Brian Wong 认为特朗普的外交政策团队可能对中国-美国关系产生负面影响,因为这些人往往更加鹰派,倾向于采取强硬措施,可能导致中美关系更加紧张和不稳定。相比之下,拜登的团队虽然也对中国持强硬态度,但更加注重通过对话和合作来解决问题。
Brian Wong 认为民主不一定是最优的治理方式,因为好的治理可以通过多种系统实现,包括选举、民主制度、精英治理和官僚体系。他认为关键在于政策制定是否基于事实和科学,而不是仅仅依赖民主程序。
AI 对工作和职业的影响包括自动化取代某些白领工作,如数据输入和文本处理。虽然一些工作可能会被完全取代,但其他工作可能需要改变和适应。AI 也创造了新的职业机会,特别是在需要高度社交和人际互动的领域。
Brian Wong 认为年轻一代在中美关系中扮演重要角色,因为他们更加开放和互联,使用社交媒体和数字技术进行交流。年轻一代在文化、价值观和兴趣上有很多共同点,这有助于弥合两国之间的分歧。
Brian Wong 认为美国政治中的文化战争是被政治精英制造的,用以分散公众对经济和社会问题的注意力。例如,关于性别和种族的争议被用来激发选民的激情,从而影响选举结果。
Dr. Brian Wong is a Rhodes Scholar, geopolitical strategist, tech advisor, author and Assistant Professor in Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong. His research examines the intersection of geopolitics, political and moral philosophy, and technology. Brian co-founded and now advises the Oxford Political Review and currently serves as a Fellow and Advisor at the Oxford Global Society, an independent think-tank. He is also a Fellow at the Centre on Contemporary China and the World and is the Founding Secretary of Citizen Action Design, a youth policy think-tank based in Hong Kong. Today we talk about the role of rhetoric and manufactured outrage in politics, the challenges of implementing true democracy, and the rise of AI. We critique the notion of democracy as a panacea, and discuss a nuanced approach to governance in a multipolar world. We dive into the current state of American politics, the factors contributing to the disillusionment and frustration among segments of the population, and cultural grievances weaponized by political elites. We talk about AI and its potential impact on jobs and employment. Brian expresses concern about the potential appointment of hawkish individuals in a Trump administration, exacerbating tensions and volatility in US-China relations. He also expresses hope that the younger generations in both countries can help bridge divides.
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