Liu Xiaoqing's autobiography, 'My Way,' was controversial because she openly discussed her personal life, including her divorces, without portraying herself as a victim. This challenged societal norms at the time, where divorce was stigmatized, and women were expected to justify their actions by claiming victimhood.
Liu Xiaoqing's highest achievement in acting is widely considered to be her role in the 1987 film 'Hibiscus Town,' directed by Xie Jin. The film is regarded as a landmark in Chinese cinema, and her performance is celebrated as a personal and national milestone.
After her release from prison, Liu Xiaoqing took on minor roles and extras work in films to repay her debts. She worked tirelessly, accepting roles with little to no dialogue, and managed to clear her debts by May 2004 while gradually rebuilding her acting career.
Liu Xiaoqing has been married four times and views her relationships and marriages as part of her life journey. She doesn't shy away from discussing them and believes in being open about her experiences, seeing them as neither shameful nor extraordinary.
Liu Xiaoqing encouraged Jiang Wen to pursue directing and helped him secure funding for his films. Despite their relationship ending, she continued to support him, including during her imprisonment, when he worked to secure her release.
Liu Xiaoqing is seen as a role model for her resilience, independence, and refusal to conform to societal expectations. She has lived a life full of challenges and triumphs, embodying the idea of a strong, self-reliant woman, which resonates with younger generations seeking inspiration.
Liu Xiaoqing has faced criticism for her appearance, particularly for undergoing cosmetic procedures and playing younger roles. She responds with confidence, emphasizing her acting skills and the importance of portraying characters authentically, regardless of age.
Liu Xiaoqing believes that women should not give up on themselves as they age. She advocates for embracing life and maintaining one's beauty and vitality, challenging the societal notion that older women should fade into the background.
吴迪 (B站、微博@麻辣情医吴迪)
后期剪辑制作:Swan Choice 工作室
小助手:Msswanheart (添加微信并备注听友群)
03:15 在80年代就让舆论炸锅的女人
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01:01:05 给年轻一代树立了一个本土的活榜样
漫步人生路 -- 邓丽君
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