cover of episode Harry Sudock and Nick Sandomeno: Down The Bitcoin Mining and Security Rabbit Hole

Harry Sudock and Nick Sandomeno: Down The Bitcoin Mining and Security Rabbit Hole

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The Delphi Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Host Tom Shaughnessy) of Delphi Digital) ( is joined by Harry Sudock, a director of strategy at Griid Infrastructure (Bitcoin Mining Firm) and Nick Sandomeno who is a financial planning analyst at Astorino Financial Group. 

We dive into the Bitcoin mining industry, costs, and explore the major issues around mining from sustainability to costs and what the future looks like. This was a very exciting discussion, and sheds light on the mining industry which underpins Bitcoin's security. 


Follow Tom on Twitter @Shaughnessy119)

Follow Harry on Twitter @harry_sudock )

Follow Nick on Twitter @NickSandomeno)


Disclosures: This podcast is strictly informational and educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any tokens or securities or to make any financial decisions. Do not trade or invest in any project, tokens, or securities based upon this podcast episode. The host may personally own tokens that are mentioned on the podcast. Tom owns tokens in ETH, BTC, XTZ, LEO, DCR and STX. 


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Potential Guests: If you're interested in appearing on the podcast, email [email protected]
