cover of episode AEE 2321: There You Go! One Phrase For Confirming in English

AEE 2321: There You Go! One Phrase For Confirming in English

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All Ears English Podcast

Aubrey: 在日常对话中,"There you go"可以用于确认某事正在起作用,例如确认一个策略是否有效。它也可以在递送物品时使用,表示"给你"。此外,它还可以用来确认某人证明了你的观点,或者在鼓励他人时使用,尤其是在经过多次尝试后成功时。 Lindsay: "There you go"是一种地道的英语表达方式,用于确认。它有三种不同的用法,都表示对某事的确认。第一种用法是在递送物品时使用,表示"给你";第二种用法是用来确认某人证明了你的观点;第三种用法是用来鼓励他人。"There you go"和"Here you go"可以互换使用,但"There you go"更常用于回应请求。使用"There you go"比其他类似表达方式更友好,避免了不礼貌的表达。在鼓励他人时,语调会更强调。它可以用来确认某人想起了某件事,并给予鼓励。在对话中,"There you go"的三种用法都可能出现,其含义取决于语调和语境。 Aubrey: "There you go"的含义取决于语调和语境。在不同的语境下,它的用法和含义都略有不同,例如在确认某人观点正确时,语调会比较轻松友好;而在递送物品时,语调则比较直接;而在鼓励他人时,语调则会更强调,表达一种赞扬和鼓励的意味。因此,学习"There you go"的关键在于理解其语调,以及在不同的语境下如何灵活运用。 Lindsay: 学习"There you go"的三个不同含义和语调。正确使用"There you go"需要掌握其语调。"There you go"可以帮助避免对话冷场,是一种很好的连接技巧,可以用来确认和鼓励。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the primary purpose of the phrase 'there you go' in English?

It is used to confirm something in three different scenarios: when giving someone something, confirming a point someone has made, or encouraging someone for their effort or success.

How is 'there you go' used when giving someone something?

It is commonly used after a request to indicate that what was asked for is being handed over. For example, after someone asks for a book, you might say, 'There you go' as you give it to them.

What does 'there you go' mean when confirming a point someone has made?

It is used to acknowledge that someone has demonstrated or proven a point you made. It is similar to saying, 'See what I mean?' or 'You're right.'

How is 'there you go' used to encourage someone?

It is used to praise or encourage someone for their effort or success, often after multiple attempts. For example, after teaching a child to serve a volleyball and they finally succeed, you might say, 'There you go.'

What role does intonation play in the use of 'there you go'?

Intonation is crucial as it changes the meaning of the phrase. Depending on the tone, it can indicate giving something, confirming a point, or encouraging someone, making it essential to use the correct intonation for the context.

Why is 'there you go' a useful phrase for non-native speakers to learn?

It helps avoid dead-end conversations by providing a way to confirm, encourage, or acknowledge someone, making it a versatile and friendly phrase to use in various situations.

What is the difference between 'here you go' and 'there you go'?

Both phrases are interchangeable and mean the same thing when giving someone something. However, 'there you go' is often used after a request, while 'here you go' can be used more generally, even if the item wasn't requested.

This chapter explores the common English phrase "There you go" and its various uses in conversations. The discussion is prompted by a listener's question about the phrase's meaning and usage in different contexts.
  • The phrase "There you go" is used in three distinct ways to confirm something.
  • It's used when giving something to someone after a request.
  • It confirms a point someone has made or demonstrates something.
  • It is used to encourage someone who has achieved something.

Shownotes Transcript


This is an All Ears English podcast, episode 2321. There you go. One phrase for confirming in English.

Welcome to the All Ears English podcast, downloaded more than 200 million times. Are you feeling stuck with your English? We'll show you how to become fearless and fluent by focusing on connection, not perfection with your American host, Aubrey Carter, the IELTS whiz.

and Lindsay McMahon, the English adventurer, coming to you from Arizona and Colorado, USA. To get real-time transcripts right on your phone and create your personalized vocabulary list, try the All Ears English app for iOS and Android. Start your seven-day free trial at forward slash app.

