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In Our Time

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Andrew Pontzen
Katy Clough
Toby Wiseman
Toby Wiseman:宇宙极其庞大,寻找宇宙捷径(虫洞)是可取的。虫洞的大小决定了它们可能存在的位置,小的虫洞可能就在我们周围,大的虫洞可能距离我们非常遥远。我们目前只能观测到有限的宇宙范围,宇宙可能远大于我们可观测到的范围,但由于宇宙加速膨胀,我们可能永远无法观测到全部宇宙。爱因斯坦的广义相对论描述了物质如何弯曲时空,但要支持虫洞的存在,需要非常奇特的物质。根据我们对物质的量子层面的理解,目前认为宇宙中可能不存在人类可以穿越的虫洞。要建造人类可以安全穿越的虫洞,需要巨大的物质能量。虽然虫洞可能不存在,但我们对宇宙的理解仍然令人惊叹,这得益于爱因斯坦的广义相对论以及多年的实验和理论研究。我们对宇宙的了解仍然有限,例如暗物质和暗能量的本质仍然是一个谜。爱因斯坦的相对论允许时间旅行到未来,而虫洞理论上可能允许时间旅行到过去,但这可能会导致悖论。 Andrew Pontzen:牛顿的万有引力理论是物理学的基础,它统一了地球上的重力现象和天体运动,但其细节并不完全正确。牛顿的万有引力理论与后来发展起来的电磁学理论不相容,爱因斯坦的理论试图调和两者。爱因斯坦的广义相对论将空间和时间统一为时空,并认为时空是可以弯曲的,这与牛顿的固定时空观不同。John Wheeler 创造了“虫洞”一词,他从研究恒星核聚变和黑洞等课题中受到启发。如果发现虫洞,将改变我们对物质和宇宙的认知,并对未来的太空探索产生影响。虫洞的存在表明宇宙的空间可能存在褶皱,这增加了宇宙的复杂性。物理学研究看似疯狂的想法对物理学的发展至关重要,即使虫洞可能不存在,研究它也能帮助我们更好地理解物理规律。关于宇宙起源和多元宇宙的理论有很多种,目前我们对宇宙的起源和多元宇宙的存在缺乏证据。物理学既需要想象力,也需要实验的严谨性。 Katy Clough:量子物理学与经典物理学存在根本差异,统一两者是当前物理学面临的主要挑战之一。爱因斯坦-罗森桥是虫洞的一种,最初是为了解释粒子而提出的,但后来被证明并不适用。黑洞的完整数学解包含虫洞,但这个虫洞无法穿越,只能用于两个宇宙之间的信息交换。虫洞在二维空间中可以被想象成一个连接两个平面的漏斗状结构,其长度可以任意长短。目前没有证据证明虫洞存在。我们可以通过观测来寻找虫洞存在的证据,例如观察黑洞合并时发出的引力波信号。如果虫洞存在,从外部看可能像一个大型肥皂泡,穿越虫洞可能会到达宇宙的其他区域甚至其他宇宙。计算机模拟可以帮助我们研究虫洞的特性,例如其稳定性等。支持虫洞存在的物质需要具有负能量,这是一种在经典物理学中不存在的奇特性质,但在量子力学中是允许的。大型虫洞可能看起来像一个巨大的球体,周围空间会发生严重扭曲。研究虫洞可以帮助我们更好地理解量子物理、经典物理和广义相对论等物理学领域。未来引力波探测技术的进步将为我们提供更多关于宇宙的信息,可能会有意想不到的发现。黑洞可能孕育新的宇宙,这是一种有趣的推测。物理学研究更需要创造性而非想象力,数学是检验物理理论的工具。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are wormholes considered potential shortcuts in the universe?

Wormholes are considered potential shortcuts because they theoretically connect two distant points in space-time, allowing travel between them without having to cover the vast distances in the conventional sense. This concept arises from solutions to Einstein's equations of general relativity.

Why does the universe need to be folded back on itself for wormholes to exist?

For wormholes to exist, the universe must be folded back on itself in certain regions. This means space-time is bent in a way that creates a tunnel connecting two distant points. The folding is a result of the extreme warping of space-time by exotic matter required to keep the wormhole open.

