Welcome back to History is Gay, with part 2 of our three-part exploration of classic queer children's literature authors, with guest host Aubree Calvin! In this second installment, we give more background on the history of queer children's literature and dive a bit deeper into our favorite Queer Kid Lit fairy grandmother Ursula Nordstrom before moving into our main coverage focusing on two additional authors, beloved James Marshall, author of George and Martha and the Miss Nelson series, as well as the iconically curmudgeonly Maurice Sendak, known best for Where the Wild Things Are.
Part three will be coming your way soon with even more queer children's authors to explore :)
Outline 0:00 – Introduction 9:35 – Socio-Historical Context: Timeline of Overt LGBTQ Rep in Children's Books 17:42 – Socio-Historical Context: Fear of the Queer Child 17:42 – 23:22 – CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of bigoted association of homosexuality with child sexual abuse 23:22 – More about Ursula Nordstorm: our queer kid lit fairy gaymother 29:27 – Who Were They? Bio Time: James Marshall 45:08 – Who Were They? Bio Time: Maurice Sendak 56:05 – Why do we think they're gay? 1:14:14 – Closing and Where to Find us Online
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