My last NFT interview with Ben was one of my most viewed livestream! 🤔 At the end, many were left wondering what is Ben’s new NFT project. ✅ After a long wait, his new NFT project is finally launched! It is called the Prometheus Project. 💵 I also took action to invest in it too! My first NFT project! (not investment advice) So this time, I brought Ben back to share more about his new NFT project: Date: 21 Oct (Thu) Time: 8pm (GMT+8) Scope: 1. What is the Prometheus Project? 2. How is Prometheus different from other NFT project? 3. Roadmap of the Prometheus Project 4. Ben’s take on the current NFT scene 5. ……many more! Full disclosure: Since I am invested in the Prometheus Project. My views might be biased haha.