cover of episode 830: The Forever Trial

830: The Forever Trial

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This American Life

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Colleen Kelly
Ira Glass
Layla Murphy
Sarah Koenig
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows成员
伊拉·格拉斯概述了本集内容:关塔那摩911袭击案被告的审判,本应实现正义,却因各种因素而变得极不可能。萨拉·科尼格深入探讨了审判的困境,包括CIA酷刑、间接证据、机密信息等,这些都严重损害了案件的公正性。科琳·凯利作为911遇难者家属代表,多年来积极参与审判,她对真相和责任追究的执着令人动容。她经历了寻找哥哥遗体和真相的痛苦过程,并将这种执着投入到911袭击案审判中。 911遇难者家属组成的“911和平明天家庭”组织,其成员对911袭击案被告的未来表示关注,这与常理相悖。他们积极参与审判,并对正义的定义进行重新思考。利兹作为年轻一代的代表,对关塔那摩监狱的关闭与否以及正义的内涵提出质疑。 萨拉·科尼格分析了关塔那摩监狱的运作方式,指出其反常性和不公正性。911袭击案审判的漫长和低效,以及法官频繁更迭,都凸显了军事法庭系统的失败。认罪协议成为结束审判的唯一途径,但其也面临着巨大的社会阻力。科琳·凯利和“911和平明天家庭”组织成员希望通过认罪协议获得更多信息,并对被告的罪责进行更细致的区分。 然而,认罪协议的谈判过程充满了波折,拜登政府的干预和公众舆论的反弹都给协议的达成带来了巨大的挑战。杰伊·卡内尔作为辩方律师,对审判的长期性和不确定性表达了担忧,并认为这更像是一场精心策划的复仇戏剧。科琳·凯利在经历了长期的等待和失望后,对审判最终可能无法结束的可能性表示悲观。 莱拉·墨菲作为新一代911遇难者子女的代表,她的看法与上一代有所不同。她并不期待从911袭击案被告那里获得答案,她更希望美国政府能够承认错误并道歉。她认为美国政府的行为是导致案件长期拖延的原因。

Deep Dive

Host Ira Glass introduces a Serial podcast episode about the complexities surrounding the trial of the 9/11 accused. The episode explores why achieving justice through this trial has been so challenging.
  • The trial for the 9/11 accused has been ongoing for over a decade.
  • The torture of the accused in CIA black sites complicates the legal proceedings.
  • There's uncertainty about the best possible outcome and how it will be perceived by the public.

Shownotes Transcript

The trial for the men accused of orchestrating the September 11 terrorist attacks still hasn’t started yet. Family members of those who died that day are still hoping for some kind of accountability, more than 22 years later. This week, the story of how one victim’s sister is navigating this historic and twisted trial.

  • Prologue: Host Ira Glass introduces the new series that Serial is doing about Guantánamo Bay. This is the second of two episodes of theirs that we’re airing. (2 minutes)
  • Act One: We meet Colleen Kelly, a member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, and learn just how upside down and messed up the trial for the 9/11 accused has been over the past decade. (28 minutes)
  • Act Two: Sarah Koenig explains what’s probably the best possible outcome that everyone can hope for at this point. And why, when it hits the news someday — if it ever happens — it’s sure to be deeply misunderstood by lots of people. Plus a trip to Guantánamo with Colleen. (31 minutes)

Transcripts are available at