Why are scientists testing whether wormholes could exist?

Scientists are testing the existence of wormholes to understand the fundamental laws of physics, particularly the relationship between gravity, quantum mechanics, and the structure of the universe. While wormholes themselves might not exist, the search can reveal important insights into the nature of matter and space-time.

Why is quantum mechanics crucial to the existence of wormholes?

Quantum mechanics is crucial because it allows for the existence of exotic matter with negative energy, which is necessary to keep wormholes open. Classical physics does not permit negative energy, but quantum mechanics does, within certain limits, making it a key component in theoretical models of wormholes.

Why are wormholes often compared to black holes in scientific discussions?

Wormholes are often compared to black holes because they both involve extreme warping of space-time and can have similar observational signatures. However, while black holes have event horizons that trap everything, wormholes theoretically allow passage through them to another location or universe.

Why do scientists remain skeptical about the existence of large-scale wormholes?

Scientists remain skeptical about large-scale wormholes because the exotic matter required to create and maintain them is not known to exist in the quantities needed. Additionally, while small, subatomic wormholes are theoretically possible, they are not useful for human travel. The practical and theoretical challenges are currently insurmountable.

Why is the study of wormholes important for physics and cosmology?

The study of wormholes is important because it challenges our understanding of gravity, quantum mechanics, and the topology of the universe. It helps explore the limits of what matter and energy can do, and it can lead to new insights and technologies, even if wormholes themselves are not feasible.

Why do computer simulations play a crucial role in wormhole research?

Computer simulations are crucial in wormhole research because they help solve the complex equations of general relativity and predict the observational signatures of wormholes. They allow scientists to explore the behavior and stability of different models of exotic matter, extending our theoretical understanding beyond what can be tested in a laboratory.

Why do wormholes and time travel into the past pose a paradox in physics?

Wormholes and time travel into the past pose a paradox because they could lead to causal loops, such as a person going back in time and preventing their own birth. This creates logical inconsistencies and challenges the current understanding of causality in physics, which is why many physicists believe time travel into the past should be impossible.

Why do some physicists believe in the possibility of multiple universes?

Some physicists believe in the possibility of multiple universes because of theories like inflationary cosmology, which suggest the universe is much larger than what we can observe. Additionally, speculative ideas propose that new universes could be born within black holes or through other exotic processes, though there is no direct evidence for these theories.

The discussion begins by establishing the immense size of the universe, motivating the need for potential shortcuts like wormholes. The vast distances involved, measured in billions of light-years, are highlighted, emphasizing the scale of the challenge.
  • The universe is about 14 billion years old.
  • The observable universe is about 14 billion light-years across.
  • A light-year is a vast distance.

Shownotes Transcript

Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the tantalising idea that there are shortcuts between distant galaxies, somewhere out there in the universe. The idea emerged in the context of Einstein's theories and the challenge has been not so much to prove their unlikely existence as to show why they ought to be impossible. The universe would have to folded back on itself in places, and there would have to be something to make the wormholes and then to keep them open. But is there anywhere in the vast universe like that? Could there be holes that we or more advanced civilisations might travel through, from one galaxy to another and, if not, why not?


Toby Wiseman Professor of Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London

Katy Clough Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at Queen Mary, University of London


Andrew Pontzen Professor of Cosmology at Durham University

Producer: Simon Tillotson

Reading list:

Jim Al-Khalili, Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines (Taylor & Francis, 1999)

Andrew Pontzen, The Universe in a Box: Simulations and the Quest to Code the Cosmos (Riverhead Books, 2023)

Claudia de Rham, The Beauty of Falling: A Life in Pursuit of Gravity (Princeton University Press, 2024)

Carl Sagan, Contact (Simon and Schuster, 1985)

Kip Thorne, Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy (W. W. Norton & Company, 1994)

Kip Thorne, Science of Interstellar (W. W. Norton & Company, 2014)

Matt Visser, Lorentzian Wormholes: From Einstein to Hawking (American Institute of Physics Melville, NY, 1996)

In Our Time is a BBC Studios Audio Production