cover of episode #255 – The Drive to Make Money, Defining Life Principles, and Courtland Wins $10k from Vincent Woo of Coderpad

#255 – The Drive to Make Money, Defining Life Principles, and Courtland Wins $10k from Vincent Woo of Coderpad

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Vincent Woo
Vincent Woo: 我出售公司后,对公司后续发展并不持续关注,对公司被收购后的发展状况也不太了解。我尝试过DMT,但并非频繁进行,客观上DMT体验并非可怕,可怕之处在于吸入过程的心理挑战。旧金山科技圈与迷幻药物使用存在一定关联,尝试DMT后,我对Joe Rogan的言行有了更深的理解。拥有生活哲学的人,往往是因为生活充满混沌和缺乏方向感。大多数人生哲学都是糟糕的,但它们通常是有用的。我的人生哲学并非一套完整的规则体系,而是一种心理策略,即不断给自己设定挑战,持续改进周围的世界,为了过好生活,就要过好故事,积极寻找并解决问题。积极寻找挑战,是了解自己和学习新事物最好的方式。创业的唯一理由应该是拥有一个好的创业想法,创业的最佳理由是想要赚很多钱。公司的目的是赚钱,但赚钱只是约束条件,而非最终目的。我希望能通过创业获得创作小说所需的自由。创业者不应只关注赚钱,还要考虑其他因素。在创业初期,应优先考虑如何赚钱。理想的创业目标是既赚钱又能做自己喜欢的事情。 Courtland: 与Vincent就NFT的未来应用以及Elon Musk的Twitter策略进行了探讨。 Channing: 与Vincent就人生哲学、创业动机以及如何使播客内容更有趣等话题进行了讨论,并对Elon Musk的Twitter策略以及社交媒体平台的道德责任发表了自己的看法。

Deep Dive

Vincent Woo discusses his background, founding CoderPad, and his feelings about selling the company.
  • Vincent Woo founded CoderPad, which was sold for tens of millions of dollars.
  • He is not tracking what happens to CoderPad post-sale.
  • He compares the growth of CoderPad to a child growing up and becoming independent.

Shownotes Transcript

Vincent Woo (@fulligin) sold his company for tens of millions of dollars. He joins the pod to talk to Courtland (@csallen) and Channing (@ChanningAllen) about advice for fledgling indie hackers trying to make money, the purpose of business, defining principles for one's life, and why he shouldn't have to pay Courtland for a $10,000 bet he lost.