cover of episode 美文阅读 | 白鸟 The White Birds (叶芝)

美文阅读 | 白鸟 The White Birds (叶芝)

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美文阅读 More to Read

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#literature and publishing#literary discussion#literary critique and appreciation#literary critique People
@沈听 :我作为主持人,向大家介绍了阿加莎·克里斯蒂的名言“没有什么比明显的事实更具有欺骗性”,并对其生平、创作风格以及代表作《尼罗河上的惨案》进行了详细的讲解,阐述了其作品对人性和社会阶层差异的深刻探讨。我还介绍了叶芝的诗歌《白鸟》,并对诗歌的创作背景、象征意义以及叶芝本人的创作风格进行了分析,最后,我还介绍了A.C.蒂利尔的短篇小说《群岛》,并对小说的故事情节、写作风格以及作者的创作理念进行了简要的概述。 @Mark Griffiths : 我朗读了叶芝的诗歌《白鸟》的英文版本,用我的声音将诗歌的意境和情感传递给听众。 @小斐 :我朗读了叶芝的诗歌《白鸟》的中文版本,用我的声音将诗歌的意境和情感传递给听众,力求准确传达诗歌的韵律和情感。 @程挺 :我翻译了A.C.蒂利尔的短篇小说《群岛》的中文版本,力求在翻译中既保留原文的语言风格,又使其易于被中文读者理解。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the life and works of Agatha Christie, highlighting her status as the 'Queen of Detective Novels' and examining her famous works and their adaptations.
  • Agatha Christie was a renowned British detective novelist born in 1890 and died in 1976.
  • She wrote over 80 novels, including 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, translated into more than 100 languages.
  • Her famous works include the 'Hercule Poirot' series and 'Death on the Nile', known for their intricate plots and deep insights into human nature.

Shownotes Transcript

Daily Quote

There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. (Agatha Christie)

Poem of the Day



Beauty of Words

The Archipelago

By A.C. Tillyer