The main goal is to observe the consumption habits of young people in first-tier cities and encourage reflection on consumerism. Participants aim to live on 3000 RMB for a month, excluding rent and utilities.
Participants used second-hand websites to find discounted parking services in large cities. For example, in Chengdu, parking at TaiGuLi could cost as low as 4 RMB for two hours through these services.
The average Engel coefficient of participants exceeded 0.5, indicating that over half of their spending was on food. This reflects a consumption level similar to 1996, highlighting a significant focus on essential living expenses.
Food blind boxes offer discounted bread and cooked food from supermarkets, helping participants save money. Programs like 'After 8 PM' and 'Millet Box' in Chengdu provide these discounts, especially for unsold items that would otherwise be discarded.
One participant, a mother with a one-year-old child, spent very little on personal consumption because most of her time and money were dedicated to her child. This shows that parenting significantly reduces personal spending due to time and financial constraints.
Participants utilized various strategies, such as using 12306 railway points for free train tickets, purchasing second-hand books, and leveraging public facilities like libraries for free magazine reading. These methods helped them significantly cut down on expenses.
The 'White Stupidity Index' refers to the ratio of a product's price to its basic material cost. The higher the index, the more 'stupid' the purchase is deemed. However, some participants found that high-index purchases, like IP-related items, provided emotional satisfaction and were worth the cost.
Participants debated whether education is an investment or consumption. Some argued that certain educational activities, like learning to swim, can reduce future spending, while others saw education as a form of consumption that doesn't necessarily translate into financial returns.
Participants reflected that much consumption is driven by societal鼓吹 (hype). They discussed the value of practical living versus experiential spending, with some willing to live frugally if it meant avoiding work stress, while others prioritized new experiences despite the costs.
The challenge highlighted that disciplined spending can lead to significant savings, with some participants achieving low levels of consumption by leveraging work benefits, public facilities, and strategic purchasing. It also emphasized the importance of understanding one's true financial needs and desires.
**【Insider】**大部分的消费都是被鼓吹出来的?我愿意为「体验」消费多少?这个钱,就非花不可吗? 一直空缺的第300期揭晓——时隔五年,我们重新举办了一次一线城市3000块/月消费挑战。我们又一次以社群小实验的方式,试图观测一线城市年轻人的消费习惯,也提醒大家重新思考消费主义。参赛选手们各显身手,共同创造出一段美(bu)好(kan)难(hui)忘(shou)的集体省钱回忆。 主播 / 王妈妈 珂珂 嘉宾 / 灯灯(知乎:灯下说书人) 音频剪辑 / 珂珂 Shownotes / 王妈妈 接下来你将听到: ⭕️ 解决消费主义的利器——孩子或者一份无休的工作 ⭕️ 「宁可不吃晚饭也得打车」,一位腰突患者如是说 ⭕️ 12306积分、食物盲盒、免费体侧、……只听省钱秘笈,你都赚到啦! ⭕️ 参赛选手平均恩格尔系数超过0.5,倒退回1996年水平 ⭕️ 什么背刺了我:「原来啥也不干也会花那么多!」 ⭕️ 「白痴指数」越高,治愈水平越高 ⭕️ 如果每个月都节衣缩食,但是不用吃上班的苦,你愿意吗? ⭕️ 教育,是投资还是消费? ⭕️ 「小群体通过分享产生连接,这是比金钱更有价值的人生小插曲」 本期节目提到的: 食物盲盒 1、八点以后:似乎只有成都,基本都是面包 2、惜食魔法袋:全国多个城市都有 3、米粒盒子:也是成都公司,商品有伊藤熟食 4、趣小袋 都是小程序,可以试图搜索看有没有自己城市,然后注意提货时间,有的要求仅晚间可提;也可以送外卖(需付运费) 最后附上本次挑战的规则,欢迎呼朋唤友来复刻~
最后,为大家提供无时差专属省钱福利: 现在在「饿了么」小程序中搜索「无时差研究所」,将会看到两种红包! 满30减30元的红包,每个ID只能领取三次,领取后15分钟内有效。 满20减5元的主播红包,每个ID每天可以领取三次,领取后当日有效。 走过路过别错过哦! 欢迎关注「无时差研究」所同名小红书、微博 如何加入听友群? 微信公众号搜索「无时差研究所」,后台回复「入群」,扫描小助手二维码就可以啦! “每一次准备播客的过程,都带我们走到了某一个小小议题的门口,而每个嘉宾都是一把钥匙,ta 领着我们看到了全新的、更大的世界,ta 让我对世界多了一些了解,即便每次都有一点点,它都成为了我们生命里的一个小小刻度,也希望它也能帮助到你~” 如果你喜欢我们,欢迎关注无时差研究所同名公众号给我们送来你的心意哦!同时欢迎在全平台搜索并订阅无时差研究所。