cover of episode Protecting Our Freedom to Teach What We Know Is Best for Students

Protecting Our Freedom to Teach What We Know Is Best for Students

logo of podcast K-12 Greatest Hits: Your shortcut to what works in education

K-12 Greatest Hits: Your shortcut to what works in education

Shownotes Transcript

In this premier episode, we consider the riveting story of a teacher who is committed to doing the right thing, teaching the right things, and serving his students’ best interests. So why is he out of work, and why should his story matter to you?

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Rita Wirtz holds a BA in English and Speech, a master’s degree in reading from Arizona State University (ASU), and an administrative services credential (K–12) through California State University–Sacramento (CSUS). She was a California language arts and reading specialist who has instructed at all levels including K-12 classrooms, labs, and clinics for 50 years! Rita was also a HS English teacher, principal (pre-6th), college professor, Title 1 program evaluator, curriculum developer, and keynote speaker. She has written a number of reading books for parents and teachers including “Reading Champs: Teaching Reading Made Easy” (2014) and her memoir, “Stories From a Teacher’s Heart: Memories of Love, Life and Family” (2019). Rita’s newest book is Reading Champions! Second Edition, Teaching Reading Made Easy! (March 2021). She currently lives in Oregon.