For this episode, Leigh is joined again by guest host Tyler Albertario, as we continue diving into the history of the Homophile movement. In this second and final part of this discussion, Leigh and Tyler cover the rise of East Coast Homophile Organizations (ECHO), its restructuring as the North American Conference of Homophile Organizations (NACHO), and the ultimate downfall of NACHO and most of its member organizations in the wake of the Stonewall Rebellion. What are the lessons we can learn and take from early gay rights organizing, and how the movement transitioned into gay liberation?Learn more about Tyler Albertario and his work by checking out his articles on Medium, follow on Twitter @TylerAlbertario, and support him on Patreon!
0:00 – Introduction and Announcements3:33 – Follow-Ups/Corrections from last episode4:59 – Socio-Historic Context17:16 – Phase One: Coming Together – Regional organizing & Collaboration22:21 - 31:07 – Content Warning: Discussion of attempted Nazi invasion26:24 - 26:34 – Content Warning: Suicide attempt mention44:24 – Phase 2: Homophile Organizing Goes National1:03:32 – Phase 3: Stonewall & Failure to Capture Lighting in a Bottle1:05:04 - 1:05:30 – Content warning: Blood mention1:14:54 – Epilogue & Final Thoughts/Takeaways1:18:03 – Pop-Culture Tie-In1:22:26 – How Gay were They?1:23:58 – Closing and Where to Find us Online
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