Don't let your conversations have a dead end. Today, learn a new phrase to confirm, but in three very different scenarios.

Quick shout out to our sponsors, Toyota. Announcing the Toyota National Sales Event. Now is a great time to get a special deal on a dependable car. Check out the Camry, which is built for performance with available all-wheel drive. It also has heated seats and a multimedia touchscreen to keep you connected in comfort and style. Or have a look at the Corolla. It has a trim for every lifestyle.

From the hip and agile sedan to the sporty hatchback, there's a dependable Corolla built just for you. Don't forget, both the Camry and the Corollas are available in hybrid. So whatever your style is, you can drive efficiently and affordably. So visit your local Toyota dealer and check out amazing national sales event deals on Camrys, Corollas, and more.

When you visit, that's Toyota, let's go places.

Hello, Aubrey. How are you doing today? I'm great, Lindsay. How are you? Aubrey, I have a question for you because we are following up on your commitment that you made here on the podcast recently, and I think our listeners heard it. So we're all going to ask. Okay, let's hear it. So Aubrey, have you been charging your phone outside of the bedroom, outside of your bedroom? Yes, I have. And it has been helping. I am sleeping better. Well, there you go. Nice job.

Thank you. I don't do it every night, but the nights that I do, I definitely notice a difference, right? I'll like take a little while to fall back to sleep at 2 a.m. when I wake up, but at least I don't have my phone there to like pick up and start reading the news or something. Yes. No, I'm telling you, it's worked for me. I mean, it's helped for sure, right? It is helping. Yes. Thank you for the advice. Good. Yes. Little hacks in life, right? That can really help. But I wonder if our listeners noticed what I said there.

at the end what did I say Aubrey yeah after I said yes it's helping I'm sleeping better than you said well there you go and this is such a native natural way to confirm and courage we use it a few different ways we got a great question about this phrase how yeah go ahead yeah how do you say there you go

How and why and when and what does it do? What's the vibe, right? And I love it when we get these natural questions from our listeners. Clearly, Jason has been listening to native English somewhere and getting it, absorbing it.

it. Right? Love that. Absolutely. Yes. And he left us five stars. So thank you, Jason in Taiwan. Do you want to read the question for us, Lindsay? Okay. So Jason says, thank you so much for creating such a fantastic podcast. Your lessons have really helped me improve my English. Well, that is great to hear Jason bring your friends. Yes. Love it. Awesome. Yeah. I have a question.

I often hear people say, there you go, but I find it hard to understand its exact meaning or how to use it in different situations. Could you explain the various ways there you go is used in English? I'd love to learn more about it from you. Best Jason from Taiwan reviewed us in Apple podcasts. Nice.

Yes. Thank you, Jason, for the review and for the kind words. Thank you everyone who leaves us a review. We read them. We really appreciate them. Yes. We love seeing what you guys think about the show. It keeps us motivated to keep going. So thank you. Yes. Okay, Aubrey, let's break it down. Let's answer Jason's question directly. Yes. So we use this expression, there you go,

Three different ways, and all of them are expressing confirmation of something. Okay. So the first one we'll dive into here is probably the most common. It's said when giving someone something, right? Oh, yeah. And it's usually after a request for it. So it kind of means like, here's what you asked for, or here's what you ordered.

Okay. So that one is the most straightforward for sure. The most physical one, right? So for example, you give someone a book they had asked for and you say, here you go, or sorry, well, we have, there are two things there. There you go. Right. There you go. Or here you go. What is the difference between those two, by the way? Is there a

No difference. Yeah, I would say they're interchangeable. They mean the same thing. I'm glad you said this other one because we use both, right? We'll say, here you go, or there you go. Yeah, no, there's really no difference. The one difference I would say, I think there you go is more often something's been requested and we're sort of saying like, here's what you ordered. Whereas here you go could be, you're just giving them something, whether they asked for it or not. You might then need to explain why you're giving it to them, but there isn't sort of this implied difference.

