town to do our show before western took on penis ate.

You do a call on that game. West gene lost one day, but there was, do our delay. So there was two hour delay wasn't a real game.

You know, you having count in his start thing, but oin was there. He was one of the guess. He drove up from Green bridge multiple hours.

I did not know he had to drive that force. So he held that ever. My head obviously came in from out a bang. Ama, I ve, I got that White on a plane .

about a baby.

I don't a plan to come out. I drive. So held over my head. Obviously I gets in front of that crowd. They paid their respect. And orange made is like the living embody ment of what the western ini mountain should be. And and i've never seen a human being able to delete beers.

I go serve what that is nickname was that, is this true? And this is the story. I remember his, nicky was run away. Beer truck. That accurate? yeah.

He was probably the most perfect nickname ever.

given anybody .

around that guy would do .

IT all. He would break helmet. Travis, he would break face then yeah and he was we .

got to talk about two thousand and eight uc vers west Virginia. I know you remember this one. I just said a story earlier about alcohol. Bei, in my first um my first drink ever be in the Morgan town. I also had the first beer portal, I in a football uniform, and the corner of the end zone after over time, which you break, and silliman fied, how long was that kicked? That was a long one.

You and I forgot that that was like biggest champion. Mm.

was a lot .

on the line. And we and .

over time, you have .

the end of a regulation.

You forgot about that.

forgot about that. It's all coming back. You know, know, our fans were spring back in.

They left. They went IT to the hills. They went to the hills, then they came back with cans.

I know they, the stadium, they, I do remember that, yeah, I do remember that. And we lost what we got a rousing the passer.

I think that was something like that late. There is a penalty. And then we, kimmy, leave, cut one in the corners of the end zone. And I just remember beers being rained down upon us. IT was.

yeah, those people are pretty intoxicated. And they remember in the lot of motion they were open down.

I hope.

and that since an ati west general was cool when you .

got brian Kelly, had only you .

got right was you guys, you're lovel, he felt, was leval. Then you guys took her from level, then we took her for a little bit. There was like a weird run there with the biggest actually, it's a really good teams.

okay. If I recall here, new biggest happened like year. I don't know. He was the year I got there, two thousand five as when I graduate high school. So when I get there, I think he was new, biggest, lovable, just came to the bigger. Remember, they are supposed to run biggest.

I think. Yeah, the brian Brown. And who was the running back that they had? There was A B security member's name. And bush, bush, yes.

my sh yes, talking. And Harry, I think was over there too. Like they had, they had a great team.

We triple over time. I think my fresh one here we beat and I think is so was like we had IT glue. Al ticket.

yeah. And then you pitchfork was pretty good in there too. They fit in in latimers coy.

They were never the front team, though they were good.

I might just been a shady fan. I don't know.

Shady all they did win one year. I think you're right. When shady, they might one one year two, at the end .

of the.

he would show up in your stadium like this and shake the shit at a every humanity that so crazy. IT was awesome .

to .

watch the big. He was real deal.

and he was a fun. He was a fun conference. Shout out to the bigger person piece, present peace. You can't.

even didn't suck.

You can.

you can.

They're good at basketball. They're hold down basketball. They're holding IT down. They beat us.

I can't talk yeah, we're about third way through the nfl season. Who's your early super poll pic? Pet chef is still .

the cheese brother.

Go right now and that that is .

not just because if you're sitting in here and i'm such a massive in i'm just a believer and like greatness and am I believe that there is like levels to the shit. And for twenty some years, we saw the new england pictures for what reason? And I found .

that they just look .

great point any iron able in the ears and now gets the codes. We have coaches by every all the shake is done at one thing. And that's greatness. So I think when push comes to shove, I think, I think these dudes figured out that I just see a firm believer last year you know, there's a little time and I don't want to bring up bed at times in the uh, cancer choose but the boy seemingly stunk for bit.

There was few weeks IT was was there was a .

rough IT was a rough road. Get a year I ever beat the chiefs and angry. That was the only time we ever gotten done and you still .

want the rubble that's i'm saying there was a time everybody thought they're done there. I would make you to play off. It's over.

Hey, everybody but me. OK, I was standing. I was waiting.

I was standing on this microphone and I said, the chiefs is still the chief. S, I don't know whatever body talking about. Pat had a flu one day.

IT was windy the other day. I just saw, I just believed, I just talked that that's the case. And then I watched that quarterback shower, whatever the hell IT is .

yeah .

on that lix yeah and I realized a Better, like goals, do the ball fuck .

and not Better, man. Don't much Better.

good housing, beers, talking shit, working as dick off, fighting through and make IT every play. They don't make that there. You know, mean, that doesn't.

That doesn't. yes. So I believe in the chiefs person. That's what that's .

why I believe in the chief S I love IT, even with the team like the justice and a guy like devata. Today.

big deal.

Good to pop is heading. And if you saw the volunteer p is heading to our conversation .

with their angers, and I do not know, I do not.

You came with a foobar in hand time. Spinster, hello, advance. Do you see? They are they seem to be ready to go.

I mean, they they just lost in a bills less than like fourteen hours before that. And jetzt ans are pump ed. They share very, very good about you. And I can see why just a dog.

montag Wilson, they get some the options that beloved Better, especially the first hf last the last week so, or yesterday. Run in IT. Jason, either I know. How about that left hand the ball off, get this guy breaks all involved who's IT is all good.

So more touch pushes.

Let's get these centers .

part so did you do did you bitch about IT on this show a lot or no I I don't know if I saw about your body just getting demolish.

just getting absolutely just feel like you said like an action and he just get fold at every single fucking in time it's I that .

point I never you think .

we happening up too. We are so like. Keep doing that. We keep doing. And Jason has to be supportive.

