cover of episode #133. Gabor Holch: Beneath The Armor

#133. Gabor Holch: Beneath The Armor

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gabor Holch
Gabor Holch 结合自身经历和对高管的多年辅导经验,深入探讨了疫情对人们心理健康和身份认同的冲击。他指出,疫情导致的隔离和不确定性,造成了广泛的创伤和压力,许多人即使在疫情结束后,仍然面临着心理健康问题和身份认同危机。他认为,积极面对并解答“我怎么了?”这个问题,能够帮助人们进行自我疗愈和成长。他还强调了在危机过后,人们需要重新评估自身价值观和生活目标,并学习如何应对生活中的起伏变化。他以自身经历和客户案例为例,说明了如何通过运动、与他人沟通等方式来释放负面情绪,并建议人们在适当的时候展现脆弱,寻求帮助。 Gabor Holch 还分析了高管群体面临的特殊挑战。他指出,高管们通常会隐藏自己的不安全感,但重要的是要认识到他们也是普通人,也需要展现脆弱。他建议人们在工作和生活中,要真诚地展现脆弱,而不是伪装的脆弱。他还强调了在困境中,要区分暂时性的弱点和自身固有的特质,不要将负面情绪与自身身份认同混淆。 此外,Gabor Holch 还讨论了不同时代和世代的人们,面对危机和挑战的应对方式和经验教训有所不同,需要根据实际情况进行调整。他认为,在经济低迷时期,是否应该采取行动取决于个人的性格、价值观和具体情况。他还分析了人工智能技术的发展对人们工作和生活的影响,指出人工智能技术目前还无法完全取代人类在许多领域的工作,因为它无法完全理解和处理人类的情感和复杂需求。他认为,人工智能技术将改变人们的工作方式,但不会完全取代人类,反而会让人们有更多时间专注于更有意义的事情。 Justin, Howie 和 Eric 也分享了各自的经历和感受,并与 Gabor Holch 就如何应对疫情后的创伤和身份认同危机进行了深入探讨。他们谈到了在面对困境时,如何保持积极乐观的心态,如何寻求帮助,以及如何与他人建立良好的人际关系。

Deep Dive

Gabor Holch discusses the challenges expatriates face in China during the pandemic, including isolation and the impact on personal and professional life.

Shownotes Transcript

Gabor Holch is an intercultural leadership coach, speaker and author.  He has coached public leaders, CEO’s and high-level decision makers in some of the largest multinational companies in over 25 countries.  A former diplomat, he holds degrees in international relations, diplomacy and certifications in several assessment and coaching methodologies.  His latest book "Dragon Suit" is available now.  Today we discuss our human responses towards isolation, change, identity crises and technology.  We talk about its affect on our careers and personal life.  We talk about the power of confronting the very real question of "what is wrong with me?".  We get into the difficulties of adjusting back to normal life after an acute crisis, how it may strip you of self-confidence and how these changes result in a feeling of lost identity.  We talk about life's upward and downward curves, the "suit of armor" executives wear to hide their insecurities and when it might be good to show vulnerability at work and home. We are reminded not to define ourselves based on temporary weakness in our abilities.  We discuss the perceived threats and benefits of AI, how many people have bosses that are now algorithms, and human fascination with fear and technology.  We also get into Gabor's latest book "Dragon Suit" which exposes the complicated human stories of expat life in China over the last several years and the revealing lessons and struggles learned from his clients curated throughout his coaching career.

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