okay quest that has been made yeah but i think a lot a lot of the time you can get away with both most of the time absolutely very very subtle um so yeah so there you go physically handing over something yeah yeah or maybe a server if they're giving you your food they might say they might say there you go and then they just set the plate down right sure yeah absolutely okay so yeah as you said aubry that is the most straightforward now let's move up in difficulty level maybe and what would be the next one

Okay, so this next one, it means that you have demonstrated my point that I just made. So I made some kind of point, I said something. And so it has a very similar meaning to saying, see what I mean, or you're right, right? You're confirming something.

the point someone has made. Yeah. And this is the one we use at the very top of the show, right? When, yes, you said that the strategy was actually working and I had recommended that strategy. And so you've proved that it's working. Yeah, exactly. Right. And it is very encouraging too, right? So for example, let's say that you say you think a store opens at nine and then a friend confirms it opens at nine and then so you could respond, there you go. Right.

Right. So you're sort of like you have stated something, someone else confirms it. And this is a very friendly way to, you know, say, yeah, see, you're right. Or I was right. See what I mean? Yeah, I'd say it's pretty friendly, right? It's upbeat. It's not rude or kind of, yeah, it's not.

in any way it's just being polite and kind right most of the time another example you say no one is hiring you say that no one is hiring for a job and a friend says they've applied a ton of places and haven't heard back and then you say see there you go right meaning see i'm right no one is actually hiring

Right. Exactly. Right. And this really, you will hear this all the time. We use this all the time because the other ways you could say this, right, to say like, see, I'm right. Or see, you proved my point. Or whatever you could say. Almost sounds more like know-it-all-ish. Right. Whereas this is very friendly and sort of collaborative. Yeah, exactly. Or just the really obnoxious that kids say sometimes, see. Right. That's super obnoxious and annoying. And you just don't want to say that as an adult. Or told you so. Told you so. Told you so.

Don't say those things as an adult now. You're right. So this kind of is the adult equivalent of that, right? Yeah. In a way. But it's more polite. It's more pleasant. Exactly. All right. Let's dive into number three, which is very similar, but it's often just said to encourage. So it means more like you did it or you've done well.

Good. Yes, I love that. So for example, after teaching a child to serve a volleyball, right, you teach them to serve in the game and they succeed many times and you want to say something to encourage that kid. Say, there you go, right? What intonation would you use there, Aubrey?

Now, I think that works or there you go. Because yeah, it's often it's like if someone has tried and tried, there have been multiple attempts. This was also said to me recently at Pickleball because I was trying like a new serve. And when I finally got it, I remember my partner being like, there you go. Interesting. So it's more sort of acknowledging the effort that has been made, the failed attempts. Yes. And saying like, okay, you finally got it. You did it. But very encouraging.

Yeah, I think that's it. I think that's the intonation. There you go. Right? There you go. It's harder on the back end. It's punched on the back end. Love that. I agree. Any other example? Yeah. So I've done this before when someone can't think of a name and then they finally remember it, right? You'll be like, there you go. And this we're punching a little more of the front end because it's sort of like, especially if together you're not remembering, if you're both like, what was their name? And you're both trying to remember and someone says, Janet.

There you go. Right. So it's sort of the it's almost kind of a combination of number two and number three, right, where you're confirming that someone figured it out, but also like giving that little bit of praise like you're the one that figured it out. Good job. Yes, I love that. So good. These are all very distinct ways we use this phrase, right? Yes.

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Okay, Aubrey, let's get into a role play and see where these show up in our conversation. So here we are discussing upcoming movies. I guess that means movies that are going to be released soon. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. You want to start us out? Yes. I think some good movies will be in the theater soon. Yeah, Wicked opens next week. Well, there you go. Hey, I was at Costco and got you some of those chocolates you like. There you go. Oh, there you go. Being so thoughtful again.

