cover of episode 【31】生物工程博士:女性可能是天生的领导者


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朱莉:我从香港科技大学化学及生物分子工程学博士毕业后,先后在顶尖战略咨询公司和生命科学领域风险投资基金工作,积累了丰富的商业经验和行业洞见。最终,我和先生一起创立了一家合成生物学公司。我的创业之路并非一帆风顺,期间经历了多次挑战和抉择,例如在咨询行业和风险投资行业的工作经历,以及最终选择自主创业的决定。在创业过程中,我不断学习,提升自身能力,并与先生共同建立了完善的企业管理制度,以应对创业过程中的各种挑战。 我选择药物递送作为研究方向,是因为外公的去世让我深刻体会到抗癌药物的高昂价格,这激发了我希望通过自己的研究为患者带来福祉的愿望。在读博期间,我积极参与各种创业比赛,这为我积累了宝贵的创业经验。 在咨询行业,我学习了商业逻辑、金融知识和管理技能,并通过考取CFA证书进一步提升了自身的专业能力。在风险投资行业,我参与了多个项目的孵化,这让我对企业运营有了更深入的了解,并提升了我的企业判断能力。 我和先生一起创业,虽然初期投资人会有顾虑,但我们通过清晰的规划和制度化管理,有效地解决了这些问题。我们分工明确,他负责技术,我负责内务,这使得我们能够高效地合作,并避免了不必要的冲突。 对于想要创业的女性,我的建议是:创业是对能力、精力和心力的三重考验。首先,要不断学习,提升自身能力,特别是沟通能力和写作能力;其次,要保持精力充沛,并养成良好的生活习惯;最后,要具备强大的心理素质,能够承受创业过程中的各种压力和挑战。女性在创业中具有独特的优势,例如更强的韧性和心理承受能力,这使得她们能够在逆境中求生存,并最终取得成功。 红总:作为节目的主持人,我主要负责引导话题,并与嘉宾进行互动。在节目中,我表达了对朱莉创业经历的赞赏,并对她的创业经验进行了总结和概括。 海云:作为节目的另一位主持人,我主要负责与嘉宾进行互动,并对嘉宾的观点进行补充和解释。在节目中,我表达了对朱莉创业经历的兴趣,并对她的创业经验进行了提问和探讨。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is drug delivery and why is it important in the pharmaceutical industry?

Drug delivery involves the method of transporting active pharmaceutical ingredients to specific target sites to achieve therapeutic effects. It is crucial because it addresses key issues like solubility and stability of drug molecules, and enables precise targeting to minimize off-target accumulation, thereby enhancing drug efficacy while reducing toxicity. A notable example is the use of lipid nanoparticles (LNP) in mRNA vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What are the key stages in the drug development cycle?

The drug development cycle is lengthy and complex, often referred to as the 'double ten rule,' requiring over 10 years and $1 billion to develop a new drug. The stages include drug discovery, preclinical research (in vitro and in vivo testing), clinical trials (Phase I for safety, Phase II for efficacy in small patient groups, Phase III in larger groups), regulatory approval, and post-market surveillance for long-term safety and efficacy.

Why did Julie choose to transition from academia to entrepreneurship in the biotech field?

Julie transitioned from academia to entrepreneurship because she wanted her research to have practical applications that could benefit patients. She felt that staying in academia limited her ability to see the broader world and apply her research effectively. Her mentor's encouragement and the entrepreneurial culture at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology also influenced her decision to explore business opportunities in biotech.

What challenges did Julie face when she first considered starting her own company?

Initially, Julie faced uncertainty about how to use the prize money from a business competition to start her company. She lacked knowledge on the practical steps needed to establish and run a business, such as registering a company and managing finances. This led her to seek advice from mentors and peers, which eventually shaped her career path towards consulting and venture capital before starting her own biotech firm.

How did Julie's experience in consulting and venture capital prepare her for entrepreneurship?

Julie's consulting experience provided her with a solid foundation in business logic and strategic thinking, which was crucial for understanding market dynamics and competitive landscapes. Her venture capital experience allowed her to gain deep insights into the startup ecosystem, including the challenges of building and scaling a company. These roles equipped her with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of starting and running her own biotech company.

