cover of episode Vol.139: 喝着汽水去搓澡,快乐一秒是一秒!| 在沈阳 EP04

Vol.139: 喝着汽水去搓澡,快乐一秒是一秒!| 在沈阳 EP04

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@VC : 本期节目从沈阳小南天主教堂出发,探索其建筑历史、宗教文化以及周边区域的变迁。小南天主教堂作为沈阳地标性建筑,其哥特式建筑风格和历史底蕴令人印象深刻。教堂广场上活跃的信仰咨询活动展现了宗教的活力,而广场上居民的娱乐活动则体现了沈阳的日常生活气息。 八王寺汽水作为沈阳特色饮料,其百年历史见证了中国民族工业的兴衰,也反映了时代变迁。五爱市场作为沈阳重要的商业街区,其发展历程从最初的地摊到大型批发市场,也经历了起起伏伏,展现了改革开放后中国经济发展的缩影。 沈阳的搓澡文化是本期节目的另一大亮点,节目中体验了沈阳澡堂的搓澡服务,并探讨了搓澡文化背后的辛勤劳动和社会意义。通过对沈阳“澡皮子”文化的介绍,展现了沈阳人独特的休闲社交方式和对生活的态度。 总而言之,本期节目通过对小南天主教堂、八王寺汽水、五爱市场和沈阳搓澡文化的介绍,多角度展现了沈阳这座城市的独特魅力,以及其历史、文化和日常生活之间的交织与融合。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the Xiaonan Catholic Church considered a significant landmark in Shenyang?

The Xiaonan Catholic Church, originally named Jesus Sacred Heart Church, is a significant landmark due to its historical and architectural importance. Built in 1875 during the Qing Dynasty, it is a classic Gothic-style church with a 40-meter-high twin-tower structure. Despite being destroyed during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, it was rebuilt in 1912 using funds from the Boxer Indemnity. The church's deep gray brickwork and intricate carvings reflect its historical depth and cultural significance, making it a symbol of Shenyang's rich religious and architectural heritage.

What is the historical significance of Bawangsi Soda in Shenyang?

Bawangsi Soda, established in the 1920s, is a symbol of Shenyang's industrial history and national pride. Named after the Bawang Temple, it was one of the earliest modern national enterprises in Liaoning. The soda gained prominence during the national goods movement, resisting foreign products, especially Japanese ones. Despite setbacks like the Japanese occupation during the 1931 Mukden Incident, the brand survived and was revived in 2003 after a decade-long hiatus. It represents the resilience and evolution of China's national beverage industry.

How did the Wulai Market evolve into a significant economic hub in Shenyang?

The Wulai Market began in 1983 as a small street market with 20 retired workers selling basic goods. By 1985, it had grown into a bustling wholesale and retail hub, moving to Wulai Street and expanding rapidly. By 1989, it had over 2,600 vendors and a turnover of 330 million yuan. The market became a symbol of economic opportunity, attracting people seeking wealth and success. Despite its decline in recent years, it remains a cultural and historical landmark, reflecting Shenyang's economic transformation and the rise of private entrepreneurship.

What makes Shenyang's bathhouse culture unique?

Shenyang's bathhouse culture is deeply rooted in its history and climate. Due to the cold, dry winters, many households lacked bathing facilities, leading to the popularity of public bathhouses. These bathhouses became social hubs where people gathered to relax, socialize, and escape the harsh weather. The culture is further enriched by the 'zao pi zi' (bathhouse regulars), who frequented these spaces for both hygiene and community. Over time, bathhouses evolved into luxurious spa centers, blending traditional practices with modern amenities, making them a unique aspect of Shenyang's lifestyle.

Why is the Xiaonan Church's square described as full of life?

The square in front of the Xiaonan Church is vibrant with activity, serving as a community gathering spot. Locals engage in various leisure activities, such as dancing, singing, and chatting, creating a lively atmosphere. The square also hosts 'faith consultations,' where people discuss religious and philosophical topics. This blend of religious and secular activities makes the square a dynamic and inclusive space, reflecting the church's ongoing role in the community beyond its religious functions.

  • 小南天主教堂始建于1875年,1900年被义和团烧毁,1912年重建
  • 建筑风格为哥特式,高耸的尖顶和精细的砖雕是其特色
  • 教堂广场上进行着信仰咨询活动,人们在此讨论宗教信仰和不同宗教之间的理念差异

Shownotes Transcript






[02:44] 小南天主教堂的建筑由来、毁灭和重建

[07:14] 小南教堂前的「信仰咨询」

[09:24] 教堂前广场满满的生命力

[14:33] 八王寺汽水:从东北文学到民族工业的振兴

[20:21] 五爱市场到底是一种怎样神奇的存在?

[24:07] 五爱市场波澜壮阔、跌宕起伏的历史


[32:20] 两种不同叙事之下的五爱市场,到底什么样?

[35:34] 工作日的沈阳澡堂人会少吗?

[37:51] 在沈阳搓澡到底是一种怎样的体验?

[39:22] 网红化的搓澡还是真的沈阳搓澡吗?

[40:50] 老沈阳到底是怎么洗澡的?

[42:48] 为什么沈阳人这么爱洗澡?

[48:09] 再推荐两家独立书店逛一逛:纸曰书店、呐喊书店

> 小南天主教堂正面

> 信仰咨询处

> 始于1920年的八王寺汽水儿

> 五爱市场前面的热闹街

> 五爱市场服装城
















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Music credit:

回忆 - 徐鲤

青春时代 - 徐鲤

Free Loop - Daniel Powter

Between Two Points - David Gilmour

Okra - Ever So Blue

Portraits Pt. 1 - Keith Kenniff

Drifter - Ólafur Arnalds


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