Steve Brossman is one of the top advisors to salespeople and sales leaders in the world. He helps teams differentiate and create game-changing strategies to help teams differentiate and cut through the noise of an increasingly crowded world. Steve has worked with leadership teams in 15 countries and has trained over 65,000 salespeople. He also is an elite sprinter and competed in the Olympic games. Today he shares how the principle of Momentum helps a team in a ways nothing else can…and how to be intentional about building momentum with each member of your team.
Steve is a 9 time Amazon Best Selling Author in Marketing, Sales and Personal Performance. His latest book, "The Art and Science of Becoming a 6 Figure Podguest," delves into the nuances of mastering podcast guest appearances to build authority and drive business success. Drawing from his vast experience and success in digital marketing and sales, Steve outlines strategic methods for utilizing podcasts as a powerful marketing tool to elevate personal and business brands.
You can connect with Steve on LinkedIn here).
You can check out "The Art and Science of Becoming a 6 Figure Podguest" here).
For video excerpts of this and other episodes of the Sales Leadership Podcast, check out Sales Leadership United Here).