Executive Producer - Sunny JIANG
Production Manager – PallasCatFin
统筹 | 唐嘉澍 董嘉琦
Coordinator – Jason TANG, Frances D
在本期由 CFA 北京协会主办的 China Charter Chat 播客节目中,我们非常荣幸地邀请到 Jeremy Heer 作为特别嘉宾。
In this episode of China Charter Chat, hosted by CFA Beijing Society, we are honored to welcome Jeremy Heer as our distinguished guest.
Jeremy现任伊利诺伊大学基金会(University of Illinois Foundation)的董事总经理,负责研究、投资策略发展以及外部合作。他曾在芝加哥大学、瑞银(UBS)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) 等顶级金融机构担任重要职务,在资产配置、私募市场和捐赠基金管理方面拥有丰富经验。此外,Jeremy 是 CFA 和 CAIA 持证人,并担任 CFA 芝加哥协会主席。在金融之外,他还是一位热爱音乐、高尔夫和冰球的爱好者。
Jeremy is the Managing Director at the University of Illinois Foundation, where he leads research, investment strategy development, and external engagement. With a career spanning top financial institutions like the University of Chicago, UBS, and Morgan Stanley, Jeremy brings a wealth of experience in asset allocation, private markets, and endowment management. He is also a CFA and CAIA charterholder and serves as the Chair of CFA Society Chicago. Beyond finance, Jeremy is a passionate musician, golfer, and ice hockey player.
在本期播客中,我们将探讨 Jeremy 的职业发展之路,他对捐赠基金管理的见解,另类投资的演变,以及人工智能如何重塑投资策略。他将学术严谨性与实践经验相结合,为我们带来独特的视角,助力应对复杂的投资管理挑战。
In today’s podcast, we explore Jeremy’s career journey, his insights on endowment portfolio management, the evolving role of alternative investments, and how AI is reshaping investment strategies. His ability to blend academic rigor with real-world experience offers a unique perspective on navigating the complexities of investment management.
对于希望深入了解长期投资和机构投资管理的听众来说,Jeremy 的经验和策略思维可谓是一堂大师级课程,帮助大家在不断变化的金融环境中保持领先。无论你是金融从业者、投资新手,还是金融学子,本次对话都将带来满满的收获。
For those looking to deepen their knowledge in long-term investing and institutional portfolio management, Jeremy’s experience and strategic approach serve as a masterclass in staying ahead in the ever-evolving financial landscape. Whether you are a finance professional, an aspiring investor, or a student, this conversation is packed with valuable takeaways.
Stay tuned for our next episode, where we continue to bring you in-depth discussions with industry leaders!
「本期内容 Highlights」
01 职业发展与转型 Career Journey & Transition
Jeremy 从商品交易员到捐赠基金管理,展现了卓越适应力、技能发展和战略性职业规划。
Jeremy’s transition from commodity trading to endowment management highlights adaptability, skill development, and strategic career moves.
02 投资理念与资产配置 Investment Philosophy & Asset Allocation
Discussing the importance of long-term growth, liquidity balance, and diversified portfolio strategies in managing endowments effectively.
03 人工智能投资趋势 AI Investment Trends
探索 AI 在投资研究、尽职调查和资产管理中的应用,并识别真实机遇与市场炒作。
Exploring AI’s role in investment research, due diligence, and portfolio management, while identifying real opportunities versus hype.
04 房地产资产 Real Estate Assets
Jeremy 分享房地产投资评估、费用结构和高回报投资机会的见解。
Jeremy shares insights on evaluating real estate investments, fee structures, and identifying high-return opportunities.
05 捐赠基金的最佳实践 Endowment Best Practices
How the University of Illinois Foundation aligns with key principles and best practices shared among leading endowments.
06 市场波动与风险管理 Market Volatility & Risk Management
Navigating market cycles by leveraging downturns as buying opportunities and ensuring portfolio resilience.
07 导师指导与职业发展 Mentorship and Career Development
The importance of continuous learning, professional networking, and balancing career growth with personal passions.
「本期节目制作人 Production Manager」****
PallasCatFin has over 15 years of experience in the financial industry, including roles at Big Four accounting firms, management consulting companies, and investment banks. His work spans front, middle, and back-office operations within the investment sector, with professional experience in both Chinese and international markets. He holds CFA, CPA, and CISA certifications.