Miaomiao decided to open a bar after a period of self-reflection at the age of 30, where she realized she wanted to commit to a lifelong career in opening and running businesses. Her diverse background, including roles in advertising, headhunting, and running a dessert shop, gave her a unique perspective and skills that she brought to the bar industry. Her passion for physical spaces and design also played a crucial role in her decision to open Shifter.
Shifter’s 'Farm to Bar' approach emphasizes using natural ingredients sourced from local ecological farms, particularly from the Beijing suburbs. This concept was born out of Miaomiao’s realization that respecting nature and land was more important than blindly following advanced techniques. The bar collaborates with farms to grow specific ingredients like tomatoes, basil, and mint, ensuring a sustainable and high-quality supply of ingredients for their cocktails.
The bar industry in Beijing has faced significant challenges due to economic downturns, with many bars closing down. The decrease in consumer spending power and the shift towards more rational and healthy consumption habits have impacted the industry. Despite these challenges, bars that focus on genuine experiences and quality products continue to attract loyal customers who value the social and emotional aspects of bar culture.
When choosing a cocktail, it’s helpful to decide whether you prefer a long drink or a short drink, based on alcohol content and serving size. Communicating clearly with the bartender about what you don’t want (e.g., too sweet, too bitter) can also guide them to recommend a suitable drink. Understanding your own preferences for flavors and alcohol strength can make the selection process easier and more enjoyable.
Miaomiao believes that the future of the cocktail industry will trend towards simplicity. Rather than focusing on complex and technically advanced drinks, there will be a shift towards simpler, more accessible cocktails that emphasize flavor and experience. This trend reflects changing consumer preferences and a broader societal shift towards valuing authenticity and simplicity over complexity.
制作人丨唐嘉澍 黄天浩
剪辑图文 | 邓筠凡
统筹 | 唐嘉澍 董嘉琦
特许金融街播客开通三年来,已有3期与酒文化相关的节目,每期节目都受到听众的积极反馈。这也是对金融从业者繁忙工作之余的一种生活洞察,为广大听众朋友带来新生活方式的启发和业余爱好的更多延展。但是在往期节目中我们还没有一期是针对于鸡尾酒这个品类的内容,而鸡尾酒又是当代都市生活不可 或缺的文化元素,因此本期我们特邀shifter酒吧的主理人苗彻女士来为我们分享她与调酒的故事。
shifter是围绕「自然风物」提供品质酒饮与食物的综合空间,关心城市与人文,坚信自然与土地的力量。在做酒的过程中最大限度使用天然原料、合作京郊生态农场取材,践行#FARM TO BAR,也提供拒绝预制菜的有诚意的bar food。定期更新季节手工鸡尾酒单、每周二「金夜」酒单,不定期举办人文与展览活动,内设公共空间shifter silo,向公众免费开放与申用。
02:11 嘉宾分享如何与调酒、开酒吧结缘
16:24 开shifter酒吧的心路历程和难忘瞬间
25:50 鸡尾酒的常见分类,经典和特调的区别
29:55 如何选择适合自己的鸡尾酒,长饮和短饮的区别
34:15 选酒建议:直接告诉调酒师“我不想要什么”
37:35 酒吧的分类 (Bar, Pub, Lounge, Speakeasy, Live house ),如何选择适合自己的酒吧
45:28 如果想在酒吧获取一些情绪价值,建议首选社区型酒吧
48:37 shifter酒吧“farm to bar”特色主题的由来
01:01:07 “farm to bar” 总结下来就是不再盲目崇拜技术,而是敬畏自然和土地
01:05:01 未来调酒的趋势会越来越简单
01:09:44 shifter酒吧增加餐食是基于市场需求
01:15:48 对酒吧经营模式创新的看法,比如利用成熟的bar food menu在白天经营午餐定食
01:24:17 shifter酒吧经营不针对某些特定客群,对客人没有分别心,员工会尊重客人的感受和边界感
01:35:23 选择酒吧可参考“大众点评酒吧指南”或者“50 best”这类榜单
01:40:42 当下经营酒吧也许不是一门很能赚钱的生意,但是对于嘉宾而言,是能够提供情绪价值的生意
01:52:30 餐饮虽非高利润率的行业,但其优势在于有稳定的现金流
01:58:31 虽然伴随环境变化,酒吧的客群有了变化,但是那些单纯喜欢品酒的客人没有变化
02:01:17 嘉宾最爱的鸡尾酒以及其他推荐酒吧
02:06:10 播客听众的到店福利~
特许金融街是一档由北京金融分析师协会(CFA Society Beijing)发起,面向社会各界听众的金融访谈类播客,我们会邀请各金融细分领域的朋友们一起探讨资本市场热点,圈内秘闻,金融职场等与金融相关的热点话题。