cover of episode Is Homeschooling a Bipartisan Issue? | An Interview with Tom Leonard

Is Homeschooling a Bipartisan Issue? | An Interview with Tom Leonard

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Homeschool Talks: Ideas and Inspiration for Your Homeschool

Shownotes Transcript

Never assume that an individual is or isn’t an ally of homeschooling based on their political affiliation. Join Tom Leonard, attorney and former Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives, and Jim Mason (HSLDA President) in an insightful discussion on the grassroot efforts of homeschool advocacy. You’ll be encouraged to cultivate relationships with legislators across parties, because you never know what might happen! “It's about the issue. It's not about the party. [I believe] a couple of our biggest allies right now on this issue are Democrats that serve in the House of Representatives. But on the flip side, I can't tell you how many Republicans that you would think this [would be] an easy issue for them. They're conservative. They've got a conservative voting record who when you first bring this up, their first question is, “well, Tom, you're just talking about a registry. What does it matter?” Now once you have that conversation, they understand it. But again, assume nothing in this business. Never assume that somebody is not going to be an ally and never assume that somebody is. Get out there and educate these legislators in a very respectful way!”—Tom Leonard