cover of episode AEE 2321: There You Go! One Phrase For Confirming in English

AEE 2321: There You Go! One Phrase For Confirming in English

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Aubrey: 在日常对话中,"There you go"可以用于确认某事正在起作用,例如确认一个策略是否有效。它也可以在递送物品时使用,表示"给你"。此外,它还可以用来确认某人证明了你的观点,或者在鼓励他人时使用,尤其是在经过多次尝试后成功时。 Lindsay: "There you go"是一种地道的英语表达方式,用于确认。它有三种不同的用法,都表示对某事的确认。第一种用法是在递送物品时使用,表示"给你";第二种用法是用来确认某人证明了你的观点;第三种用法是用来鼓励他人。"There you go"和"Here you go"可以互换使用,但"There you go"更常用于回应请求。使用"There you go"比其他类似表达方式更友好,避免了不礼貌的表达。在鼓励他人时,语调会更强调。它可以用来确认某人想起了某件事,并给予鼓励。在对话中,"There you go"的三种用法都可能出现,其含义取决于语调和语境。 Aubrey: "There you go"的含义取决于语调和语境。在不同的语境下,它的用法和含义都略有不同,例如在确认某人观点正确时,语调会比较轻松友好;而在递送物品时,语调则比较直接;而在鼓励他人时,语调则会更强调,表达一种赞扬和鼓励的意味。因此,学习"There you go"的关键在于理解其语调,以及在不同的语境下如何灵活运用。 Lindsay: 学习"There you go"的三个不同含义和语调。正确使用"There you go"需要掌握其语调。"There you go"可以帮助避免对话冷场,是一种很好的连接技巧,可以用来确认和鼓励。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the primary purpose of the phrase 'there you go' in English?

It is used to confirm something in three different scenarios: when giving someone something, confirming a point someone has made, or encouraging someone for their effort or success.

How is 'there you go' used when giving someone something?

It is commonly used after a request to indicate that what was asked for is being handed over. For example, after someone asks for a book, you might say, 'There you go' as you give it to them.

What does 'there you go' mean when confirming a point someone has made?

It is used to acknowledge that someone has demonstrated or proven a point you made. It is similar to saying, 'See what I mean?' or 'You're right.'

How is 'there you go' used to encourage someone?

It is used to praise or encourage someone for their effort or success, often after multiple attempts. For example, after teaching a child to serve a volleyball and they finally succeed, you might say, 'There you go.'

What role does intonation play in the use of 'there you go'?

Intonation is crucial as it changes the meaning of the phrase. Depending on the tone, it can indicate giving something, confirming a point, or encouraging someone, making it essential to use the correct intonation for the context.

Why is 'there you go' a useful phrase for non-native speakers to learn?

It helps avoid dead-end conversations by providing a way to confirm, encourage, or acknowledge someone, making it a versatile and friendly phrase to use in various situations.

What is the difference between 'here you go' and 'there you go'?

Both phrases are interchangeable and mean the same thing when giving someone something. However, 'there you go' is often used after a request, while 'here you go' can be used more generally, even if the item wasn't requested.

This chapter explores the common English phrase "There you go" and its various uses in conversations. The discussion is prompted by a listener's question about the phrase's meaning and usage in different contexts.
  • The phrase "There you go" is used in three distinct ways to confirm something.
  • It's used when giving something to someone after a request.
  • It confirms a point someone has made or demonstrates something.
  • It is used to encourage someone who has achieved something.

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