cover of episode The Final Battle Between God & Satan

The Final Battle Between God & Satan

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Mythology Explained

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Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explain. Today, we're going to dive into the final battle between God and Satan. This story comes to us in the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, and can be broken down into three stages, which are: (1) Satan and his fallen angels being cast out of heaven by Michael and the angels who remain loyal to God; (2) Satan and his wicked legions being defeated by Jesus, resulting in Satan's imprisonment for 1,000 years; (and 3) Satan and his forces being extirpated by God - this resulting in Satan's final defeat, which sees him cast into the lake of fire, where he will remain imprisoned, writhing in endless torment beyond the light of God's grace, for all of eternity.

Alright, let's get into it.

The Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, is an apocalyptic text, the writing of which is attributed to the Apostle John. It presents a series of visions and prophecies, vividly depicting a cosmic conflict between good and evil - the legions of the light and the divisions of the dark, each headed, respectively, by God and Satan. The culmination of all the war and wrath entailed in the Book of Revelation is the final judgment, the time when all souls will be judged, either rewarded with eternal life in paradise or condemned to the lake of fire, an unimaginably terrible fate marked by unending anguish and affliction and by utter and eternal separation from God.

The Book of Revelation begins with John the Apostle on the island of Patmos. He receives a revelation from Jesus Christ, who instructs him to write to seven churches in Asia Minor. These letters commend, admonish, and encourage the churches, highlighting their virtues and vices and emphasizing the imminent return of Christ.

In chapters 4-5, John is swept into a vision of heaven, where he sees God's throne, surrounded by twenty-four elders and four living creatures. God holds a scroll sealed with seven seals, which no one is worthy to open except the Lion of Judah, depicted as a slain lamb, symbolizing Jesus Christ.