Problems exist everywhere. They appear on a micro scale in our own personal lives and they exist at a macro scale affecting millions globally and then there’s all the problems that exist in between. Problems are obstacles or hurdles that appear outside of the preconceived plan that we had within our heads for the way we think things should go. You forgot to pack your lunch today, an email got lost in the shuffle and now you are behind on a project, or the economy isn’t doing too hot, all of these problems weren’t in the plans. As unique as your problems may seem to you, we can remain isolated if we continue to believe that these problems are unsolvable only by us. Civilization has existed for centuries, and now more than ever we have the resources to recognize that these problems come and go and most likely someone has felt the same exact way that I am feeling right now.
By accepting that the problem exists in your life and you are not alone we can then begin to dissect the problem and recognize that the problem might be more of an opportunity after all. By seeking out problems in our daily lives, and working to assess and tackle them we then prepare ourselves and others that undoubtedly will come across the same exact problems. We can be a help to others by offering up solutions to their problems and understanding in the process we are challenging ourselves and growing along the way as well.
Our immediate reaction as humans is to run away from our problems because they are uncomfortable. We bury them or put them off as long as possible until they inevitably show up at our front door. What if we sought out problems…what if we actively assessed our own lives and did our best to see where we could help others and ourselves. Don’t be nosy, but the ability to problem solve and recognize where you can be of best service to those around us is what ultimately gives us worth and confidence. Reframe problems within our minds as these nightmares to run away from and start observing and taking little steps to solving them…because everyone will be better off.