So we used all three. This could happen that they all come up in a conversation because like you mentioned, Lindsay, they all sort of have different intonation. And because they all mean something a little different, a native English speaker might not even realize that they're using the same words. Exactly. Exactly. They feel very different. And so the first one I said, I think there will be some good movies. And then you gave me an example to prove my point, right? Which is that lines up with our example at the top of the show too. And I said, well, there you go.

Right? Exactly. Right. That's the second way that we use it. You're confirming you've proven a point. Ah, there you go. Yes, exactly. Then what else Aubrey? And then I said, oh, I got you some of those chocolates you like, and I hear I'm just handing you something. Right? So I hand you this bag of chocolates. There you go. Yes. Good. And then, and now, so this is a number three, the example is number three, and you've given me these chocolates and I want to say, wow, thank you so much. It's a way of saying thank you. Right?

And I, what would you say, Aubrey? What do you think? Yeah. And that was perfect. Like, oh, there you go. Being so thoughtful again. So yeah, this is interesting. Right. So it is, it's, it's sort of encouraging someone for being such a good friend, being thoughtful that we use this. There you go. Yeah. This is really interesting. I'm basically saying, oh, wow, you're being so thoughtful. Exactly. You, you, I want to acknowledge that you're being thoughtful in this moment.

Exactly. Yes. And so sometimes we'll say it sort of at the top of a phrase like this. And in that case, the intonation, we hit you harder, right? It's still there. We're still saying there louder. There you go. But we kind of slow it down. We sort of emphasize each word. There you go being so thoughtful again. Exactly. And for our listeners, guys, if you listen really closely, the intonation is very different from the first one where you said, yeah, Wicked opens next week.

Well, there you go. Right? Very different. I would never use the same intonation with this last example. This is really tricky where for all three of these, the intonation, a lot of the meaning of like which there you go you're using is intonation of the words. Wow. That's really a really important point, right? You can't just say the phrase.

To convey the meaning, we need to say it completely differently. Yeah, I would listen to this episode twice. Like now that you have the meanings of all three ways that we use it, go back, listen to the intonation, note the difference, which words are being emphasized, how do we slow down a little bit because there's a lot of meaning in that intonation. Yes, exactly. Okay, so where else can our listeners go as we're finishing up today if they want more All Ears English?

Yeah, we want to make sure you didn't miss episode 2315. Just scroll up a recent episode that was, who asked you rude phrases to avoid in English? Intonation is also big in that one. And these are some phrases you do not want to be saying. So we want to make sure you didn't miss that. Yes, exactly. And while you're going back to that episode, guys, hit that follow button right here on All Ears English so you won't miss a single episode when it drops into your listening queue.

Now, Aubrey, I feel like we've stumbled on something important, which is intonation. It really matters, especially with a phrase that has three different uses, opposite, totally different uses. So what's our takeaway today? What else should we know? You know, there you go. Like you said, it has three different meanings.

And depending on the intonation and the context, it can, it could actually be quite confusing if you use the wrong intonation. So definitely, I'm glad you guys are following here. Use today's tips because we want you to be able to use these and understand them when others use them. But intonation is everything.

i also think this this phrase could be really useful for our listeners who feel like the conversation just dead ends for you right i know that we've seen that in surveys when we've talked to our listeners sometimes they feel like they don't know what else to say like i could see an example you know i think good movies are coming out yeah wicked opens next week and then silence

What are you going to say? Right? Yes, it does. Okay. Well, we need to say something else. And this could be an add on to keep that conversation going. Good point. It's such a great connection skill to encourage this way to confirm. And this is a great way to do it to say, there you go. Yeah, that's it. So guys, leave this, put this in your repertoire and we will be back very soon. We'll see you next time. Awesome. See you next time. All right, good. Take care. Bye Aubrey. Bye.

Thanks for listening to All Ears English. Would you like to know your English level? Take our two-minute quiz. Go to forward slash fluency score. And if you believe in connection, not perfection, then hit subscribe now to make sure you don't miss anything. See you next time.

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