In this episode we answer emails from Jetson and Jon (x2). We discuss good times to trade, transitioning to a risk parity style portfolio with sub-optimal components and related considerations, experimenting with and learnings from the tools at Portfolio Charts, including the Portfolio Matrix and Drawdown Analyzer, and Gooooold!And THEN we our go through our weekly portfolio reviews of the seven sample portfolios you can find at Portfolios | Risk Parity Radio).Additional links:Father McKenna Center: Home - Father McKenna Center)Portfolio Matrix Calculator: Portfolio Matrix – Portfolio Charts)Portfolio Drawdowns Calculator: Drawdowns – Portfolio Charts)Portfolio Charts "Ingredients" Article: Three Secret Ingredients of the Most Efficient Portfolios – Portfolio Charts)Safe Withdrawal Rate Series Article about Gold: Using Gold as a Hedge against Sequence Risk - SWR Series Part 34 - Early Retirement Now)
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