Homeschooling doesn’t mean doing public school at home, and it doesn’t mean you have to homeschool like your friend with 15 years of homeschool experience. Your journey is unique! Dena Bless joins Jim Mason (HSLDA President) in an encouraging conversation about beginning your homeschool journey, the importance of community, and how to (and why you should) connect with your state organization or local homeschool group. Enjoy their discussion on the benefits of homeschooling and fostering relationships with your children. “I remember when I started [homeschooling], I was afraid. Can I actually do this? Will I do enough? Will I do too much? Will I ruin my kids? Will I never graduate [my kids] or never have enough knowledge or whatever? I think a big part of what [community] does is provide that support of, yes, you can do it and your homeschool doesn't have to look like everybody else's home school, right? Your family is different.”—Dena Bless