cover of episode 176. 又到一年“八乘八”,今年刮起英伦风!

176. 又到一年“八乘八”,今年刮起英伦风!

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阿啾:英国精酿啤酒在Untappd评分系统中被低估,实际品质不输美国啤酒,建议消费者不要仅凭评分判断。他个人推荐Vault City的白巧克力香蕉啤酒和TripSmith的杨梅生啤拉格,以及云水啤酒的过桶帝国世涛。 小白:国产精酿啤酒的罐装和冷链技术有待提高,以保证啤酒的新鲜度和口感。他推荐云水啤酒的过桶石涛和佳卡哈的欧式苹果酒,以及青门和Vault City合作酿造的芝麻骑士帝国甜点世涛。 沙仙森:今年的英国啤酒更注重口感的稳定性和舒适度,而非惊喜感。他推荐Siren和另一家(名字未提及)酒厂的啤酒,并分析了英国酒厂在增味和调味上的克制,以及中国酒厂更接近美国酒厂的风格。 啊Ken:今年“八乘八”的场地比以往更好,他推荐Beak的捷克皮尔森和酒花农场的野菌啤酒。 笛儿:他推荐Vault City的巧克力香蕉冰沙和京A与Siren合作酿造的大不列颠枣糕甜品大麦烈酒。 Chris:他希望明年“八乘八”可以更多地与亚洲其他国家的精酿啤酒厂合作,并谈到了他对巴厘岛精酿啤酒厂的看法。 Alex:他认为亚洲精酿啤酒的水平正在快速提升,并与Chris讨论了亚洲精酿啤酒与中国精酿啤酒的水平对比。 Wilson:他认为Cask Ale文化很有意思,但个人更喜欢有气泡的啤酒。他推荐Beak的Parade IPA和Pico Session IPA,以及Vault City的Smoothie Sour Ale。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why was the theme of this year's '8x8' beer festival focused on the UK?

The UK theme was chosen because the organizer, Chris, has been living in the UK recently, making it easier to communicate with British breweries. Additionally, many British breweries produce high-quality beers that are not widely available in China, offering a unique opportunity to introduce them to Chinese craft beer enthusiasts.

What is the significance of the '8x8' beer festival in the craft beer community?

The '8x8' beer festival is significant because it fosters cultural exchange and collaboration between Chinese and international breweries. It allows breweries to showcase their creativity and technical skills through collaborative brews, and it provides a platform for beer enthusiasts to taste unique and innovative beers that are often not available elsewhere.

What are some standout beers from this year's '8x8' festival?

Some standout beers include Vault City's 'White Chocolate Banana,' a balanced sour beer with a refreshing taste; Cloudwater's 'Anything That Comes, Goes,' a barrel-aged imperial stout with a rich, complex flavor; and JingA's 'Great British Date Cake,' a dessert barleywine with a sweet, malty profile. Additionally, Beak Brewery's 'Pico' session IPA and 'Parade' IPA were praised for their balance and drinkability.

How does the '8x8' festival differ from other beer festivals?

The '8x8' festival differs from other beer festivals in its focus on collaborative brewing. Each year, eight Chinese breweries are paired with eight international breweries to create unique collaborative beers. This emphasis on collaboration and cultural exchange sets it apart from festivals that primarily focus on showcasing individual brewery offerings.

What challenges do Chinese craft breweries face in terms of packaging and freshness?

Chinese craft breweries often face challenges with packaging and maintaining the freshness of their beers. Issues such as inconsistent canning processes and the lack of a robust cold chain can lead to a decline in quality between the brewery and the consumer. This is a common problem in the industry, as many beers taste significantly better when consumed fresh at the brewery or during events like the '8x8' festival.

What is the cultural significance of British breweries in the '8x8' festival?

British breweries bring a sense of tradition and familiarity to the '8x8' festival. Their beers often feature classic, well-balanced flavors that are comforting and easy to drink. This contrasts with the more experimental and bold styles often associated with American breweries. The British approach to brewing, which emphasizes subtlety and restraint, offers a refreshing change for many attendees.

What is the future direction of the '8x8' festival?

The future direction of the '8x8' festival may include more collaboration with Asian breweries, as suggested by the organizers. There is also a desire to continue exploring different themes and regions, such as revisiting American breweries or focusing on other countries with emerging craft beer scenes. The festival aims to maintain its spirit of innovation and cultural exchange while introducing new and exciting breweries to the Chinese market.

