The 'Weaving for Family' competition, held in 2024, was the fourth edition of naze naze's weaving competition. It brought together weavers from four regions: Dulongjiang, Dali, Eya Naxi Township, and Menglian. The theme encouraged weavers to create textiles for their families, fostering personal connections and cultural exchange. The competition also allowed weavers to travel, interact, and showcase their work, with winning pieces displayed in naze naze stores.
naze naze began in 2015 as a collaboration between Clickly (a sustainable brand under Zuczug) and the Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation. Initially focused on supporting Dulong women in Yunnan, the project aimed to preserve traditional weaving while creating sustainable livelihoods. The mission expanded to connect rural weavers with urban consumers, promoting cultural exchange and sustainable practices. Profits support the weavers and local communities, ensuring the project's longevity.
naze naze offers a range of products made from handwoven textiles, including blankets, pillows, cloaks, shawls, and scarves. These items are crafted by weavers from Dulongjiang, Dali, and Eya Naxi Township. The products are designed to be practical and durable, blending traditional techniques with modern aesthetics to suit contemporary lifestyles.
naze naze ensures sustainability by fostering long-term relationships with weavers and communities. The brand provides training, fair wages, and opportunities for weavers to participate in product design. It also adapts production schedules to align with local agricultural cycles, ensuring weaving complements rather than disrupts daily life. Additionally, naze naze reinvests profits into the communities and maintains transparency through annual publications and exhibitions.
The Dulong blanket, traditionally used as both clothing and bedding by the Dulong people, was the foundation of naze naze's early projects. The introduction of colorful yarns in the 1950s transformed the blankets into vibrant textiles, earning the Dulong people the nickname 'weavers of rainbows.' naze naze's initial products were based on these blankets, which remain a key part of their offerings.
naze naze expanded its projects to Dali Dong Village, Eya Naxi Township, and Menglian Xinyang Wa Village, regions that also preserve traditional weaving techniques. The brand builds trust with local communities, gradually increasing participation. For example, the number of weavers in Dulongjiang grew from 16 in 2015 to over 200 by 2024, driven by word-of-mouth and community support.
Annual home visits allow naze naze to understand weavers' lives, income structures, and feedback on the project. These visits help tailor production schedules to local agricultural cycles and ensure fair compensation. They also strengthen trust and collaboration between the brand and the weavers, fostering a sustainable and mutually beneficial relationship.
naze naze blends traditional weaving techniques with modern design to create functional, everyday items. The brand uses soft wool and cotton yarns instead of traditional hemp, and adjusts color palettes to suit urban tastes. This approach ensures the products are both culturally rooted and relevant to contemporary lifestyles.
naze naze has significantly improved weavers' lives by providing stable income and opportunities for personal growth. For example, weavers' average earnings increased from 1,750 yuan in 2015 to 3,922 yuan in recent years. Many weavers have gained confidence, learned new skills, and even traveled to cities like Shanghai for training, broadening their horizons.
naze naze engages the public through exhibitions, publications, and interactive events. The brand's annual publications document project progress and feature weavers' stories, while exhibitions showcase the cultural and artistic value of weaving. Interactive workshops, such as those in Chengdu, allow visitors to experience weaving firsthand, fostering a deeper connection to the craft.
naze naze 取自独龙语 “naze naze jora”,意思是“慢慢地织布”。作为素然旗下的织物品牌,naze naze着眼于在文化生活中与纺织息息相关的女性,通过织女的持续协作、署名化的生产方式,连接乡村与城市生活的日常,增进人与人的相互了解。所得收益用于支持项目可持续发展,以及回馈织女和当地社群。2015年,naze naze 项目首先在独龙江开展,并逐渐扩展到其他还保有传统编织技艺的地区:大利侗寨、俄亚纳西乡和孟连信岗佤族村落。2024年,naze naze 举办了第四届织布大赛,题为“为家人织一块布”,以此为契机让更多的人参与织布这件事。
本期是Slow Brand与naze naze共同制作的特别企划,通过与品牌团队和织女们的对话,探索 naze naze 如何链接一群人,做好织布这件事。
00:18 一场跨越千里的聚会
01:55 “为家人织一块布”的织布大赛
04:35 naze naze 是什么?
07:30 独立于素然之外的共益实践
09:00 始于独龙毯的缘分
11:09 走进日常的naze naze产品
14:53 从独龙江到大利、俄亚和孟连
17:35 织女“花姐”的故事
19:27 有来有往的合作模式
21:35 与生活息息相关的织布节奏
26:23 口口相传,一起进步
29:24 织女“玉花姐”的故事
32:17 探索纺织传统与城市生活结合的可能性
38:40 让更多的人参与进来
45:32 像日记本的刊物,与大众互动的展览
53:21 naze naze是一群人
59:56 naze naze是一件事
刘城铭 naza naze 品牌主理人
郦宣烨 naze naze 品牌内容负责人
金春花 独龙江项目生产管理员
碧玉花 独龙江项目社区空间管理员
图片素材来源:naze naze