cover of episode 「串台|都在酒里了」有焦虑,才有故事


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#anxiety and stress management#career anxiety#podcast creation journey#comedian interview#podcast commercialization#content depth and reach balance#self-discovery and growth#life philosophy#self-care practices People
@雨尘 :作为艺术工作者,我面临着创作上的孤独感和缺乏反馈的困境。我的日记成为了我重要的沟通和反馈渠道,记录着我的创作历程和自我反思。同时,我也关注到中国实体书店普遍亏损的现状,以及上海书城转型过程中的焦虑与挑战。这些都让我对行业现状以及自身发展方向有了更深刻的思考。 我观察到,在艺术创作领域,人们对成功的焦虑往往被忽视。贾玲的成功案例让我意识到,克服对成功的恐惧比克服对失败的恐惧更为重要。我们需要处理好成功带来的压力和影响,才能持续进步。 在面对来自社交媒体和同行的压力时,我逐渐调整了自己的认知,不再将他们视为竞争对手,而是将市场视为一个可以容纳多人的空间。我通过开辟新的创作方向,例如播客,来缓解在单一赛道上的竞争压力。 此外,从小培养兴趣爱好能够帮助我们更好地对抗焦虑,因为兴趣本身就是一种纯粹的动力。在艺术创作中,保持持续的产出,即使是微小的成果,也能帮助我们缓解焦虑。 我个人最大的焦虑是害怕一事无成,但我也明白,创作的纯粹性与成果的焦虑是并存的。我通过保持播客的更新频率来获得成就感,并不断探索与焦虑共处的方式。 在面对容貌焦虑时,我选择接受自然老去,并认为自然的老去比过度医美更美。我鼓励女性在医美方面要有美商,不要盲目焦虑。 @史炎 :作为脱口秀演员和俱乐部老板,我面临着多方面的焦虑。在播客制作中,素材丢失和录制失败会带来焦虑;对团队项目的责任感也让我对断更产生焦虑。 我发现,喜剧演员的焦虑源于观察能力强于消解能力,我们观察到很多社会现象,但无法完全消解和创作。脱口秀演员的焦虑也比其他艺术形式更深,因为作品必须有趣才能被观众接受。 作为创业者,我面临着巨大的经济压力和不确定性,尤其是在市场低迷时期。我观察到,同行之间因为收入差距而产生的焦虑,但我们这代经历过行业低谷的演员对这些焦虑相对较小。 在脱口秀行业,我们面临着被边缘化的风险,因为新的受众群体和创作方向与我们有所不同。但播客提供了一个不同的生态,它更包容,更能展现不同年龄段的焦虑和困境。 我通过寻找其他的维度,例如播客,来缓解在脱口秀领域的压力。我意识到,数字量化容易引发焦虑,但我们不能回避数据,而是要将其视为一个维度,而不是全部。 我最大的焦虑是害怕一事无成,但我也明白,纯粹的创作往往难以看到即时成果。我通过保持持续的创作和产出来缓解焦虑。 养宠物,尤其是猫,能有效缓解我的焦虑,因为与宠物的亲密接触能够释放压力。 与焦虑共处是一门功课,我们需要找到适合自己的方式,将焦虑投射到更值得的事情上。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do the hosts discuss anxiety in this episode?

The hosts discuss anxiety because it is a universal experience, especially in creative and entrepreneurial fields. They explore how anxiety can be a protective mechanism and share personal experiences of managing anxiety in their respective careers as an artist and a stand-up comedian.

What is the significance of the Shanghai Book City in the hosts' relationship?

The Shanghai Book City is significant because it is where the hosts first connected. Wan Yuchen is the art consultant for the book city, and Shi Yan's comedy club is located there, making it a shared space that symbolizes their professional and personal connection.

Why do the hosts mention the challenges of running a bookstore in China?

They highlight the challenges of running a bookstore in China because selling books is highly unprofitable due to low reading rates. Many bookstores, including state-owned ones, struggle to survive, leading to significant financial losses and the need to diversify their business models.

How does Shi Yan describe the pressure of maintaining a consistent podcast schedule?

Shi Yan describes the pressure of maintaining a consistent podcast schedule as a significant source of anxiety. He feels compelled to avoid breaks and always ensures he has enough content recorded to prevent gaps in updates, especially for his podcast 'Bu Kaixiao'.

What does Wan Yuchen reveal about the relationship between creativity and anxiety?

Wan Yuchen reveals that creativity often comes with anxiety, especially for artists and comedians who fear failure and success. She emphasizes that anxiety is a natural part of the creative process and can be managed by setting small, achievable goals.

How do the hosts view the role of social media in causing anxiety?

The hosts view social media as a major source of anxiety, particularly when comparing oneself to others. They suggest limiting exposure to social media and avoiding the trap of seeing others as competitors, which can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy.

What advice do the hosts give for managing anxiety in creative work?

The hosts advise managing anxiety in creative work by focusing on small, consistent achievements rather than aiming for immediate success. They also recommend finding hobbies or interests outside of work to provide a mental break and reduce stress.

How does Shi Yan describe the anxiety of being a comedian?

Shi Yan describes the anxiety of being a comedian as stemming from the need to constantly observe and interpret the world, while only being able to turn a small portion of those observations into successful material. This creates a pressure to perform and deliver humor consistently.

What is the hosts' perspective on the relationship between anxiety and success?

The hosts believe that anxiety about success is as significant as anxiety about failure. They argue that fear of success can hinder progress and that it is essential to overcome this fear to achieve long-term goals and maintain creative momentum.

How do the hosts suggest dealing with the anxiety of being judged by others?

The hosts suggest dealing with the anxiety of being judged by others by focusing on personal growth and not letting external validation dictate one's self-worth. They emphasize the importance of finding one's own path and not comparing oneself to others.

  • 年末的自我反思与年初flag的完成情况对比,引发焦虑
  • 艺术工作者和脱口秀演员的职业孤独感
  • 实体书店经营困境与转型
  • 国企改革与壮士断腕的决心

Shownotes Transcript






史炎 -- 【不开玩笑】【都在酒里了】主播




小助手:Msswanheart (添加微信并备注听友群)

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推荐使用小宇宙app订阅“真空世界”,同时也可以在苹果播客,pockets cast ;喜马拉雅;QQ音乐,网易云音乐、抖音、小红书找到我们哦


00:15 立 flag与写日记

06:07 我的笑声被吐槽,也曾经使我焦虑过

12:31 不敢断更的播客,成为我的焦虑点之一

17:34 艺术创作者、脱口秀演员都逃脱不掉的对成功的恐惧与焦虑

22:00 聊聊我的创业焦虑

30:55 刷朋友圈也带来焦虑?不把他们当假想敌

41:21 流量统治、播客生态、单一的评价体系诱发的焦虑

47:18 相信热爱可抵御焦虑