What advice does Julie offer to women aspiring to become entrepreneurs in the biotech industry?

Julie advises aspiring female entrepreneurs to focus on three key areas: capability, energy, and mental resilience. She emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and effective communication skills, as these are critical for leadership and decision-making in business. She also highlights the need for physical fitness to sustain the high energy levels required for entrepreneurship. Lastly, she stresses the importance of mental resilience to navigate the inevitable challenges and setbacks in the entrepreneurial journey.

What unique advantages do women have in leadership roles according to Julie?

Julie believes that women are naturally suited for leadership roles due to their resilience and ability to handle adversity. Women are accustomed to overcoming challenges and finding solutions in difficult situations, which is a significant advantage in business. Additionally, women tend to approach problems with a more balanced and rational perspective, which helps in minimizing risks and making informed decisions during tough times.

  • 家庭背景对个人兴趣和职业选择的影响
  • iGEM比赛对Julie职业道路的影响
  • 外公的去世促使Julie关注药物递送领域
  • 读博期间开始考虑创业

Shownotes Transcript

本播客终于迎来了一位自主创业的女博士,一位典型的ENTJ。Julie在就读博士期间就立下了创业的志愿,今天已在上海张江拥有一家合成生物学公司。本期节目中,Julie跟我们分享了她如何从咨询行业、到风险投资行业、到自主创业的经历,也给有志于创业的女孩提出了干货满满的建议。 本期嘉宾 Julie,香港科技大学化学及生物分子工程学博士,曾就职于顶尖战略咨询公司及生命科学领域风险投资基金,现在是生物医药行业的创业者。知乎专栏《博士的围城》作者,希望通过个人经历启发更多博士探索广阔的职业可能。 本期知识点 药物递送(Drug delivery 药物递送技术通过特定的方法将活性药物成分输送至目标部位,以实现治疗效果。随着治疗药物种类的扩展,从传统的小分子到肽、蛋白质、抗体、核酸乃至活细胞,药物递送的重要性愈发显著。一个高效的递送系统不仅能解决药物分子本身的溶解性、稳定性等关键成药性问题,还能通过精准靶向递送,最大限度地减少目标外积累,从而在提升药物有效性同时降低药物毒性。在新冠疫情期间,受到极大关注的mRNA疫苗所使用的纳米脂质球(LNP)递送技术就是一个药物递送领域的成功案例 药物研发周期 药物研发周期是一个漫长而复杂的过程,因此医药界有个“双十定律”的说法:即需要超过10年时间、10亿美元的成本,才有可能成功研发出一款新药。通常来说,药物研发周期包含药物发现阶段、临床前研究(体外和体内测试)阶段、临床试验阶段和监管审批阶段。其中临床试验阶段还分为以安全性测试为主的临床I期,在小规模患者群体中进行有效性评估的临床II期,以及在更大规模患者群体中进行的临床III期。全部试验完成后,需要通过新药申请获得监管机构的市场批准,并在上市后继续进行长期安全性和有效性监测。 时间轴 04:27 读中学时,巴菲特和松下幸之助的传记给我很大的震撼 13:36 读博期间,我就希望自己研究的东西最终能有应用 21:54 博士之后的职业道路选择其实很宽 29:48 中高层职位,内推比公开招聘靠谱 37:15  为什么选择开“夫妻店”? 50:17 创业是对能力、精力、心力的三重考验 55:22 女性是天生的领导者 本期节目使用的音乐 本期嘉宾推荐叶启田《爱拼才会赢》 【本期主播】 红总:传播学博士,一个留学咨询师 海云:文化研究博士,一个做媒体的 【制作团队】 ·制作人:响子、Daytun ·出品人:红总 【出品方】 上海杭苇教育科技有限公司 【联系我们】 加入听友群方法一:关注微信公众号:《我是女博士》,给公众号留言申请加入。 商务合作:[email protected] 欢迎愿意分享经验的女博士通过以下方式报名参与节目: [email protected]收听途径:小宇宙、喜马拉雅、podcasts、网易云音乐,搜索“我是女博士”