During the jet ski trip in Malaysia, the waves became increasingly rough, making it difficult to maintain balance. The speaker, sitting at the back of the jet ski, had to grip tightly to avoid being thrown off. At one point, they were unexpectedly thrown into the sea due to a sudden wave, leading to a terrifying moment of disorientation and fear of drowning. The experience was exacerbated by the fact that they were wearing life jackets but still felt vulnerable in the open water.
The jet ski trip included basic safety measures such as life jackets and a brief training session on how to operate the jet ski. However, the training was minimal, and the life jackets, while providing buoyancy, did not prevent the intense fear and disorientation when thrown into the sea. The lack of immediate assistance from the guide added to the danger, highlighting the need for more robust safety protocols during such high-risk activities.
The cave exploration in Hainan involved navigating through narrow passages, crossing an underground river, and climbing down a steep cliff. The group, led by an experienced guide named Fengzi, encountered bats and had to carefully maneuver through tight spaces. The underground river required wading through water up to shoulder height, and the final descent involved a 6-7 meter climb down a cliff without ropes. The experience was both thrilling and challenging, emphasizing the importance of having a knowledgeable guide in such environments.
An experienced guide is crucial during cave exploration because they can assess risks, navigate complex terrains, and provide safety instructions. In the Hainan cave exploration, the guide, Fengzi, had previously scouted the cave, knew the safe routes, and provided real-time guidance on where to step or hold. This expertise minimized the risk of accidents, such as falling into underground rivers or getting stuck in narrow passages, ensuring a safer and more controlled adventure.
The near-death experience during the jet ski trip underscores the unpredictability of water sports and the importance of respecting the ocean's power. Key lessons include always wearing a life jacket, being aware of weather and sea conditions, and ensuring that guides are attentive and prepared for emergencies. The incident also highlights the psychological impact of such events, as the speaker continues to feel fear and hesitation when engaging in water activities, even years later.
Underground rivers in caves pose significant risks, including strong currents, sudden changes in water depth, and the potential for being swept away. During the Hainan cave exploration, the group had to wade through an underground river with water reaching shoulder height. The guide emphasized the importance of careful footing and maintaining balance to avoid falling into the river, which could lead to being carried away by the current, especially in areas with steep drops or hidden underwater hazards.
The speaker and their partner climbed down a 6-7 meter cliff without ropes by following precise instructions from their guide, Fengzi. The guide pointed out specific handholds and footholds on the rock face, ensuring that each step was secure. The speaker's partner, who was more physically adept, led the way, while the guide provided support from behind. This method relied heavily on trust in the guide's expertise and careful execution of each movement to avoid slips or falls.
When engaging in high-risk outdoor activities, it is essential to have proper safety gear, such as life jackets or helmets, and to follow the guidance of experienced professionals. Participants should be aware of their physical limits and avoid overestimating their abilities. Additionally, understanding the environment, such as weather conditions or cave layouts, and having contingency plans for emergencies are crucial. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of preparation, caution, and respect for the inherent dangers of such activities.
聊起疯狂的旅行经历,或许每个人都有几个自己的故事。这期和鹅姐聊聊,那些不敢发朋友圈的故事,掉入马六甲海峡,穿越地下河进行溶洞探险…… 有时候,我也会想人为什么会不断地踏上冒险的旅程?安安稳稳地生活不好么?为什么有那么多探险家、航海家、登山家会走上那条充满危险的路?真的只是贪恋肾上腺素飙升的刺激感吗?还是有更不为人知的理由? 这是我的好奇。 也许理由不尽相同,但我们都难以否认,人类在历史上的一个个重大突破都离不开对极限的追求,对未知的强烈渴望。也许我们不会踏上这条路,但我们可以借由他人的故事,感受同样的情绪。 时间轴00:50'' 马来西亚海上摩托艇跳岛之旅 13:16" 前一秒海上逍遥,下一秒掉进马六甲海峡 21:40"** 劫后余生的“失明”生活,聊聊户外运动的危险性 32:13"** 海南溶洞探险:穿越地下暗河与徒手攀岩 55:19"** 户外运动,安全第一 旅行笔记水上摩托艇** Jet Ski(喷射滑水艇)是一种水上摩托艇,通常由汽油发动机驱动,依靠喷射出高压水流来推动前进。它可以在水面上高速滑行,操作方式类似于摩托车,骑乘者可以站立或坐在艇上驾驶。 溶洞与地下暗河** 溶洞是由地下水长时间对石灰岩等可溶性岩石进行侵蚀和溶解形成的天然洞穴,内部常常拥有奇特的钟乳石、石笋等地质景观。地下暗河则是溶洞系统中隐藏于地表以下的河流,由于地质作用,河水在地下流动,形成蜿蜒曲折的水道。 欢迎订阅【非正常旅行】每周六与你闲聊全世界! 每期播客的文字版本以及相关旅行资讯请关注【公众号:季不住】 添加NPC微信号“travelwithji-”加入宝藏听友旅行群 【主播介绍】** 季季 ** 独立摄影师 | 艺术创作者 | 自由撰稿人 「非正常旅行」播客主理人 背包旅行12年+,自由职业7年+,�� ��双国旅居。 “这地球太酷,值得一个人背包出发!” 小红书 | B站:@季季JiJi ** 公众号:季不住** YouTube:Travel with Ji** 鹅姐** 2016年新西兰打工度假老人 正带着狗技术移民去澳洲,现暂居日本 小红书:鹅姐(id:goosechaser)**
【背景音乐】The Marías - Clueless Huma-Huma - Onmission 【关于非正常旅行】 这是一档寻找未知旅行地,分享环游世界攻略,探索不一样生活方式,横跨南北半球的旅行播客。 错了,重来! 不过是个和朋友们相聚大笑、自由畅谈的地方罢了~ 让我们在路上不期而遇吧! 你可以在小宇宙、喜马拉雅、网易云音乐、苹果Podcast上收听我们的节目。如果你喜欢我们的节目,请多多留言,专辑五星评价,让我们走得更远一点点~ 【商务合作】** [email protected]