The '声量OUT' event will feature multiple sections including podcasts, music, art, film, reading, markets, sports, and nomadic lifestyle. It aims to provide a diverse range of experiences for attendees.
The festival showcased unique and experimental works from various countries, including Italy, Australia, and Thailand. Notable productions included '历史的天使', '捕捉猎人之影', and '我羡慕夜莺的命运'. The festival was praised for its innovative and boundary-pushing content.
The production features actors with neurodiversity, including individuals with autism and speech impediments. It explores themes of equality and the relationship between humans and AI, using a unique narrative structure that challenges the audience.
The play is set in the 1930s and focuses on the story of women participating in basketball games, exploring themes of gender equality and historical context. It incorporates elements of live music, dance, and sports, making it a unique and engaging production.
'新龙门客栈' is a filmed version of a live opera performance, capturing the essence of the stage production with close-up shots. '只此青绿' is a dance film that uses cinematic techniques to enhance the beauty of the choreography, focusing on the creation of a historical painting.
The documentary tells the story of a Japanese ship carrying British prisoners during World War II that sank off the coast of China. It explores the human cost of war, the impact on the survivors and their families, and the efforts to uncover the truth about the event.
The exhibitions include '艾尔·阿纳祖:红月之后', featuring large-scale installations by Ghanaian artist El Anatsui, and '对话透纳:崇高的回响', which explores the works of J.M.W. Turner and contemporary artists influenced by him.
The temple's intricate carvings served as the inspiration for the final boss battle scene in '黑神话:悟空'. The temple has become a popular destination for gamers seeking to experience the real-life counterpart of the game's setting.
The museum offers interactive experiences, allowing visitors to feel the texture of ancient artifacts like pottery shards and bronze mirrors. It provides a comprehensive overview of Chinese history through its extensive collection of artifacts from various dynasties.
本届声量OUT开设播客、音乐、艺术、电影、阅读、市集、运动、游牧等多个版块,更多详情请关注公众号链接) 或 扫码海报购票
03:21 《历史的天使》(意大利)
49:47 浦东美术馆新展:“艾尔·阿纳祖:红月之后”,“对话透纳:崇高的回响”
1:00:17 西安 水陆庵 《黑神话:悟空》的取景地之一
1:04:32 西安 考古博物馆 地下文物看陕西
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