Yoyo experienced a significant energy low due to a combination of a severe back injury, a subsequent cold, and her menstrual cycle. The back injury left her bedridden for weeks, and the added illness prevented her from resuming normal activities, leading to both physical and mental exhaustion.
Yoyo was advised to get out of the house, meet friends, wear contact lenses instead of glasses, and avoid loose home clothes. These small changes can help shift her mindset and provide a sense of normalcy and energy.
Yoyo's recent injury left her bedridden for weeks, which not only affected her physically but also mentally. She found it difficult to engage in activities she usually enjoyed, leading to feelings of anxiety and depression. The prolonged physical discomfort disrupted her mental energy and motivation.
Yoyo began to question whether she was entering a phase of life where her physical abilities and career might be on a decline. As a 35-year-old whose career is tied to physical activity, she felt anxious about whether she could maintain her previous level of performance or if she was starting to go downhill.
Yoyo learned that injuries are a part of life, especially for someone in her line of work. She realized that while injuries can be debilitating, they also teach you to understand your body better and adjust your activities accordingly. Over time, she found ways to manage her injuries and prevent them from recurring.
Yoyo's friends provided emotional support and practical advice. They encouraged her to get out of the house, meet people, and make small changes like wearing contact lenses and avoiding loose clothing. Their companionship and understanding helped her feel less isolated and more motivated to recover.
Yoyo realized that what feels like a downhill phase in life might not necessarily be negative. She came to understand that accepting limitations and adjusting expectations can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. She also acknowledged that life is full of ups and downs, and it's important to adapt to changes rather than resist them.
Yoyo experienced panic attacks during her low period, particularly after drinking coffee, which exacerbated her anxiety. She described feeling a rapid heartbeat and a sense of dread, which she managed by practicing deep breathing and trying to calm herself down.
Yoyo's injury severely limited her daily activities. She was unable to engage in her usual physical exercises, such as rock climbing and horseback riding, which were significant sources of energy and joy for her. The injury also made it difficult for her to sit for long periods, affecting her ability to practice drumming.
Yoyo learned that physical health and mental health are deeply interconnected. When her body was in pain and unable to function normally, her mental energy and motivation also suffered. She realized that taking care of her physical health is crucial for maintaining mental well-being.
【�️本期简介】 Yoyo被腰伤困在床上长达两周,身体和精神都逐渐失去秩序,到了一个支棱不起来又不甘心躺平的低谷期。甚至由此引发“我的人生是不是要走下坡路了?”的关于中年危机的思考。所以这期节目就从Yoyo的低谷期出发,回溯每一个人的低谷和下坡路。结果不出所料,回头看发现痛苦都会过去。当时以为天塌了,我死了,其实峰回路转,还有一下段路出现在眼前。 00:01:53 躺在床上两个星期,我的身体和精神都无所事事。 00:11:35 我和伤病还没混熟,怎么和它和平共处?没事儿,会熟的,它一时半会儿走不了。 00:17:51 低谷之前的高潮越辉煌,就越难忍受低谷期。 00:18:54 衰老和伤病是让我们更清楚的认识自己的天花板和地板。 00:21:05 强行支棱小tips:走出去、见朋友、戴隐形、不要穿宽松的家居裤。 00:25:52 我的人生下坡路就这么来了吗?没事儿,下坡路好走! 00:32:06 终于靠近好莱坞,但也许完不成电影梦,遗憾但接受。 00:38:44 最低谷的时候李宗盛能唱哭我,结果现在成为你们嘲笑我的黑历史! 00:46:20 银子面子都损失了,当时还以为天塌了。回头看也只不过是生活拐了弯儿走上下一段路。 00:56:16 姥爷最近经历的迷茫期,其实是姥爷公的人生低谷。 01:04:36 先跨越自己的迷茫混沌,再投入到关系中解决危机。谁能想到相处十几年的关系还能再回春呐! 01:06:33 我们可以同时跨越很多高山,也许一段路的下坡之后是另一座山的上坡。 【�️本期陪伴】 被腰伤带入低谷期的@Yoyo 刚走出情感危机的@姥爷 常常走入低谷但健忘的@依侬 被失恋回旋镖击中的@猪侨 �饿了么【宁浪别野】专属福利� 饿了么APP搜索专属口令【宁浪别野】后,在跳转页面领券下单,比正常外卖便宜6-10元。 一天可以领三次,活动长期有效~ �操作流程 步骤1⃣:饿了么APP搜「宁浪别野」 步骤2⃣:选店铺,领店铺券下单(注意要满足券的使用门槛哦~) 步骤3⃣:下单时,若有其他饿了么红包或饿了么会员红包,能一起叠加抵用(下单能用店铺券和饿了么红包两个优惠!)
【� 宁浪别野是什么?】 首先它是一个实体的大别墅�。四个平均年龄35岁的女性好友��在万宁合租了个大house。我们不定期的逃离城市来到这座海边乌托邦,在这里冲浪�、读书�、聊天�、玩儿音乐���。 同时它还是一档播客�️,是四位主播无论身在何处,都希望每周能和大家分享故事的地方。 最后它更是每个所有女生的云宿舍�,大家有任何故事、观点、建议,无论多羞耻、奇葩、不合时宜,都可以在这里分享和诉说。 宁浪别野是每一个女生可以完全放松下来做自己的安全堡垒。 微信nlby-666 联系小助理进听友群,入住我们的女生宿舍,一起共享WiFi吧!