cover of episode #164. Dr Stewart Desson, Yimin Wang & Jonathan Cannon

#164. Dr Stewart Desson, Yimin Wang & Jonathan Cannon

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Jonathan Cannon
Stewart Desson
Yiming Wang
Stewart Desson: 传统的性格测试工具存在偏差,例如过分强调外向型人格,低估内向型人格的价值。Lumina Spark致力于创建更人性化的性格评估工具,关注个体优势,而非简单地将人贴标签。传统的性格测试结果常常被用于筛选人才,而非用于个人发展,这导致对某些人格特质的偏见。在人才选拔中,一些公司更关注候选人的能力和匹配度,而非简单的性格标签。现代领导力需要平衡外向性和内向性,并注重自我认知和行动。社会中的标签可能会对个体产生长期负面影响。Lumina模式旨在避免对个体进行标签化评价。不同文化背景下,对自信的理解和评价可能存在差异。在职场中,对某些性格特质的负面评价可能是不公平的。研究表明,神经多样性个体在某些领域可能具备更强的能力。Lumina Spark关注个体优势,并将其与工作表现进行关联,而非简单地关注弱点。领导力模式在不同时代发生了变化,现代领导力更注重数据驱动和平衡。 Yiming Wang: 传统的职业性格测试往往服务于雇主,而非求职者,其结果可能导致对求职者的不公平评价。在人才选拔中,除了考察候选人的能力外,还需要考虑其与团队的匹配度以及组织文化。在招聘过程中,关注候选人的性格特征及其与组织文化的匹配度,有助于提升组织的健康度。招聘时应关注团队成员之间的性格匹配度,避免因性格差异导致团队文化失衡。领导者应避免强迫团队成员改变其性格以适应团队文化,而应尊重团队成员的个性差异。在等级森严的组织中,下属可能会不自觉地模仿领导者的行为和性格。团队成员之间性格互补,可以促进团队的整体效能。不同文化背景下,对性格的评价标准可能存在差异,例如西方文化更推崇外向型人格。在多元文化团队中,领导者需要适应不同成员的性格特点,并进行有效管理。了解团队成员的个性特点,需要更多时间和沟通,而非依赖简单的标签化认知。父母对孩子的评价可能会影响孩子的成长和发展。父母应关注孩子的优势和不足,而非简单地贴标签。 Jonathan Cannon: 传统的性格测试可能给出不准确的职业建议,甚至导致求职者错失机会。Lumina Spark旨在减少性格评估中的偏差,让更多人获得更准确的评估结果。Lumina Spark将性格评估应用于人才选拔和个人发展两个方面,在选拔方面注重准确性,在发展方面则注重帮助个人成长。Lumina Spark的应用场景包括人才选拔和个人发展,在人才选拔中,报告的措辞至关重要,避免使用绝对的否定性评价。性格评估应作为一种促进沟通的工具,而非做出最终决定的工具。性格评估工具在职业发展领域应用广泛,其最初目的是帮助人们找到适合自己的工作。一些高校仍在使用过时的性格测试工具,这可能对学生造成负面影响。对神经多样性的理解正在发生转变,从关注缺陷转向关注能力和优势。任何关系中都存在权力动态,标签化评价可能会对关系造成负面影响。标签化认知会简化对个体的理解,阻碍对个体变化和发展的认识。我们需要超越本能的反应模式,更理性地看待他人。在工作中,我们需要关注自身行为对他人产生的影响,并努力创造更积极的工作文化。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the main bias in traditional psychometric tools according to Dr. Stewart Desson?

The main bias in traditional psychometric tools is the overvaluation of extroversion, where enthusiastic leaders are often overvalued, while introverted traits like thinking before speaking or being emotionally reserved are undervalued.

Why does Dr. Stewart Desson advocate for a more inclusive approach in psychometric assessments?

Dr. Stewart Desson advocates for a more inclusive approach because traditional psychometric tools often label and stereotype individuals, particularly undervaluing introverted and neurodivergent traits. He believes in creating tools that help people develop rather than just categorizing them, fostering a more holistic understanding of personality.

