Judy believes that female users hold higher value than male users, especially in community settings. She observed that female entrepreneurs often focus on lifestyle businesses, which align with her vision of creating a community that balances business and lifestyle. Additionally, she sees a shift in how success is defined for women, moving away from traditional male-centric metrics like building unicorn companies to a more holistic approach that includes happiness and work-life balance.
Video interviews require significantly more resources and time compared to podcasts. Judy explains that video interviews involve multiple cameras, lighting setups, and a team to manage the equipment. The process includes pre-interview research, drafting interview outlines, and extensive post-production editing. In contrast, podcast interviews are simpler, often requiring just a recording setup and minimal editing, making them more cost-effective and less time-consuming.
Judy highlights that the primary challenge is ensuring that the community provides value beyond just membership fees. She compares it to Disney, where the real revenue comes from in-park spending rather than ticket sales. For communities, this means offering ongoing services, products, or experiences that members find valuable enough to continue their engagement and spending. Without this, communities risk low profitability and poor member retention.
Judy sees content as a crucial tool for building and maintaining a community. She believes that content helps in establishing a shared value system and culture within the community. By producing relevant and engaging content, communities can attract like-minded individuals and foster a sense of belonging and purpose among members. This, in turn, enhances member loyalty and the overall sustainability of the community.
Judy warns that relying solely on membership fees can be unsustainable. She explains that if a community only generates revenue from initial sign-ups without offering additional value or services, it risks low profitability and member dissatisfaction. Successful communities need to provide continuous value, such as exclusive content, networking opportunities, or additional services, to justify ongoing membership fees and encourage long-term engagement.
商业访谈怎么做 社群的价值与变现方式 小红书半年涨粉13万 播客访谈和视频访谈的区别
从程前朋友圈开始,商业访谈、商业IP就特别火,不管是抖音网红海参哥老纪、还是很多垂直媒体都把内容的一部分转向了商业访谈。那么商业访谈到底是一门什么生意,满足了什么诉求? 今天我邀请了 小红书现在最火的商业访谈节目《财富自由的年轻人》主理人,半年小红书涨粉10万的judy来聊一聊这个话题,judy访谈过bosie创始人-刘光耀,鹿客科技的创始人-陈彬,还采访过明星艺人:方文山、欧阳娜娜
(跟小红书做访谈 就是会一起拍照 )
**01:05 **Judy自我介绍
03:45 Judy的创业历史,大三做摄影知识付费就赚了100万
06:15 Judy结束创业去了湖畔大学
09:23 为什么选择这次商业IP创业,如何做到半年涨粉13万
13:20 Judy聊聊视频访谈播客的制作流程与重点,
16:54 树杨聊聊播客访谈的制作流程与重点(播客访谈的工作量是视频访谈的五分之一)
21:07 树杨觉得播客是一门做副业很好的选择,玄学播客是现阶段赚钱最好的选择
22:49 Judy觉得社群的定义
24:18 Judy的社群定位
28:09 Judy说的社群,就是老乡会和商学院的区别,醍醐灌顶,接下来就是详细讲解
31:08 在中国的很多社群,就类似西方的基督教会
33:28 谈谈程前朋友圈爆雷,核心是付费交付不及预期
35:40 操盘手和内容创作者天然的不能两头兼顾
38:44 Judy聊聊千元客单价的困惑以及社群如何定价
42:25 接广告是很难持续的商业模式
44:28 树杨坚持做商业IP应该全矩阵做
46:31 核心是:先确定盈利方式,再去做内容
**53:27 **用什么心态开始做商业播客 你不能错过的高质量社群 想交流更多生意经和赚钱机会,以及有资源变现需求的小伙伴们,可以通过下方联系方式找到我们,进入我们的高质量社群。由于好友申请过多,添加微信后请按照以下模板告诉我们(否则不会拉群哦):
微信号:shu1007yang (本人接待,商业合作也可以找我,直接阐明诉求)
即刻、小红书 ID:树杨)