In *Daring Greatly, *Brene Brown shares her research-backed theories and approaches to vulnerability; showing it in a new, less judgmental light. In this book she also talks about feedback, and how many avoid it because of shame. After all, how can you feel bad about yourself if no one else looks at what you have made? I argue that feedback is found everywhere. To avoid feedback is to avoid good work. If you run a creative business, a podcast, a YouTube channel, or are looking for a way to improve, the only clear answer is feedback. Writers get numerous feedback, and through it, their best work is reached. Why should it be any different for you? Listen to this episode, and you'll see just how embedded into our world feedback really is.
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The Book Basement is a five times weekly podcast that discusses and breaks down everything related to books. Whether you’re looking for book summaries, book recommendations, book reviews, author interviews, and book quotes then this is your podcast! I cover a wide variety of books, both fiction and nonfiction and I compress some of their quotes and teachings into short, digestible episodes that you can listen to as a part of your daily morning routine. I have talked about books such as Atomic Habits by James Clear, The Psychology of Money, by Morgan Housel, Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, Steal like an Artist by Austin Kleon as well as other, fiction books such as A Good Girls Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson, Verity by Colleen Hoover and It Ends With Us by the same author. If you’re looking to reach your reading goals and learn more about the genre of self-help, philosophy, psychology, and fiction books of the sort, then check out some of our other episodes!