cover of episode Holiday Buzz, Holiday Break: Balancing School Work and Holiday Traditions for All Students

Holiday Buzz, Holiday Break: Balancing School Work and Holiday Traditions for All Students

logo of podcast K-12 Greatest Hits: Your shortcut to what works in education

K-12 Greatest Hits: Your shortcut to what works in education

Shownotes Transcript

It’s that time of the school year when we have to balance the excitement of the holiday season, the various traditions of all our students, and the schoolwork we still need to get done.

Follow on Twitter: @LAMBradley @ideasforteacher @sgthomas1973 @bamradionetwork @jonHarper70bd.

Laura Bradley: After 30 years teaching middle school English, Design Lab and Broadcast Media, Lauara is now an Educational Technology Teacher on Special Assignment, supporting K-12 students and teachers in effective use of classroom technology. Laura is a Google Certified Innovator, PBS Digital Innovator All-Star, National Board Certified Teacher and first place winner of the Henry Ford Teacher Innovator Award. She lives in Petaluma, California with her husband, who recently retired after 40 years teaching middle school math, science and P.E.

Dan Jones earned a BS in Middle Grades Education from Ashland University and a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from American College of Education. Dan is an FLGI Master Teacher whose professional interests include e-learning and technology, as well as Project-Based Learning. He is the author of Flipped 3.0 Project Based Learning: An Insanely Simple Guide.