What are introversion and extroversion? Can introversion be inherited? Does introversion mean shyness? Can introverts and extroverts have successful relationships? Join us as David Hall, the creator of QuietandStrong.com discusses ten common questions searched on the internet about introversion. He'll also share his favorite books on introversion success, and a bonus surprise announcement.Embrace YOUR Introversion, and Be Strong!**Books mentioned in this episode:1. **Introvert Power” by Dr. Laurie Helgoe)**2. **Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain)**3. **Networking For People Who Hate Networking, by Devora Zack)**4. **The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World, Sophia Dembling )5. The Introvert Advantage, by Marti Olsen Laney)
Author, Speaker, Educator, Podcaster
quietandstrong.com)****Gobio.link/quietandstrong)david [at] quietandstrong.com)
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** Get David's book:Minding Your Time: Time Management, Productivity, and Success, Especially for Introverts)**
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