cover of episode 52.从一个不赚钱的小红书陪跑案例聊起·对谈谭正天


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韩叙: 内容IP对于传统行业和线下实体品牌具有显著的增长潜力,但许多老板对内容IP的理解和应用存在局限。例如,在与客户合作的过程中,定价策略不合理,导致服务收入与客户收入增长不成比例。成功的案例需要对客户业务的基本盘有准确的判断,才能确保合作的可行性。优质服务是内容营销成功的关键,例如一个女性塑形工作室,凭借高品质服务和高客单价,实现了高复购率。小红书内容营销策略应注重真实性和用户生活问题的解决,而非单纯的广告宣传。To B内容营销定价策略需要考虑自身影响力,避免低价竞争,并探讨分润模式的可行性。在与客户沟通的过程中,需要建立明确的合作流程和沟通机制,避免被‘白嫖’。通过前期详细的咨询和高质量的交付,提升客户信任度和复购率。咨询服务应注重系统性,而非仅仅解决单点问题。 视频拍摄与直播的不同:视频拍摄更注重效率和结构性,而直播更注重互动性和自然流。IP孵化需要考虑性格、场景选择、剪辑等因素。初创咨询公司引入外部角色补齐短板,通过合作而非全职雇佣的方式,提升团队效率和灵活性。灵活的合作模式:根据项目需求引入外部资源,避免团队规模扩张带来的成本压力。在运营圈内建立良好的人脉关系,有助于资源整合和项目合作。 内容营销策略:根据业务类型和用户决策特点选择合适的平台和内容形式。抖音平台的特点:短视频形式,容易引发冲动消费,但客单价较低,退货率较高。高决策、高情绪价值的产品在抖音上的销售策略:更注重圈层营销和品牌塑造。小红书和抖音内容营销策略差异:小红书更注重生活方式和理念,抖音更注重功能性和性价比。 企业增长需要关注产品、渠道和内容三大方面。 谭正天: To B客户分层:根据客户规模和业务模式的不同,制定不同的服务策略和定价策略。To B内容营销中,个人IP和机构账号各有优劣,个人IP更易获得高客单价,机构账号则在转化方面存在劣势。创始人IP是企业品牌延伸,但许多创始人难以放下身段,导致IP运营难以成功。操盘手在创始人IP运营中的作用:需要具备高水平,能够站在更高的视角引导创始人,并帮助其与大众建立连接。操盘手人才稀缺,对技能要求高,导致企业难以规模化运营。创始人IP运营能力分级:从完全独立运营到需要他人协助,不同级别对操盘手的要求也不同。 在咨询过程中,如何避免被‘白嫖’:需要建立明确的合作流程和沟通机制。运营能力分级:从基础执行到商业经营顾问,不同级别对应不同的能力和价值。咨询服务应注重系统性,而非仅仅解决单点问题。在选择平台时,需要根据业务类型和用户决策特点进行判断,抖音、小红书和视频号各有特点。 抖音平台的内卷阶段:从流量红利到内容精细化,再到生态竞争。小红书平台的内卷阶段:从流量红利到内容精细化,再到生态竞争。内容营销策略:根据业务类型和用户决策特点选择合适的平台和内容形式。抖音平台的特点:短视频形式,容易引发冲动消费,但客单价较低,退货率较高。高决策、高情绪价值的产品在抖音上的销售策略:更注重圈层营销和品牌塑造。小红书和抖音内容营销策略差异:小红书更注重生活方式和理念,抖音更注重功能性和性价比。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the toB business more suitable for founder IP?

ToB businesses benefit from founder IP because it builds trust and credibility with clients. Founder IP allows for a personal connection, which is crucial in B2B relationships where trust and long-term partnerships are key. Additionally, founder IP can help differentiate the business in a competitive market by showcasing the unique vision and expertise of the founder.

What challenges do consulting startups face when introducing external roles?

Consulting startups often struggle with identifying and integrating external roles that can complement their existing team's weaknesses. The challenge lies in finding individuals who not only have the necessary expertise but also align with the company's culture and vision. Additionally, managing these external roles without overextending resources can be difficult.

How can consulting businesses avoid being taken advantage of by clients?

Consulting businesses can avoid being taken advantage of by setting clear boundaries and expectations from the outset. This includes defining the scope of work, establishing payment terms, and ensuring that clients understand the value of the services provided. Additionally, consultants should avoid giving away too much information or solutions upfront without a formal agreement in place.

What are the content trends on platforms like Douyin and Xiaohongshu?

On Douyin, content trends are moving towards more polished and visually appealing videos, often with a focus on lifestyle, entertainment, and quick consumption. Xiaohongshu, on the other hand, emphasizes authenticity and community-driven content, with a focus on personal experiences, product reviews, and lifestyle sharing. Both platforms are seeing a rise in niche content that caters to specific audience interests.

How can businesses determine which platform is better suited for their IP?

Businesses should consider their target audience, content style, and business goals when choosing a platform. For example, Douyin is ideal for short, engaging videos that can quickly capture attention, while Xiaohongshu is better for in-depth, community-focused content. Additionally, businesses should evaluate where their audience is most active and which platform aligns with their brand's values and messaging.

What is the importance of emotional value in content marketing?

Emotional value in content marketing is crucial as it helps create a deeper connection with the audience. Content that evokes emotions such as joy, inspiration, or empathy is more likely to be shared and remembered. This emotional engagement can lead to higher brand loyalty, increased customer retention, and ultimately, better conversion rates.

Why is it important for founders to have a strong IP presence?

A strong IP presence helps founders establish authority and credibility in their industry. It allows them to share their unique insights, experiences, and vision, which can attract clients, investors, and partners. Additionally, a well-crafted IP can differentiate the founder from competitors and create a lasting impression that drives business growth.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing a content platform for growth?

When choosing a content platform for growth, businesses should consider factors such as the platform's user demographics, content format, and engagement levels. Additionally, they should evaluate the platform's algorithm, monetization options, and the ability to measure performance. Understanding where their target audience spends time and how they consume content is also critical for making an informed decision.

  • 传统行业老板对内容IP的认知
  • ToB业务更适合创始人IP
  • 初创咨询公司引入外部角色补齐短板
  • 避免咨询业务被白嫖的策略
  • 不同业务利用内容做增长的差异化方法

Shownotes Transcript





00:45 从一个不赚钱的小红书陪跑案例聊起

06:36 toB业务,更适合做创始人IP

18:09 初创咨询公司,引入外部角色补齐短板

28:28 做咨询生意,如何避免被白嫖?

32:42 不同业务,如何利用内容做增长?

38:16 抖音和小红书所处的阶段和内容趋势

59:28 从IP自身出发,如何判断更适合做哪个平台?





片头:24/7, 365—elijah woods

片尾:Shallow Breathing—Alex Lustig/Makk Mikkael




