cover of episode Vol.55 | 一条路遥到史铁生之间的路,少有人走

Vol.55 | 一条路遥到史铁生之间的路,少有人走

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@老道消息 :我早年的写作经验对许多媒体人产生了深远影响,虽然我后来的写作风格有所改变,但我仍然很高兴我的分享能够启发他人。同时,我也为我的某些写作方式可能对读者造成的负面影响表示歉意。我的播客《老道消息》是疫情期间的副产品,音频质量并非我的首要关注点,我更注重自我表达。 @受访者 :老道消息早年的分享帮助我消除了许多自我膨胀的认知,让我对自媒体有了更清晰的认识。我制作关于五位作家的纪录片,是因为疫情后大家内心都有伤口,经济低迷加剧了这种创伤。我做自媒体,最初是被外部的热闹所吸引,而非纯粹的内心驱动。疫情后,外部世界的浪潮停滞,我们开始审视自身,发现自己空无一物。我开始解构自己,发现自己很多认知和经验都源于外部环境的塑造,而非自身。“时代红利”这个词语被过度使用,失去了其原本的意义。每个人对“黄金时代”的定义不同,我的黄金时代是指大众创业、万众创新时期。人们怀念史铁生,是因为在经济停滞和普遍困境的时代,他的作品提供了慰藉和共鸣。人们重新阅读史铁生,是因为外部的正反馈和秩序瓦解,人们需要从他的作品中寻找慰藉。 受访者:史铁生的写作主题散漫,后期哲学化,与路遥的明确主题形成对比。史铁生《我与地坛》超越了八十年代文学的窠臼,以纯净的文字展现了独特的哲学思考。史铁生没有陷入伤痕文学或奋斗文学的窠臼,他的作品具有独特的纯净性。八十年代文学的终结并非戛然而止,而是无疾而终,因为人们的表达方式开始分散。八十年代的作家们是被动接受了国门打开这一事实,他们的表达方式和思潮因此而终结。路遥《平凡的世界》的成功,与其创作时间点紧密相关,如果晚些创作,可能不会有同样的影响力。路遥的创作过程充满了艰辛和无奈,他的成功并非一帆风顺。知青下乡的经历,虽然残酷,但也塑造了那一代人的精神和价值观。知青下乡的经历,虽然在今天看来是不可取的,但从历史的角度来看,它也具有积极的意义。在陕北,生存与死亡是紧密相连的,人们必须奋斗才能生存。路遥和史铁生的作品,分别代表了不同的人生体验和价值观。知青下乡的经历,虽然在今天看来是不可取的,但从历史的角度来看,它也具有积极的意义。闭门造车并非总是贬义词,有时候,在封闭的环境中也能创造出令人惊叹的成果。清平湾最好的出路是大量植树。地坛在史铁生那个时代是一个废弃的地方,IP属性很弱。史铁生选择居住在雍和宫26号,是因为那里是相对落寞的,方便接待来访的作家。在陕北,人们对文学的理解和热情更高。文学与人们的距离很近,因为人们总会有需要文学的时刻。八十年代文学之所以重要,是因为人们从糟糕的时代走出来,需要文学来表达和慰藉。 受访者:北京的城市环境会让人感受到一种无法逃避的压力和命运感,这种感觉会让很多外来者产生一种强烈的“小镇青年”的自我认知。北京的这种独特的氛围,会让那些曾经辉煌过的人变得一无所有。人之所以为人,是因为我们会死,我们会面对死亡的不可避免性,这会让我们的人生变得严肃起来。北京的秋天的美好,是因为北京的冬天即将来临。从北京离开,更像是失败。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the speaker decide to create a documentary about Shi Tiesheng and other writers?

The speaker was inspired by the collective emotional wounds left by the pandemic and the subsequent economic downturn, which exacerbated feelings of loss and struggle. They wanted to explore how literature, particularly the works of Shi Tiesheng, could address these deep societal and personal wounds. The documentary also serves as a personal journey to understand the philosophical and emotional depth of Shi Tiesheng's writings, which resonate strongly in times of hardship.

What is the significance of Shi Tiesheng's 'The Temple of Earth' in the context of his life and work?

Shi Tiesheng's 'The Temple of Earth' is significant as it represents a space of solitude and reflection, akin to a Heideggerian space, where he confronted his physical limitations and existential questions. The Temple of Earth, being a neglected and forgotten place, mirrored Shi's own feelings of isolation and abandonment, yet it became a source of profound literary and philosophical output.

How does the speaker describe the impact of the pandemic on people's lives and their connection to literature?

The speaker describes the pandemic as a period that left deep emotional scars on people, which were further aggravated by economic challenges like layoffs and increased competition. This collective trauma has led to a renewed interest in literature, particularly works that address existential themes and personal struggles, such as those by Shi Tiesheng. Literature becomes a means to process and understand these shared experiences of loss and resilience.

What role does Beijing play in the literary and personal lives of the writers discussed?

Beijing is portrayed as a city that embodies the harsh realities of life, where individuals face their vulnerabilities and existential fears. It serves as a backdrop for profound literary creation, offering a space where writers like Shi Tiesheng can explore deep philosophical questions. The city's intense seasons, particularly its harsh winters, symbolize the inevitable challenges and the serious contemplation of life and death that writers must confront.

Why is Shi Tiesheng's work considered to transcend typical 'scar literature'?

Shi Tiesheng's work transcends typical 'scar literature' by not just focusing on the pain and suffering of the past but by delving into deeper philosophical inquiries about existence, identity, and the human condition. His writings, especially in his later years, are marked by a reflective and philosophical depth that goes beyond mere recounting of historical grievances, offering a more nuanced and introspective view of life's challenges.

  • 老道消息对作者写作的早期影响
  • 老道消息写作风格的模仿与反思
  • 对读者产生的影响和歉意

Shownotes Transcript

