cover of episode Vol.068 本能地追随一刻看不见的星

Vol.068 本能地追随一刻看不见的星

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@雨尘 :此次东欧旅行,从丢失手套的经历开始,引发了对时间流逝、物品意义和个人情感变化的思考。在布达佩斯、乌克瓦尔、佩奇和贝尔格莱德等地,她感受到了不同城市的历史文化氛围,并对战争遗迹、当地民风以及生育政策等方面进行了深入的思考。她认为有些历史不应该被遗忘,也珍惜那些承载着记忆和温度的旧物。在巴拉顿湖,她被娇弱的小花触动,联想到战争后废墟中隐藏的生机;在乌克瓦尔,她被战争遗迹深深震撼,并对当地居民的善良和友善印象深刻;在佩奇,她了解到匈牙利的生育补贴政策,并对该政策的实际性和有效性进行了评价。最后,她分享了在异国他乡观看日出日落的感受,并表达了对自然之美的敬畏和珍惜。 雨尘在旅途中展现了敏锐的观察力和深刻的思考力,她将个人经历与社会现象、历史文化、自然景观巧妙地结合起来,表达了她对人生、对世界的独特感悟。 @罗依尔 :作为雨尘的旅伴,罗依尔参与了此次东欧之旅,并分享了他对旅程中一些事件和景点的感受。他与雨尘一起参观了武科瓦尔考古博物馆,对该博物馆的展陈设计和所展现的五千年前的文化遗迹印象深刻。他认为博物馆的展陈方式非常用心,能够帮助人们更好地理解和记住历史。在旅途中,他也感受到了当地居民的善意和友善,并对这种不期而遇的善意表达了赞赏。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the significance of the red gloves in the speaker's life?

The red gloves, a gift from the speaker's boyfriend during college, have been a cherished item for over a decade. They symbolize a deep connection and memory, especially after the speaker used them in a creative way during a fashion event, leaving permanent marks. The gloves represent a hidden love and care from the boyfriend, which the speaker only realized years later when understanding the precise craftsmanship involved in their making.

Why does the speaker feel a change in their reaction to losing the red gloves compared to their childhood?

As a child, the speaker would feel excited about losing or damaging items, seeing it as an opportunity to get something new. However, as an adult, the speaker feels a sense of loss and nostalgia when the red gloves are lost, recognizing the value of items that carry personal stories and memories, rather than just their novelty.

What does the speaker discover about the red gloves that changes their perception of their past relationship?

The speaker discovers that the red gloves were custom-made, requiring precise measurements of the hand. This realization leads to the understanding that the boyfriend had paid significant attention to detail and cared deeply, which the speaker had not fully appreciated at the time.

How does the speaker describe the impact of visiting the archaeological museum in Vukovar?

The visit to the archaeological museum in Vukovar profoundly impacts the speaker, who is moved by the museum's presentation of 5000-year-old artifacts and the way it connects ancient human practices with natural phenomena like stars and the horizon. The museum's thoughtful curation helps the speaker appreciate the deep human connection to nature and the cosmos.

What unique experience does the speaker have at the archaeological site in Vukovar?

At the archaeological site in Vukovar, the speaker experiences a profound connection with nature and history, feeling as if they are being 'possessed' by the surroundings. The speaker is drawn towards the setting sun, walking through a field of dead flowers, feeling a mix of hope and mortality, which they describe as a transformative experience.

What does the speaker learn about the local culture and history in Vukovar?

The speaker learns about the devastating impact of the Vukovar War in 1989, which drastically reduced the town's population from over 60,000 to about 20,000. The speaker also notes the deliberate preservation of war-damaged buildings as a reminder of the town's painful history, emphasizing the importance of remembering and learning from the past.

  • 红色羊皮手套的丢失引发了作者对记忆与珍惜的思考
  • 作者对比了童年时期和成年时期对旧物丢失的不同情感反应
  • 手套承载着作者与前男友的回忆,以及对过去情感的重新认知

Shownotes Transcript










聊天的人:@雨尘Swanheart (微博:万雨尘;小红书:万雨尘Swan)

@罗依尔Roy (视频号:艺术陪伴罗依尔)






01:06 红色羊皮手套的启示

06:46 记忆会自己选择要散落在哪

17:02 有些东西不应该被遗忘


26:00 异国他乡遇到好人好事也不敢认领

35:00 水平线上的诗意

42:03 五千年前的人面对死亡、他们的崇拜与信仰

50:00 被大自然夺舍的体验

56:00 久违的不思议的善意

61:50 每一场日出都是可一不可再的
