Host Tom Shaughnessy of is joined by Gregory Rocco and Jacob Blish, two token designers and engineers as ConsenSys' Alpine Spoke. The conversation covers everything from the use cases and design of utility tokens, to designing for governance and positive incentives and even token doomsday scenarios.
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Topics covered include
How the two design tokens for crypto projects
How to decide which projects actually need a token
The use cases of tokens (payments, voting, work, and representative) tokens.
Why we don't need so many utility tokens, we can just use Ethereum.
Convincing enterprises why shared infrastructure through token usage is the future, and convincing them how to use work tokens.
Why Brave doesn't need its BAT token
0x Project and MakerDAO token dynamics
The idea of futility tokens, and how projects that issued tokens that don't need them will pivot.
designing tokens that offer real foundational governance
How to design token governance the right way
Doomsday scenarios; how changes to the base protocol of blockchains can negatively impact all of the decentralized applications and smart contracts built on top of it.
We also detail Rocco's posts; The Death of Decentralization (the buzzword).
How to design for decentralization
Debating whether a project having a centralized leader is a good thing or a bad thing
How to handle token voting.
Follow Tom on Twitter @Shaughnessy119)
Follow Rocco on Twitter @Obstropolos )
Follow Jacob on Twitter @chaingenius)
ConsenSys' Website )
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Disclosure: Tom Shaughnessy owns tokens in ETH, MKR, ZRX, HYDRO, CVC, POLY and GLA. This podcast is NOT investment advice and is only informational. Do not make investment decisions based upon this podcast. 51percent was not compensated by any party for this podcast episode. Tom has no investment stake in ConsenSys or PegaSys.
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