cover of episode 39 | Are you ready to address CELL PHONE ADDICTION or OVERUSE of the PHONE? Let's draw some BOUNDARIES around it

39 | Are you ready to address CELL PHONE ADDICTION or OVERUSE of the PHONE? Let's draw some BOUNDARIES around it

logo of podcast MamaNest | Where Immigrant Moms Thrive, Grow, Learn English, and Build Careers TOGETHER in Canada while Nurturing their Kids

MamaNest | Where Immigrant Moms Thrive, Grow, Learn English, and Build Careers TOGETHER in Canada while Nurturing their Kids

Shownotes Transcript

Do you ever wonder why you can't regulate how you use your cellphone? Perhaps you're extremely dependant, if not hooked, to your mobile device!

Living in a technologically advanced society encourages us to use our mobile devices for everything! But let's be real! Is it true that we are overusing or not? To put it another way: Isn't it true that we're now mismanaging our smartphone usage? We've all heard how bad it is to always have a phone on hand, but what if we could change that?

Are you ready to see what you can do with it technically? Then, this time, grab your phone instead of coffee and Let’s fix it up together!

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