Have you ever wondered if you could be successful as an introvert? You can!Today our guest is Camilla Jeffs, the Introverted Investor. After years of doing real estate investments while also working a corporate job, Camilla learned to apply her introverted skills to open her own company helping other introverts to find success as investors. A teacher at heart, this triathlete, outdoor enthusiast, CEO, and mother of 5 children shares her secrets to success in running a business, networking, and creating wealth as an introvert. Learn how you can use your introverted skills to become a success! Guest: **Camilla JeffsGet Camilla's free guide - **The Introvert's Guide to Successful Real Estate Investing)**LinkedIn:**https://www.linkedin.com/in/camilla-jeffs/)**YouTube: **https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MFOVyPWo0XD0QVJxgDxbQ)
Author, Speaker, Educator, Podcaster
quietandstrong.com)****Gobio.link/quietandstrong)david [at] quietandstrong.com)
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