Yeah, he has talked about lye Johnson, lay Johnson, let the can on the bag. He used to say that every time we get called in the hot fuck, my. Life that's .

awesome but you literally publicly had to support IT because he was working and I was like, you're thing IT was like.

unless I hate IT IT, but let's what if he gets the first down, keeps the art converts, it's Better. It's a free. You're avoid a turn over. It's insane.

Compressed .

vert ary for that.

I pad are too early. M B, P right now.

okay. So do you believe that somebody other than the quarterback when the MVP.

I think it's going .

to take a lot be hard yeah depending .

it's going to take like something like like what this boys y state kid is doing to running back, holy shit, is going to say something like that to like take the attention away from a quarter back again.

I think he's ahead of barry centers, Better centers like twenty six hundred cao and he gave in he's arty about .

twelve hundred and like seventeen touchdowns. Shit ridiculous. And to be clear or gently.

we think it's incredible, admirable and call that you're still a boy mistake because he like the country in yards and the gash year two, I assume, was big offer here him to go and money, ah, I sume there was big offers to get him a boys, say he still and boys to run on that softer.

Blends in that blue t turfman don't .

he never stops s running either? He's very impressed. But if we stick in a running back to potentially win in the war that only goes a quarter back like their cry right now ah in touch down just like non stop.

just they think just because the tidings get rid of them everyone's like guys is not the same player fucked. Just run in, just running twenty two miles, twenty one months an hour, twenty two months an hour, getting tickets in in a school zone. You kidding me. He's this all. He's unbelievable men.

I admit i'm an idiot. When they made that pic, I might do. He's shock. You're going to put him in shock. And how's this going to work with the mark? And oh yeah, I know he's just bigger and faster and strong there, but let just get those guys on achieve let just that guy go north itself.

Good luck and that's hard ball football too OK he will. And then they got record as a full sector. It's like he's two eighty or whatever former the end, I don't know, and how they're about to do that IT seems .

be unformed I hope he wins I I would be very much as obviously often alarm but king Henry mei, he's just a dog.

He is let's get offence, align in award ah we like .

against the religion old line to get a war, but it's going to be like a group award. They ve got the tough off its line. Fucking pena zoos from the wash now. And I almost a touch down and called back.

He baLance himself, how is he three one?

He got to be at least three fifth. He's he's up there. He's a big man mag. Man, my ob would explode.

Your lies are by so big, strong and fast these days.

I don't know, man, I don't get IT. I don't get IT where they find these people that are you five, four? And if you ask the fucking combine the fucking cut out a quarter of a fucking, you just give me the court of an inch.

Just, can I get that and be six, five? But I i've got to be six, four and seven, eight. Push IT down to push down.

They have got IT twice. They're like six, five seems to, seems to talk for you. I think you need we need to do this again.

I just talked about these people being too big and too fast and athol five moving around the life first. I did you like fifty, you don't mean, I mean, after your .

free show, brother, I am .

out there. Anything that we haven't hit, that you talk about anything think fun come enough .

that the people don't know about yet.

Now is way too much of me. The show ending quicker is Better. Aside from that, I would like like you guys know appreciate the hell out of the invite on the program here.

I'm a massive fani you guys in what you're doing right now. The media is a big deal and I hope you get a chance kind of take IT in and enjoy IT. All you guys are legends. And travis, the fact you're still able to do all this while still playing, I know it's not easy to baLance. You keep in the main thing, the main thing and still being able to do all this is probably impressive in Jason.

You're big as with your own tight tims just hit pop in this media world and taking over you're acting ability and above the wildering commercial and an E, S, P, N, N, fl money and I commercial and let's go, boys, you got nothing. You can be alive. Appreciate you. Go you both so much.

Well, the end is all our best. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for paving the way, changing the game.

It's it's incredible to watch your career at this point. Can way to keep watching. Keep being you. Oh yeah. Can't wait to see in frequent Austin, texas this week, college game day, intern brand and big Austin, texas got big, big, big texas framed down here.

Brain side up. What are the chance? Rather, don't let misery .

you making sports fucked and fun, brother, I love watching, man, love watching you. I can't wait to join you on the fuck and show sometimes soon.

Yeah, I don't feel any both of you. Oh, there is an open invite for any Kelsey. Mom.

I wanted get to the fucking in thunderdome, i'm fucking peace. I been there. OK listen.

if you make IT out the indian up, ever would love to have you here in the thunderbird? Have a good old time. But either anytime you both want to come on the program, open invite, whenever the hell, I would be grateful and thankful just like that i'm here and you guys, you're the best man.

Do the great brother. Thanks so much brother.

lady, you the greatest dog.

Thank you so much to pay magazin coming on. I can tell you how electric that was. We that's one of the wonder.

We wait for, we wait to. We finally got them. Thank goodness.

And that he's the busy is doing the world. Thank you, brother, for forgiving us your time. Man, we fuck and love that dude.

Men, he's changing sports for the good man. He's making sports fun as fuck. Similar to how was talking to you about being a part of sb.

N and everything mcafee doing IT at a home, another level. Man on all aspects, the college world wrestling your name and man, all the sports is making a Better man. Thank you. Preciate you come, brother.

He's changed in the world, but he still stay. And true to the inside that rips up another episode heights. Thank you. I see again to pt. Make sure you described on youtube and the new heights channel follow new heights on the wondering APP or where ever you podcast reminder you can listen to new height episodes early and ad free now by joining wunder post in the onery apple on apple pocket .

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