cover of episode Ep.167 一生努力的东亚人,澳洲打工度假也得卷

Ep.167 一生努力的东亚人,澳洲打工度假也得卷

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阿鱼:我在澳洲打工度假期间先后在墨尔本、凯恩斯和布里斯班生活工作,体验了不同城市的生活方式和工作机会。我选择做咖啡师,虽然起初需要学习,但通过努力,我逐渐成为一名技术熟练的咖啡师,并获得不错的薪资。澳洲的薪资水平较高,最低时薪在24澳元以上,周末和节假日还有额外的薪资补贴。虽然澳洲的税收较高,但总体而言,通过努力工作,还是能够存到钱的。澳洲的消费水平也较高,租房是最大的开销,其次是餐饮。但如果自己做饭,可以节省不少开支。澳洲的交通费用也相对较高,城市里可以选择公共交通,偏远地区则需要买车。 在澳洲打工度假期间,我遇到来自世界各地的人,他们的工作态度和生活方式各不相同。东亚人通常更努力工作,更注重攒钱;而欧美国家的人则更注重生活体验。澳洲的文化与国内差异很大,例如,澳洲人很注重与人交流,见面会主动打招呼,并表达关心。澳洲的咖啡文化与国内也不同,国内更注重手冲咖啡和特调,而澳洲则以奶咖为主。 澳洲的打工度假签证可以续签,但需要满足在偏远地区工作一定时间的条件。我选择在凯恩斯工作,既完成了签证要求,又欣赏了美丽的风景。在澳洲生活,我经历了一些文化冲击,例如,在艺术展上,我的外国朋友更容易得到艺术家的关注。但总体而言,澳洲人很友好,并没有遇到明显的种族歧视。 在澳洲,我逐渐适应了这里的生活方式,并对年龄和职业焦虑有了新的认识。澳洲人更注重当下,更关注生活是否快乐,而不是一味追求物质和成功。这让我对生活有了新的理解。 Gigi:我们这期节目邀请到阿鱼,分享她在澳洲打工度假的经历和感受。阿鱼在澳洲已经工作了两年,期间去了墨尔本、凯恩斯和布里斯班三个城市。她分享了澳洲的工作机会、薪资水平、生活成本以及文化差异等方面的信息。 阿鱼在澳洲做咖啡师,这在打工度假者中比较少见。她分享了学习咖啡制作技巧的过程,以及在澳洲做咖啡师的收入和工作体验。我们还讨论了澳洲的最低工资标准、税收政策、小费制度以及周末双倍工资等问题。 阿鱼还分享了她对澳洲生活成本的观察,包括租房、餐饮、交通等方面的支出。她提到,在澳洲自己做饭比较经济实惠。我们还讨论了澳洲打工度假签证的续签条件,以及不同国家打工度假者的工作态度和生活方式的差异。 此外,我们还探讨了东亚年轻人选择去澳洲打工度假的原因,以及他们在澳洲遇到的文化冲击和挑战。阿鱼分享了她对澳洲文化的一些观察,例如,澳洲人很注重人际关系,见面会主动打招呼,表达关心;澳洲的咖啡文化与国内也有很大不同。最后,我们还讨论了移民问题,以及在澳洲生活工作的一些改变,例如,对年龄焦虑和职业焦虑的看法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did A Yu choose to become a barista in Australia?

A Yu chose to become a barista because she wanted to avoid physically demanding jobs like farm or meatpacking work. She learned basic coffee-making skills in China before moving to Australia, which helped her secure a job in Melbourne. Over time, she improved her skills and now earns a higher wage as an experienced barista.

What are the wage differences between Australia and Canada for part-time jobs?

In Australia, the minimum wage for part-time jobs is around AUD 24.5 per hour, with some roles like barista earning up to AUD 30 or more, especially on weekends. In contrast, Canada's minimum wage is much lower, around CAD 14 per hour, making Australia a more attractive option for working holiday participants.

How does the tax system in Australia affect working holiday participants?

