cover of episode 'Mom's posts.' Supporting or sidelining working mothers?

'Mom's posts.' Supporting or sidelining working mothers?

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Round Table China

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何杨:报道中提到的青岛市为母亲提供的190个就业岗位,引发了关于这些岗位是否真正赋权女性,还是强化性别刻板印象的讨论。这些岗位提供灵活的工作时间和较低要求,旨在支持有年幼孩子的母亲重返工作岗位。然而,我们也需要思考,这些岗位是否会将母亲局限于发展潜力有限的角色。 何杨:我对"妈妈岗位"的设立持有矛盾态度。一方面,它为需要灵活工作时间的母亲提供了就业机会;另一方面,"妈妈岗位"的名称以及其内涵可能存在问题,容易强化性别刻板印象。我们应该思考如何改进名称和政策,避免加剧性别不平等。 何杨:"妈妈岗位"政策的目标群体主要是那些原本职位不高、在生育后难以找到工作的女性。政府通过提供税收减免、补贴等政策,鼓励企业雇佣母亲,形成多方共赢的局面。许多"妈妈岗位"实际上是兼职或按小时计酬的灵活就业岗位,任何人都可以申请,并非只针对母亲。政府将有育儿责任的母亲视为一个需要额外保护的群体,并试图通过政策为其提供帮助,例如不能要求加班等。 牛红林:山东省多个城市陆续发布了面向母亲的招聘信息,这些岗位大多是兼职或小时工,工作内容包括餐饮、家政、保安等,工作时间灵活,适合在家工作的母亲。地方政府在推出"妈妈岗位"的过程中,通常会征询社会上的相关岗位信息,选择那些工作时间灵活、对经验要求不高、可通过短期培训掌握技能的岗位。"妈妈岗位"可以看作是政府一系列灵活就业政策的一部分,旨在帮助母亲重返职场,并享受与全职员工相同的社会保障。 牛红林:"妈妈岗位"的名称容易让人误解为这些岗位是专门为无法全职工作的母亲设计的,这强化了性别刻板印象。 菲菲:"妈妈岗位"的设立,默认了母亲承担主要育儿责任,而忽视了父亲的育儿责任,这是一种性别刻板印象。政府在推出"妈妈岗位"的同时,也鼓励企业为母亲提供更友好的工作环境,例如提供哺乳室等设施。虽然"妈妈岗位"的名称不够完善,但其设立并非完全没有道理,可以考虑使用更合适的名称,例如"育儿岗"。许多"妈妈岗位"提供的并非想象中的白领工作,而是更多的是餐饮、保安等体力劳动岗位,工作时间灵活,这与人们对"妈妈岗位"的刻板印象有所不同。许多体力劳动岗位更容易培训和上手,而一些看似适合母亲的岗位,例如直播带货,实际上工作强度也比较大。许多"妈妈岗位"实际上是兼职或按小时计酬的灵活就业岗位,任何人都可以申请,并非只针对母亲。 菲菲:母亲在工作中也具备一些优势,例如耐心,这在一些岗位上非常重要。需要解决对职场母亲的歧视问题,以及社会对母亲过度工作的赞扬。许多"妈妈岗位"是低薪低地位的工作,但育儿阶段是暂时的,母亲最终可以追求自己的梦想和职业发展。

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Key Insights

What are the key features of the 'mom's posts' introduced in Qingdao, China?

The 'mom's posts' in Qingdao offer 190 job positions with flexible hours and less demanding roles, primarily in fields like catering, housekeeping, and security services. These positions are designed for mothers returning to work after taking care of young children.

Why are 'mom's posts' being introduced in China?

The introduction of 'mom's posts' aims to support mothers who face difficulties re-entering the workforce due to childcare responsibilities, such as picking up children from school before typical work hours end.

What are the concerns raised about the 'mom's posts' in China?

Critics argue that 'mom's posts' may reinforce gender stereotypes by pigeonholing mothers into low-wage, manual labor jobs with limited growth potential, rather than empowering them in higher-skilled roles.

How do 'mom's posts' differ from regular flexible jobs?

'Mom's posts' are specifically protected by government policies, ensuring that employers cannot require overtime or weekend work, unlike regular flexible jobs that may not have such protections.

What are the potential benefits of 'mom's posts' for working mothers?

These positions provide flexible working hours, making it easier for mothers to balance childcare and work. Additionally, some jobs, like live streaming or e-commerce, offer opportunities for mothers to leverage their skills and earn income from home.

What is the government's role in promoting 'mom's posts'?

The government promotes 'mom's posts' by issuing notices to employers, offering subsidies to companies that hire mothers, and ensuring that these positions include benefits like designated rest areas for breastfeeding.

Why might 'mom's posts' be seen as problematic in terms of gender equality?

The term 'mom's posts' implies that only mothers need flexible work arrangements, reinforcing the idea that childcare is primarily a woman's responsibility, while excluding fathers or other caregivers from similar opportunities.

What are the potential long-term implications of 'mom's posts' for working mothers?

While 'mom's posts' provide immediate support for mothers returning to work, they may limit career growth and perpetuate low-wage roles, potentially hindering women's long-term professional development and financial independence.

The rise of job postings specifically targeting mothers in China has sparked debate. While these positions offer flexible hours and less demanding roles, concerns exist about whether they empower women or reinforce gender stereotypes and limit career growth. The discussion explores the mixed feelings surrounding these initiatives.
  • Qingdao City introduced 190 jobs for mothers, offering flexible hours and less demanding roles.
  • Shandong province promoted employment models targeting mothers.
  • These jobs often involve manual labor (catering, housekeeping, security services), often part-time or hourly work.
  • Debate centers on whether such postings are truly empowering women or reinforcing gender expectations.

Shownotes Transcript

The rise of 'mom's job postings', which target mothers, has sparked debate. Are these positions empowering working mothers, or keeping them stuck in low-wage, traditional roles instead? On the show: Heyang, Niu Honglin & Fei Fei