cover of episode Ep.166 带着狗子在日本旅居是什么体验?

Ep.166 带着狗子在日本旅居是什么体验?

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鹅姐: 我带狗狗来日本是为了方便它日后移民澳洲。澳洲对狗狗入境要求严格,需要在无狂犬病国家居住半年以上。日本是相对方便的选择,手续虽然复杂,但官方有详细攻略,一步步操作即可。在日本长期生活,日语能力非常重要,因为日本人的英语水平普遍较差。在日本长期居住,需要适应许多繁琐的规矩和流程,例如办理电话卡、银行卡和租房等。在日本租房带宠物很困难,大部分公寓对宠物有诸多限制。日本职场的实际情况与我的预期存在差异,即使是兼职工作,日语能力要求也较高。日本的社会平均工资看似不错,但职业发展空间有限,薪资天花板较低。发达国家社会福利完善,但社会阶层相对固化,职业发展受限;发展中国家机会更多,但社会保障相对较弱。在日本带狗的好处是更容易融入当地社区,狗狗也能带来治愈感。带狗旅行的难点在于住宿和交通的限制,需要提前规划。在日本考驾照是一个复杂且耗时的过程,需要练习和花费较多费用。日本文化注重规则和秩序,相对缺乏变通性。我带着狗狗去了富士山下的浩安露营场露营,体验很好。 GiGi: (引导话题,补充信息,与鹅姐互动交流)

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the guest decide to bring their dog to Japan?

The guest brought their dog to Japan as part of the process to immigrate to Australia. Australia requires dogs to live in a rabies-free country for at least six months before entering. Japan was chosen because it is rabies-free and the most convenient option for the dog’s transition.

What are the visa requirements for bringing a dog to Japan?

For humans, any visa type (tourist, student, family, etc.) is acceptable. For the dog, it must undergo a rabies serum test in China, wait 180 days, and then apply for entry into Japan. The dog also needs a microchip, two rabies vaccinations, and the serum test must be conducted at a recognized lab, such as one in Germany.

How does Australia’s skilled immigration system differ from Canada’s?

Australia’s skilled immigration system is profession-specific, with states inviting candidates based on their occupation and score. Canada’s system uses a points-based cutoff, regardless of profession. Australia also requires a minimum score (e.g., 65) but prioritizes higher-scoring candidates within the same profession.

What challenges did the guest face when moving to Japan with a dog?

The guest faced challenges such as finding pet-friendly housing, navigating Japan’s strict rules on dog sizes and breeds, and dealing with the high cost and limited availability of pet-friendly accommodations. Additionally, the dog experienced some separation anxiety in the new environment.

What is the process for obtaining a driver’s license in Japan?

To obtain a Japanese driver’s license, foreigners must pass a written test and a practical driving test. The practical test is conducted in a closed course, and prior practice at a designated center is often necessary. The process can take up to three months, with costs around 60,000 to 70,000 yen (approximately $400-$500 USD).

What was the guest’s experience camping with their dog in Japan?

The guest camped with their dog at a site near Mount Fuji, which was featured in an anime. The campsite was well-equipped with showers, toilets, and rental gear. Many other campers also brought their dogs, creating a pet-friendly atmosphere. The guest described the experience as enjoyable and unique.

How does Japan’s healthcare system compare to China’s for expats?

Japan’s national health insurance system is more affordable for expats, with monthly premiums around 70 RMB for students. It covers 70% of medical costs. In contrast, China’s flexible employment health insurance is more expensive, with premiums around 2,600 RMB, and similar coverage levels.

What are the differences in work culture between Japan and other countries?

Japan’s work culture is highly structured and rule-bound, with strict requirements even for part-time jobs. For example, part-time roles like supermarket cashiers require at least N2-level Japanese proficiency, which takes about a year to achieve. This contrasts with countries like Australia and Canada, which have more flexible job markets, especially for blue-collar workers.

What are the challenges of traveling with a dog in Japan?

Traveling with a dog in Japan is challenging due to limited pet-friendly accommodations and the need for extensive planning. Public transportation allows dogs if they are in a carrier, but finding hotels or Airbnb options that accept pets is difficult. Renting a car or using an RV can alleviate some of these issues.

What cultural differences did the guest notice between Japan and China?

The guest noted that Japan is less flexible and more rule-bound compared to China. For example, when trying to exchange a mattress, the store strictly adhered to its return policy, allowing only same-size exchanges or full returns. This contrasts with the more adaptable approach often seen in China.

  • 选择日本作为狗狗入境澳洲的过渡国家
  • 日本对狂犬病的防控措施
  • 狗狗入境日本需要办理的手续(血清检测、等待期等)
  • 狗狗适应新环境的感受(分离焦虑等)

Shownotes Transcript

旅居话题终于从人拓展到狗了,这期播客和正在日本旅居准备带狗一起移民澳洲的鹅姐聊聊她的带狗生活。 作为“狗派”人士,我其实一直都特别想养一条大狗,然后带着它到处自驾旅行。车驰骋在旷野无人的山间公路,狗子把头探出窗外,风呼啦啦的响~ 想想就觉得特别美好!!! 然而真实的养狗生活远不止这些,异国旅居租房、住酒店、坐车都是问题,苦乐兼备(可能有娃的听众也能共情�)。除了带狗子,也和鹅姐闲聊了日本生活、文化的差异、就业情况,如果有想去日本留学或是生活的朋友,也可以听听这期内容。 时间轴 00:50 为什么会想要把狗带到日本? 04:37 带狗去日本需要办什么签证? 09:08 澳洲技术移民VS加拿大移民有什么异同? 13:48 日本生活大公开:租房、旅居感受,半工半读的可能性 25:22 工作还是躺平:聊聊最低工资标准与社会福利 36:27 “宠物友好”是否真的宠物友好?带狗旅行的利弊 41:20 在日本考驾照有多难? 51:53 东亚文化的差异与共性 01:00:16 在日本带狗露营是什么体验? 欢迎订阅【非正常旅行】每周六与你闲聊全世界! 每期播客的文字版本以及相关旅行资讯请关注【公众号:季不住】 添加NPC微信号“travelwithji-”加入宝藏听友旅行群 【主播介绍】** 季季 ** 独立摄影师 | 艺术创作者 | 自由撰稿人 「非正常旅行」播客主理人 背包旅行12年+,自由职业7年+,�� ��双国旅居。 “这地球太酷,值得一个人背包出发!” 小红书 | B站:@季季JiJi ** 公众号:季不住** YouTube:Travel with Ji** 鹅姐** 2016年新西兰打工度假老人 正带着狗技术移民去澳洲,现暂居日本 小红书:鹅姐(id:goosechaser)**

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