What is the significance of neurodiversity in the workplace according to the discussion?

Neurodiversity is significant in the workplace because approximately 20% of the workforce may exhibit neurodivergent traits, such as ADHD. Making workplaces friendly for neurodiverse individuals is not only morally right but also beneficial for organizational health, as diverse cognitive styles can enhance creativity and problem-solving.

How does Dr. Stewart Desson view the role of self-awareness in personal development?

Dr. Stewart Desson views self-awareness as a crucial starting point for personal development, but he emphasizes that it must be followed by actionable steps. Simply being self-aware is not enough; individuals need to actively work on understanding their triggers, managing their responses, and fostering better relationships with others.

What is the Lumina Spark assessment designed to achieve?

The Lumina Spark assessment is designed to provide a more nuanced and inclusive understanding of personality, moving beyond traditional stereotypes. It aims to help individuals and organizations recognize strengths in diverse traits, improve relationships, manage conflicts, and foster personal and organizational growth.

Why is labeling individuals problematic according to the discussion?

Labeling individuals is problematic because it reduces people to static traits, ignoring their potential for growth and change. Labels can create self-fulfilling prophecies, where individuals internalize these tags and limit their own development. This is especially harmful in educational and professional settings, where labels can hinder opportunities.

What is the importance of understanding triggers in personal and professional relationships?

Understanding triggers is important because it allows individuals to pause and choose their responses rather than reacting impulsively. This self-awareness can lead to more effective communication, better conflict resolution, and stronger relationships, both personally and professionally.

How does the discussion address the concept of 'toxic positivity'?

The discussion addresses 'toxic positivity' as a cultural tendency to ignore or downplay negative emotions, leading to inauthenticity. This can be harmful because it prevents individuals from addressing real issues and expressing genuine feelings, which are essential for healthy relationships and personal growth.

What is the role of empathy in effective leadership according to the conversation?

Empathy plays a critical role in effective leadership by helping leaders understand and respond to the emotions and needs of their team members. It fosters a supportive environment where individuals feel valued and understood, which can enhance collaboration, morale, and overall team performance.

How does the discussion suggest individuals can better navigate workplace culture?

The discussion suggests that individuals can better navigate workplace culture by understanding their own strengths and triggers, seeking organizations that align with their values, and fostering open communication. It also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and assertiveness in building effective professional relationships.

This chapter explores the challenges of personality stereotypes and the limitations of traditional psychometric tools. It introduces Lumina Spark, a personality assessment that aims for a more inclusive approach.
  • Traditional psychometric tools often overvalue extroversion and undervalue introversion.
  • Lumina Spark offers a more humanistic and inclusive approach to personality assessment.
  • The discussion touches upon the impact of psychometric assessments on personal development and organizational culture.

Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Stewart Desson is a leading expert in psychometrics and is the developer of the renowned personality assessment, Lumina Spark. His approach is a blend of the “analytical” and the “humanistic” for personal and organizational development. He is also on the board of the Association for Business Psychology (ABP) and is the CEO of Lumina Learning.  

Yimin Wang is a personality development and leadership coach.  He is one of the highest certified people development coaches in China, the CEO of Sense Consulting and a Global Partner of Lumina Learning.  

Jonathan Cannon is a certified business psychologist working in psychometrics.  He is responsible for the research & development of Lumina Learning and its core psychometric assessments. 

Today we talk about the challenges of personality stereotypes, psychological & neuro diversity and the impact of psychometric assessment tools on personal development and organizational culture.  We talk about the prevalence of bias and labeling in traditional psychometric tools and society, particularly the overvaluation of extroversion.  We talk about the need for a more inclusive approach in recruitment and hiring practices and explore the strengths associated with different neurodivergent traits.  We also talk about improving relationships, managing conflicts, our sense of control over our lives, what it takes to actually change our personalities, and if thats even possible.

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