In the first episode of 51percent's Institutional Crypto Podcast, we have the co-founder and CEO of Polymath, Trevor Koverko. Polymath is one of the most well know and largest security token platforms, and is leading the charge to securitize potentially trillions in assets.
In this episode we dive into -
The creation of Polymath
State of security token platforms
Size of the security token market
How Trevor's mentality has changed over the years since launching Polymath, and how Polymath wants to work with institutions.
Will Polymath stay linked to Ethereum?
40+ tokens have been launched on the platform.
"The security token market will be bigger than the market for utility tokens"
There are no demand problems on attracting entities interested in doing security token offerings.
Existing banks are going to have their taxi cab moment and if they don't take us seriously, they're going to get uberized"
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Disclosure: Tom Shaughnessy owns tokens in ETH and POLY. This podcast is NOT investment advice and is only informational. Do not make investment decisions based upon this podcast.