Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today's video, we're going to discuss Belial, a demonic prince and one of the chief demons of Hell. Alright, let's get into it. Where the name Belial came from isn't known for certain, shrouded in ambiguity as it is, but a couple of possibilities do stand above the rest. One theory suggests that the term Belial is derived from the Hebrew words beli-ya'al, which means "without worth" or "worthlessness." This interpretation is supported by the use of the term "sons of Belial" in the Book of Judges, where it is used to describe a group of wicked and lawless men. In this context, the term may be seen as a descriptor for folk wanting in the scruple and virtue departments - this name then accreting a more profound meaning, in time becoming the name of an archdemon and a name synonymous with wickedness. Of the 27 or so times the name Belial is used in the Masoretic Text, the authoritative version of the Hebrew Bible, 15 instances are used to describe 'worthless people', here, usually meaning people disposed to idolatry and wickedness - thought I'm sure they weren't paragons of productivity, either Another theory suggests that the term Belial may have originated in pre-judaic Canaan, perhaps derived, at least in part, from an ancient pagan deity, later adopted into Jewish and Christian traditions as a symbol of evil or wickedness. This was certainly the case for Baal, a Canaanite storm and weather god; however, the evidence in support of this theory with respect to Belial is dubious by comparison. concerning his power and influence, Belial never reaches the pinnacle of the demonic hierarchy, not really on par with the likes of Satan, Lucifer, and Beelzebub, but he is still a prominent figure, very much so, among Hell's legions. If we were going to express his eminence with the corporate structure of a company, I'd say he misses the C-suite while still being comfortably established in the upper-echelon of management, perhaps belonging to a cadre of vice presidents.