  • 英国精酿啤酒在Untappd评分中相对较低,可能与美国评分标准的偏好有关。
  • 品酒师们对Vault City的白巧克力香蕉啤酒、TripSmith的杨梅生啤和云水的IPA、过桶帝国世涛赞赏有加。
  • 英国啤酒的口感普遍被认为精致、平衡,不似美式啤酒那般浓烈。

Shownotes Transcript




主播:Tian, 绊绊


  • 时段1:阿啾、小新、小白、沙仙森、笛儿

  • 时段2:Kris, Alex, Wilson(京A)

  • 时段3:Nick(佳卡哈) x 贺老师(酒花农场) x 自力(TripSmith)

  • 时段4:老李(水猴子) x 婷婷(雅德利兄弟)

  • 时段5:四三(青门)x Ashley(少爷)

🕖 Timestamp

时段1: 开放麦

0:45 阿啾(啤酒事务局)& 小新(京A & 岭南精酿协会)

2:02 英国酒被低估了

3:00 Vault City 白巧克力香蕉

3:33 “杨梅生啤”水果拉格(贵阳 TripSmith)

3:47.246 Drome IPA(英国云水)

4:11 "Anything That Comes, Goes" 单一麦芽桶陈帝国世涛(英国 云水)

4:56 大不列颠枣糕,甜品大麦烈酒(京A x Siren)

5:38 小白(大学生,东北老铁)

7:35 “苦乐交响乐”欧式苹果酒(深圳 佳卡哈)

7:48 “芝麻骑士”帝国甜点世涛(青门 x Vault City)

8:47 沙仙森(imbeer & 独立星球)

11:27 “八乘八” 办过8届,来过8次

11:51  “八乘八”文化交流的意义大于作品本身

12:52 英国厂牌是周而复始的口感和老朋友的味道

14:49 “八乘八”合酿酒留到最后喝?

15:29 为何喜欢Siren 的调性

16:33 这次“八乘八”可以闭着眼睛喝

17:51 英国厂牌的增味相当克制

18:24 咸柠“啤”,还得是“啤”

20:36 啊Ken(Hideaway & 金曦)

22:08 “八乘八”今年的新场地

23:33 Dest 5% 捷克皮尔森(英国 Beak)

26:39 笛儿(啤酒事务局官方认证“局牛”)

27:39 "Death by Chocolate" 甜点世涛(香港 雅德利兄弟)

28:41 “大不列颠枣糕”甜品大麦烈酒(京A x Siren)

时段2: 京A

33:04 明年办什么主题?

35:50 中国精酿在亚洲国家中水平怎么样

40:17 为何今年选择了英国主题

41:39 英国独特的cask ale 文化

47:21 今年“八乘八”的变化

50:06 “失乐园 - 金酒过桶版” 布雷特皮尔森(北京 京A)

51:18 秘境天山麝香葡萄野菌啤酒(新疆 酒花农场)

52:13 Pico 5.6% 双倍干投淡艾(英国 Beak)

52:38 Parade 6% IPA(英国 Beak)

52:51 疯味百香果芒果香蕉奶昔酸艾尔(英国 Vaulty City)

54:59 Parade 6% IPA(英国 Beak)

55:38 "Anything That Comes, Goes" 单一麦芽桶陈帝国世涛(英国 云水)

56:24 如何看待“小甜水”

时段3: 佳卡哈 x 酒花农场 x 行匠 TripSmith

1:03:44 TripSmith这次带的酒

1:04:14 “西游” 酒花拉格(TripSmith x 云水)

1:05:11 “倍儿爽”西海岸皮尔森(佳卡哈 x Rivington)

1:07:09 “面包与切糕”樱桃牛奶世涛 & “骑士与侠客” 英式苦啤(酒花农场 x Left Handed Giant)

1:10:54 英国酒厂为配方提建议

1:14:03 回归传统是个趋势

1:14:35 TripSmith 和佳卡哈合酿的美好回忆

时段4:水猴子 x 雅德利兄弟

1:20:51 ”八乘八“造就的蓝色啤酒

1:22:03 下午茶·伯爵祁门红茶西海岸皮尔森(水猴子 x 北僧)

1:24:43 雅德利的自然发酵啤酒 & 合酿酒

1:27:30 “迄今为止参加过的最棒的啤酒节!”

时段5:青门 x 少爷

1:32:25  “落日微醺”芒果浑浊IPA(少爷 x Beak)

1:34:22 “芝麻骑士”帝国甜点世涛(青门 x Vault City)

1:37:09 在传统风格上去平衡创新,而不是为了创新而创新

1:39:34 合酿就是把对方酒厂的日子过一遍

1:42:32 Dest 5% 捷克皮尔森(英国 Beak)+1

1:44:06 “失乐园 - 金酒过桶版” 布雷特皮尔森(北京 京A)+1

1:46:11 珍惜不同的风格,且喝且珍惜

🎵 歌单

d4vd - Here With Me

Destroyer - Kaputt


那艺娜 - 爱如火

🍻 互动方式


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🧡 团队

节目剪辑: 二琳 & TIAN

电商运营: 绊绊

社群运营: 阿啾

视频运营: 小鱼
