市场总量持续增长是不争的事实,但不同平台及参与者的市场份额却在不断变化。这种“位移”迫使品牌和创作者必须快速适应,寻找最有利的位置和机会。 头部创作者的增长速度放缓,而腰部及腰尾部创作者却呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。 这并非简单的零和博弈,而是整个生态的动态调整。 数据显示,万粉以上创作者的年增长率在放缓,但腰部创作者的规模却持续扩大,甚至达到46.7%。 这种变化也直接影响了广告主的投放策略,预算正逐渐向腰部KOL倾斜。
各大平台在功能和内容形式上趋于同质化,短视频、直播、图文等内容格式几乎遍地开花。 这种“趋同”并非完全的同质化竞争,而是基于用户需求的满足。 平台都在努力丰富自身的内容生态,以延长用户停留时长。 例如,抖音积极拓展知识类、生活服务类内容,小红书也开始尝试长视频内容。 这种趋同也体现在商业模式上,越来越多的平台具备了闭环或半闭环的商业能力。
社交媒体平台的数据分析能力日益精进,为品牌投放决策提供了更精细化、更理性的依据。 不再是单纯依靠直觉和经验,而是基于详尽的数据分析,来判断目标人群、内容效果以及投放策略。 这种“理性”的转变,提升了营销效率,也降低了投放风险。
视频号作为新兴平台,在2024年展现出强劲的增长势头。 它依托微信庞大的用户基础,并凭借其独特的算法和熟人社交关系,吸引了大量用户,并持续增长。 这预示着社交媒体格局的进一步演变,也为创作者和品牌提供了新的机会。
我始终认为,优秀的创作者不会被平台算法所束缚。 持续创作高质量内容才是他们立足之本。 虽然新兴创作者需要了解平台算法,但长期来看,只有专注于内容本身,才能穿越周期,突破算法的限制。 那些能够持续输出原创、高质量内容的创作者,最终才能在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。
品牌建设是一个长期过程,需要时间和耐心去沉淀。 在追求短期效果的同时,更要注重品牌心智的长期建设。 这需要公司高层的高度重视,而非仅仅依靠营销部门的努力。 品牌需要在心智建设和渠道拓展之间做出权衡,选择适合自身发展战略的路径。
2024年中国社交媒体生态呈现出动态变化,机遇与挑战并存。 无论是创作者还是品牌,都需要积极适应新的环境,不断学习和创新,才能在这个充满活力和竞争的市场中获得成功。 持续创作高质量内容,精细化运营,以及长期品牌建设,将是未来取得成功的关键。
The key trends for 2024 include 'displacement,' 'convergence,' 'rationality,' and 'renewal.' Displacement refers to the shifting market shares among platforms, while convergence highlights the increasing similarity in platform functionalities. Rationality indicates a more data-driven approach to content and advertising, and renewal points to platforms like WeChat Video Channels experiencing significant growth.
Douyin (TikTok) maintained a stable and strong performance, especially in categories like youth education, lifestyle, and short dramas. Weibo remained a key platform for amplifying public events, while Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) saw significant growth in user base and commercial potential. WeChat Video Channels also experienced notable growth, particularly among younger and middle-aged users.
Creators should focus on producing high-quality, engaging content that can flow across multiple platforms. Brands need to adopt a more strategic approach, leveraging platform-specific tools and combining different content formats (e.g., short videos, live streams) to maximize reach and engagement. Both creators and brands should pay attention to the growing influence of mid-tier influencers, who are increasingly favored by advertisers.
Short dramas and Live2D dynamic images emerged as popular content formats in 2024. Short dramas, particularly in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and beauty sectors, saw significant advertiser interest. Live2D images on platforms like WeChat Moments brought a fresh, interactive element to social media content.
Mid-tier influencers are experiencing significant growth, with their fan bases expanding rapidly. Advertisers are increasingly shifting budgets towards these influencers due to their cost-effectiveness and high engagement rates. This trend is reshaping the influencer marketing landscape, with mid-tier creators now accounting for a larger share of brand collaborations.
Social media creators' incomes vary widely, with top-tier influencers earning millions annually, while smaller creators may earn only a few thousand. The income disparity is influenced by factors like content niche, platform, and advertiser demand. For example, automotive and tech influencers often command higher earnings due to the lucrative nature of their industries.
Social media has become a central component of brand marketing strategies, with content now accounting for a larger share of advertising budgets compared to traditional ads. Brands are increasingly focusing on platform-specific strategies, leveraging tools like short videos, live streams, and influencer collaborations to drive engagement and sales. The shift towards more data-driven and integrated campaigns reflects the growing sophistication of social media marketing.
Influencer marketing now includes roles like Key Opinion Consumers (KOC), Key Opinion Sales (KOS), and Key Opinion Employees (KOE). KOCs share their product experiences, KOS focus on sales-driven content, and KOEs represent employees promoting their companies. These roles allow brands to engage with audiences at different touchpoints, from product discovery to purchase, enhancing overall marketing effectiveness.
Content creators often struggle with the unpredictability of platform algorithms, which can impact visibility and engagement. While some creators focus on understanding and adapting to these algorithms, the most successful ones prioritize consistent, high-quality content creation. Platforms like Douyin and Xiaohongshu reward creators who produce original, engaging content, regardless of algorithmic changes.
Brands are using social media to create lasting impressions by focusing on content that resonates emotionally with audiences. Platforms like Bilibili and Xiaohongshu are particularly effective for long-term brand building, as they allow for deeper storytelling and community engagement. Brands are also investing in data-driven strategies to track and optimize their social media efforts, ensuring sustained growth and brand loyalty.
@张宇彤 社交媒体专家&「克劳锐」负责人
歌曲:🎵《Better Together》——Jack Johnson🎵
03:00 概括2024年中国社交媒体的主要趋势关键词:位移、趋同、理性、新生
08:03 各家社交媒体表现(如微博、微信、抖音、小红书、视频号、B站等)
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16:59 平台留给创作者和品牌方还有哪些机会?
22:40 2024年有哪些新型内容获得了网民的认可?短剧?Live动图?
25:50 中长视频,被平台鼓励,也被更多人收藏和转发
30:51 内容创作者如何摆脱平台的算法束缚
34:33 坚持做好内容,能穿越周期,也能突破算法
37:51 科普各大平台头腰部KOL粉丝数
40:14 情怀、情感、情绪性内容,往往能「通杀」各个平台
40:41 广告主好像更喜欢投放中腰部KOL了
42:42 社交媒体的创作者的收入能有多少?高到千万级,低至几万
45:04 哪些内容创作者享受到了行业红利?数码宝贝们还能吃多久的汽车饭?
49:03 关于社交媒体的预算分配以及投放改变
54:33 KOB、KOC、KOL、KOE、KOS分别承担了哪些角色、如何更好应用
58:38 科技产业、汽车产业的KOE很适合来小宇宙做播客
1:03:35 社交媒体如何为品牌建立长期的心智
1:07:04 过去一年没有好的social 案例吗?这恰恰说明当下传播特色与困境