Working holiday participants in Australia are taxed at a flat rate of 15%. For citizens and students, the tax system is progressive, with higher income brackets taxed at up to 33%. This is relatively high compared to some countries, but the high wages in Australia help offset the tax burden.

What are the living costs like in Australia for working holiday participants?

Rent is the biggest expense, with costs varying by location. In cities like Melbourne, rent can be around AUD 350 per week, while in more remote areas like Cairns, it can be around AUD 200. Food costs are manageable if cooking at home, but eating out is expensive, with meals costing around AUD 20. Public transport is also costly, with single trips in Melbourne costing AUD 5.

Why do many East Asian young people choose to work in Australia?

Many East Asian young people choose Australia due to higher wages and better opportunities to save money. In their home countries, low wages and high living costs make it difficult to save, whereas in Australia, they can earn significantly more, even after taxes and living expenses.

What are the cultural differences A Yu observed while working in Australia?

A Yu noted that Australians are very friendly and often greet strangers with phrases like 'How are you today?' or 'Have a good day.' She also observed that Australians are more relaxed about age and career, often focusing on enjoying life rather than societal pressures. Additionally, Australians are more open to physical gestures like hugs, which contrasts with the more reserved nature of East Asian cultures.

What are the challenges of the working holiday lifestyle in Australia?

The constant moving between cities, finding new housing, and securing jobs can be challenging. A Yu experienced this when she had to leave friends in Melbourne and start over in Cairns. However, she found that the process of rebuilding her life in new places helped her grow and adapt to different environments.

What are the benefits of the working holiday visa in Australia?

The working holiday visa allows participants to work and travel in Australia for up to two years, with the possibility of extending through second and third year visas by working in remote areas. This visa provides an opportunity to earn higher wages, experience different cultures, and gain new skills in a foreign country.

  • 阿鱼在澳州待了两年,先后在墨尔本、凯恩斯和布里斯班生活和工作
  • 澳洲机票相对便宜,方便回国
  • 不同城市房租价格差异较大

Shownotes Transcript

前几周聊了新西兰打工度假,这周和在澳洲打工快两年的阿鱼聊聊她的经历和见闻。 澳洲打工度假有什么优点? 生活成本如何?打工人能在澳洲存到钱么? 在澳洲做咖啡师是什么体验? 打工度假签证如何续签? 东亚年轻人纷纷选择去澳洲的原因是什么? 在澳洲的文化冲击与差异 …… 时间轴 01:41''**在澳洲生活两年,到访过的城市有哪些? 02:50'' 为什么选择在澳当咖啡师? 08:05'' 澳洲薪资解析:小费制度、双倍工资(double pay)、以及基本薪资 11:06'' 在澳洲打工度假是否真的能够存到钱? 18:00'' 打工度假可以做什么?工时与职业选择 20:40'' 在澳做咖啡师的体验,与其他地方有什么不同? 24:40'' 打工度假不止澳洲:中国护照还能去哪些国家? 30:01'' 东亚年轻人为何选择去澳洲工作? 35:40'' 移民真的能让生活变得更好吗? 40:01'' 海外dating:长期关系、跨国恋爱以及婚姻绿卡问题 44:01'' 在异国他乡工作的挑战:文化冲击与差异 01:01:16'' 人与人之间的羁绊与连接,远胜过沿途的风景 欢迎订阅【非正常旅行】每周六与你闲聊全世界! 每期播客的文字版本以及相关旅行资讯请关注【公众号:季不住】 添加NPC微信号“travelwithji-”加入宝藏听友旅行群 【主播介绍】 季季 ** 独立摄影师 | 艺术创作者 | 自由撰稿人 「非正常旅行」播客主理人 背包旅行12年+,自由职业7年+,�� ��双国旅居。 “这地球太酷,值得一个人背包出发!” 小红书 | B站:@季季JiJi ** 公众号:季不住 YouTube:Travel with Ji 阿鱼 母婴护理师|健身教练|咖啡师|WFP5号面试官 背包客12国 澳洲working holidaying 小红书:野生阿鱼 ** 公众号:阿鱼流浪记

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