cover of episode 【短打】香港电影行业的小观察和聊几句《姥姥的外孙》


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我近期在香港工作,亲身感受到香港电影行业的低迷。很多朋友都在抱怨工作机会减少,甚至有道具人员因经济压力自杀的新闻。资深电影人如张文也面临失业困境。过去香港电影行业依靠高产导演维持,但现在这种模式难以为继,因为邱李涛等导演的合拍片在内地票房不佳,导致很多项目叫停。许多香港电影公司因此倒闭或搬迁,从业人员面临转行压力。香港电影的没落已持续近20年,疫情加剧了危机,高昂的制作成本和市场萎缩导致电影难以回收成本。新导演难以立足,缺乏商业回报。虽然行业人士态度逐渐转变,开始更积极地寻求内地市场合作,但留给香港导演的机会并不多。内地和香港在电影创作理念上存在差异,内地更注重效率和商业价值,而香港更注重资料搜集和写实风格。内地电影公司更注重电影的商业价值和情绪价值,采用产品思维进行运作。香港电影市场萎缩,排片减少,票价昂贵,导致观众减少,香港人选择到内地消费。 我推荐一部泰国电影《姥姥的外孙》。这部电影虽然涉及到一些老套的元素,例如“姥姥”和“遗产”等,但它巧妙地从男性的视角来观察和讲述女性家庭成员之间的关系,并以克制的方式处理煽情部分,在商业性和艺术性之间取得了平衡。影片中外孙的角色设定很有意思,他一开始是为了遗产而来,但后来更像是一个观察者,这削弱了人物的负面形象,也更容易让观众产生共鸣。影片中一些设计,例如外孙与堂妹的对话,虽然略显刻意,但并没有让人反感。导演在商业追求和个人表达之间找到了平衡,既满足了商业电影的需要,又保留了影片的艺术性和深度。影片也探讨了移民和家庭等主题,展现了独特的视角和广东文化特色,值得借鉴。 与之形成对比的是,我看到一些广东年轻导演的作品,他们似乎并不关心人,也不关心他们所生活的城市,作品缺乏原创性和在地性,这值得我们反思。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the Hong Kong film industry currently facing a decline?

The Hong Kong film industry is experiencing a significant decline due to reduced workloads, fewer films being produced, and the impact of the pandemic on co-productions with mainland China. Many industry professionals are struggling with financial difficulties, and some have even resorted to extreme measures due to the lack of work. The closure of local film companies and the relocation of offices to mainland China have further exacerbated the situation.

What role did directors like Wong Jing and Johnnie To play in the Hong Kong film industry?

Directors like Wong Jing and Johnnie To were pivotal in sustaining the Hong Kong film industry during its peak. Wong Jing, known for his high output of films in the late 1990s, provided consistent work for many industry professionals. Similarly, Johnnie To's frequent projects in the 2000s supported numerous crew members, ensuring their livelihoods. Their prolific work helped maintain the industry's vitality during its golden era.

How has the shift in the Hong Kong film industry affected local filmmakers?

The shift in the Hong Kong film industry has forced many local filmmakers to consider alternative careers or explore opportunities in mainland China. The decline in local productions and the reliance on government support for low-budget films have made it difficult for new directors to establish themselves. Many industry professionals are now more open to co-productions and working in mainland China to survive.

What are the key differences between Hong Kong and mainland China in terms of film production?

Hong Kong filmmakers emphasize detailed research and realism, especially in genres like crime and police dramas. In contrast, mainland China's film industry prioritizes efficiency and emotional impact, often treating films as products designed to appeal to specific audiences. This difference in approach reflects broader cultural and industrial distinctions between the two regions.

What makes the film 'Grandma’s Grandson' unique in its storytelling approach?

The film 'Grandma’s Grandson' stands out for its use of a male protagonist's perspective to explore female relationships and family dynamics. The protagonist, initially driven by selfish motives, evolves into an observer, blending elements of drama and realism. The film balances commercial appeal with personal expression, offering a nuanced portrayal of complex characters and themes.

How does 'Grandma’s Grandson' address the theme of inheritance and family dynamics?

In 'Grandma’s Grandson,' the protagonist's quest to secure his place in his grandmother's will reveals underlying family tensions and traditional values. The film navigates these themes with a mix of drama and subtlety, ultimately portraying the protagonist's transformation from a self-interested individual to someone who genuinely cares for his grandmother. The narrative highlights the complexities of familial relationships and the impact of cultural expectations.

What cultural elements are highlighted in 'Grandma’s Grandson'?

The film 'Grandma’s Grandson' incorporates rich cultural elements, particularly those related to Chinese traditions and family rituals. The depiction of ancestral worship, family altars, and regional customs adds depth to the narrative. The Thai director's accurate portrayal of these elements, combined with the film's exploration of migration and identity, creates a story that resonates with both local and international audiences.

  • 香港电影行业不景气,工作量减少
  • 资深从业人员也面临失业
  • 电影公司关闭或搬迁
  • 关塘作为香港电影工业区,也受到影响

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